Wednesday 21 February 2007

Spectacular Society and Market Disinformation?

The Wednesday Champions League markets are very entertaining - none more so than the battle between the last two winners of the competition.
The Liverpudlians are one of the few Premiership teams that we are unable to access for useful inside knowledge but we remain suspicious about the reality of the Bellamy versus Riise "disinformation". Most media outlets have pulled their reporting of the original story which is revealing in itself. The layers knew that they would be targeted on this match with Liverpool enjoying a holiday break in Portugal while the Catalans faced Valencia in a critical La Liga event. The global gamble on the Scousers has been significant in it's volume.
Just an educated guess, but given the history of Benitez, we reckon that Bellamy and Riise will perform suitably down the Barca right hand wing - spectacular society bluff...
This is not necessarily suggestive of our own market position as we are not willing to disclose our trading angles on this match - it is merely something to bear in mind if you are thinking of getting involved or are already involved in this event.
The battle between the winners three years ago and the winners this year (??) is also a very intriguing betting event. There were volumes of liquidity on Porto in the early Asian exchanges and, despite some resistance in the days leading up to the match, the global gamble has continued unabated. We have taken a major view on this game as Dietrological clients will appreciate - some very hot money if you are looking in the correct places...

PS Post Match Update - Are we cool or are we cool??!! We were on Liverpool big style and Bellamy and Riise scored for our bank balances. The biggest impact on tonight's game was studiously avoided in the press - Rijkaard's imminent departure from Catalunya.
And as for the agreed draw between Chelsea and one of their reserve teams, I've seen more competitiveness at a pacifist tiddlywinks tournament...
Loads of money for Dietrological :)