Wednesday 19 November 2008

The Evolution Of Theses, The Observation Of Hyperrealities

In precisely two weeks time, I will be raising my bat to celebrate fifty years of trying to get myself killed.

From the hospitalising Hypothermia in the Orkneys when our speed-boat broke down in the northern outreaches of the islands as we pursued a sealing boat nearly thirty years ago this November, to the underworld threats relating to our exposure of various aspects of the takeover of top-flight English football by that very same underworld, I've been quite willing to take personal risk to energise political/social change.

But, you know what, right?
I'm going to spend my second fifty years trying to stay alive instead.

I don't need to do these things and, effectively, there is no option other than a major change in the output of the Football Is Fixed blog.

I've yo-yo'd on this recently as I tried to both deal with the management of change issues and the scenario analyses available via different strategic routes.
But, following two days extensive brainstorming, I've decided on a re-jigged strategy ahead.

There is not one route that leads to a sustainable future for this blog as a source of information relating to the specific criminalisation of football. We shall continue to make general, systemic and holistic statements, but no more personalisation.
Prior to the implementation of all Projects, I clearly define the Exit Route(s).
I understood when I started the Football Is Fixed blog that there would be two distinct phases in the development, with a trappy changeover period between these two realities.
Myself and my colleagues are in these choppy waters now.

We have numerous meetings set up over the next three weeks.
If any of these meetings bear fruit, I will have to adjust the blogs' profile, as it would be inappropriate to continue with controversialist content when I am supposed to be behaving in a more grown up manner.
So, for example, I am meeting with several people within UEFA regarding the creation of a template that will make the rigging of football matches markedly more complex for those who would sell our game to the gambling markets.
I understand that this developmental work does not sit comfortably with crypto-allegations about the integrity of this particular goalkeeper or that particular referee.
I understand that none of the criminals involved in match rigging are likely to be brought to justice.
It would be terminally bad for the brand for this to occur.
So, in these cases, I need to shut up...

Of course, these meetings might not yield any mutually beneficial crossovers as we are very fussy about who we work with, but, in such a scenario, once again the Football Is Fixed blog will need to be wound down.

During the last two years, the blog has been tolerated as it has served the purpose of a source of valuable information about the demise of a once great sport.
Our messages were ahead of the public perception of the hyperreality and, consequently, were of little direct threat to the corruptions taking place.
Indeed, unknowingly, we have probably helped to improve some corrupt templates.

However the next few months play out, if we are not inside the loop, then we have no choice other than to be invisible again...

We've had some incredibly helpful communications with readers regarding the risks we have been taking in our exposing of the criminal activities underpinning the English Premiership.
Two narratives featuring the situations for similar investigative journalists in Italy and Greece will be printed in a future post but, suffice to say, we need to adjust our risk profiles.
I certainly need to adjust mine...

Over the last eight years, I have spent much of the time living in Romania or Kerkyra just to address these type of security issues.
I am invisible in Britain.
I'm tired of living like this...

When a French citizen wished to expose aspects of the money laundering and fraud relating to the Pompey Nine, he went through a Parisien lawyer as he feared for his life.
We confront these same people directly.
We have met with several of the criminal fringe relating to the Pompey Nine grouping, we didn't hire muscle, we didn't have colleagues sitting at adjacent restaurant tables gaming the meetings, we never chose protection.
We have always understood that our Market Analytical abilities are our trump card.
We are able to enhance the trading activities of anyone that we chose to operate with...

Football Is Fucked.
Just suppose the betting monitoring units within UEFA are not under the control of bookmaking bodies (a big 'suppose'), and just assume that myself and my colleagues were given a free rein to create the perfect template for undermining the impact of gambling money on match outcomes, and just believe, for one moment, that these recommendations and templates were accepted higher up the hierarchy, and even dare to consider that the template might be correctly implemented globally.
And, Football will still be Fucked.

If the illegal markets are driven further underground and the systemic nature of the corruption is deconstructed, the same dynamic will regain momentum, gaming the new regulations to proprietary advantage.
If the illegal markets are opened up and regulated, the rewards for gaining systemic control will be even greater than is currently the case. Think Hank Paulson...

Climate change is different.
As The System of Capital insists that we are going to be trading our future existential probabilities as a species in the psychopathic marketplace, then it is critical to game those markets to maximise the possibility of positive feedback loops rather than the non-sustainable sort that Shareholder Capitalism always seems to select.

Markets are both economic and psychological mechanisms, and the mass psychologies relating to the impacts of climate change are colossal.
Just as myself and my colleagues have traded very profitably on short-selling the current system over the early days of this global Recession, we see many strategies to target inappropriate business entities and sectors in the coming decades.

As Shareholder Capitalism refuses to factor externalities into the market prices, all such prices are, in Reality, incorrect.
They simply represent a guesstimate, skewed by singular and collective irrationalities, of a short-termist perspective on a non-holistic perception.

We are going to try to set up the first Green Hedge Fund.
Properly Green.
A Socialist Entity in a Shareholder Capitalist Template - no hierarchy, just a co-operative trading team, profits being used to solicit Real change.
We would be aiming to raise capital to short-sell the sectors who are not taking the lives of future generations seriously enough.
We would be looking to be making medium-long term bets against the market.
We are not interested in playing the psychopathic cycles of insider trading.
In the longer term, the Realities of Climate Change will force a price correction in the Hyperrealities of the Market.

The only risk to the strategic advancement of such an entity would be systemic.
If moral hazard, or any of the other personality styles that define the upper echelons of the global financial system, results in existential threat then there is the risk of counterparty implosion, and so our Exit routes will need to be clearly gamed and defined.

Protesting against the systemic abuse of football, from the outside, is pointless.
Protesting against the systemic abuse of the planet, from the outside, is also pointless.
We have no democratic rights to achieve change.
These people only respect the markets - and I refer both to football and financial markets here - and the only way to target these operations is to confront them in the marketplace.

© Football Is Fixed/Dietrological