Thursday 8 February 2007

Time To Develop A Negative Spin On Peace

Hamas and Fatah creating a unity government for Palestine is the best news of 2007 to date.
One would hope that the global sanctions can now be lifted to provide these impoverished people with a chance of survival with their democratically elected government.
However, Israeli bulldozers moved into southern Lebanon as soon as news leaked of the impending agreement in Mecca and the Americans put out some bellicose attitudes with respect to Iran so not much should be expected from the west.
Prior to the likelihood of a Hamas/ Fatah arrangement, today the US was putting out a semi-accomodatory stance towards Iran - "No intention of war with Iran" on Reuters and "US doesn't see Iran test missiles as threat" also on Reuters both released several hours prior to this historic agreement.
Then peace broke out... It's particularly annoying when peace obstructs your geopolitical strategy.