Tuesday 9 July 2024

Don't Let The Cuntiums Get Ya

Don't Let The Cuntiums Get Ya

By far the most exciting aspect of the finale of Euro 2024 is that the four semi-finalists are the four joint winners of Eurovision in 1969.

Lulu is, of course, Scottish but you get the picture in this United Kingdom (sic).

It was another Lulu (the sensationally named Lulu Sun) who demolished the spectacle of Raducanuism at the ludicrous anachronistic post-imperial shitshow that is Wimbledon.
Boom Bang-A-Bang.

Raducanu's representatives are rogue and she is being manipulated by the forces of organised crime (whether she is aware of this fact or not). As the Guardian delightedly informed us that Ms Raducanu wasn't aware of the British election last week, we should assume that she is not the most astute bulb in the chandelier.

"Astonishing" was Judy Murray's opinion of Raducanu pulling on her son Andy's Wimbledon swansong.
It was even more astonishing that she later decided that it wasn't so astonishing after all when menaces from a rancid wee man surfaced. 

The really astonishing thing is that the Guardian (allegedly a serious paper) gave so much coverage to the machinations of the mafia shenanigans around Raducanu.
Pure spectacle.


So, Britain is now run by a psychopathic plank of softwood called Starmer.
He has established a House of Cads.

But at least we're shut of the Victorian Lamppost (Rees Mogg), the Shit Shuffler (Coffey), the Delirious Lettuce (Truss), the Snivelling Shyster (Schapps), the Poundland Princess (Mordaunt) and the Missing Link (Fabricant).
Additionally, Braverman's main backer has pulled on her leadership bid and Ian Paisley Junior can spend more time practicing his racism, bigotry, sexism and homophobia as well as offering support to £350 Bail Rapist Geoffrey Donaldson who sexually abused underage girls in his own family.
A contact is married into the Donaldson family and we know of what we speak...
... infiltration is our forte, after all.

The DUP evidently stands for Donaldson Ulster Pedophile.

And Sinn Fein becoming the largest party in the Occupied Territories brings a United Ireland much much closer.
Sure, aren't we all Irish anyhow

And we have the sixth Tory prime minister in 8 years.

Those destroying our sports tell us that we should keep politics out of sport which is a good enough reason alone to integrate politics into sport.

But the politics-out-of-sport fuckwits are selective in their mantra - so Russian politics must be included in sport while American and Israeli politics musn't.

And both Semi Finals of the Euros are most definitely politics-in-sport events.

Spain v France

Marchons Marchons
Marchons Melenchon
Marchons Melenchon

Watching Le Pen crying at the news conference after her defeat to an Anarchist, Communist, Socialist, Environmentalist Coalition was a beautiful sporting moment and a major boon to the French squad in Germany. The fact that, strategically, France is still fucked as the powers that be would rather allow fascism than Socialism is conveniently ignored for now - the French deserve Happy Days prior to the Jack Boot.

An aside.

What have Jordan Pickford and Jean-Luc Melenchon got in common?
They both stopped Le Pen.

The background to the first Semi Final create complexities.
As I write (9 hours to kick off), there is a lot of insider trading (both directly and by proxy) on a Spanish victory in 90 minutes and the Spaniards are markedly the fitter of the two teams.

But one of the more engaging things about sport is the psychological - and morale can quantum shift based on externalities.

Unfortunately, integrity will not be invited to the event as Ceferin's Vincic is referee so the winner will be the nation selected by Ceferin.

This is Deep Fake Footie.

The whole tournament has been characterised by three key holistic inputs - Deep Fake, Mafia Control Of Referee Selection and Rampant Insider Trading By Those In-The-Know.

We are closely monitoring the insider trading / matchfixing emanating from the SWUC Cartel of Criminals.

Could it be that SWUC really stands for Sociopathic Wankers Unifying Corruption?

Predatory Capitalism has taken control of football...
... but more of that nest of vipers tomorrow.

It's grand, isn't it?