Thursday 30 June 2016

"Me, A Whistleblower?"

Our book "Me, A Whistleblower?: Hacking A Spy through the Maze of Football Espionage" will be published next spring.

Watch this space for snippets and pre-ordering details.

Terry Steans (Former Head of Global Investigations at FIFA):

"I worked inside FIFA investigating match fixing and at the ICSS before seeing the light.

"I've watched  the growth of Sportradar ever since Chris Eaton the former head of FIFA security started to push them into football associations instead of EWS but that's another story.

"I could never reconcile how my fixing sources were telling me matches were fixed and yet Sportradar saw nothing. Moreover could not share information with us due to client confidentiality. 

"Keep going... Expose the lot of them... Fixing is not going away and the corruption just grows."

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