Monday 29 December 2008

The Fascism Of Football #

"It would not be impossible to prove, with sufficient repetition and psychological understanding of the people concerned, that a square is in fact a circle. They are mere words and words can be moulded until they clothe ideas in disguise" - no, not Richard Scudamore, but, in fact, Joseph Goebbels, the nazi minister of propaganda.

Football has evolved into free market fascism.

The betting markets in the English Premiership are a very different beast this season as numerous separate power loci fight for psychopathic control of the markets.
These consortia, operations and individuals are not interested in playing the probabilities, they desire ultimate control.

Nailed on.

The separate match events are only one part of the problem for these crooks.
A one-off little earner is not enough.
The control needs to be extended to agents, managers, media, administrators, match officials.
Then what we have is a more systemic situation in a mature marketplace - a fragmented cartel where insiders play with our Realities for their psychopathic and proprietary gain.
The only progression left for such a sector is towards an ultimate cartel.

But, no such entity exists.
Lets look at another example of mass murkiness - horseracing on this septic isle is as murky a collection of markets as you are likely to find.
Rigging of outcomes is the norm as the betting markets dominate the races.
It has been in this mature state for decades has the Sport of Crooks.

There is an attempt at the implementation of a systemic template in horseracing and, indeed, certain centres are able to exert a significantly corrupt degree of influence on the race outcomes.
But, as with football, the ultimate systemic infrastructure is a trading nirvana.

Systemic monopolists become inefficient.
Opportunities quantum in and out of neohyperreality.
New competition emerges.

There can be no super-mature market phase - just a fragmented cartel of corruption, criminality and insider trading.

This creates difficulties for all market participants.
Oh, and it utterly destroys the integrity of the sport ('sport' in the case of horseracing, as this abuse has always existed in hyperreality).

We need to think of this structure a little like those multi-dimensional chess games that sci-fi places in front of the nerdy ones among you.

The vertically integrated hierarchy extends from corporations to the marketplace to the chess boards.
On the top table, the neohyperreal game takes place; on the lower tables are the liggers, those who leech onto the insiders, hoping to gather crumbs of knowledge (think journalists); sometimes playing with the liggers, and sometimes among themselves, the next strata brings the market analysts to the game; and, at the bottom of the pile, are the punters who must be kept in the dark regarding the existence of any of the higher tables.

To be a successful analyst, you need to be able to evaluate all of these tables concurrently in real-time on every match in your portfolio.
As we must accept that there is no hope of redemption for football, we need to assess the difference between the two types of neohyperreality on offer - the fragmented cartel market and the ultimate control market.

The whole template is an extension of that which existed in the England international scene prior to the FA appointing a proper manager - ################
England matches existed in two forms.
The fragmented cartel structure was the foundation of this...
To our knowledge, there were three different operations targeting England games - ############################################################################

And, it is these characters plus a whole load of extra inputs that are determining the hyperrealities that you witness on your screens every week.
The England Template is now ScudamoreWorld's Template.
But, ultimate control is a dangerous thing.

When certain people are involved in the total control of certain games involving a certain grouping of clubs who are involved together, so to speak, there is going to be a reaction.
The degree of control that one consortium possessed in the Premiership is a clear example of this.
In the early season, this grouping of insiders was clearing a tidy profit.
And then some...
90% of the corruptions were successful.

Since the beginning of November, however, there has been a market reaction against this consortium, and their proprietary trading has been far less successful.
Ultimate control and greed is an idiotic market strategy.
It is totally short-termist and it marks you out as a certain type of operator, hence highly restricting future market options.
There is no trust in psychopathy.
That will teach them to use a failed bookmaker as the brains (sic) of the operation!

Due to this inept excuse of a strategy, there will only ever be a small number of events where this particular operation will be able to exert ultimate control.
Levels of investment in the more fragmented markets will always have to be compressed.
The level of illicit profits will be compromised.

Of course, this may only be regarded as a minor Pyrrhic victory.
Matches are still being contorted by these people in virtually every single round of matches.
Your Reality is their neohyperreality.

There were a lot of empty seats around the matches yesterday.
Betting turnover is down severely over the last two months.
One of the biggest teams (financially) in the world are unable to find a buyer.
The transfer market in January is highly entertaining (see post on holistic sabermetrics next week).
Portsmouth and West Ham are on the verge of going under.
Fat Men are back.

Systemic and fragmented cartel corruptions linked to the underground betting markets blight the league.
As the Depression hyperreally begins to bite, financial salvation will be repeatedly found in the marketplace.
Hence, more empty seats, less turnover, still no buyers, the transfer market becoming even more like a latter day slave trade, more Fat Men.
And over and over and over and over and over...

But, at least Pompey and the Hammers will survive.

So that's alright then.

The remainder of this document is for the Dietrological Trading Team only and concerns yet more new fragmented cartel cybernetics for you to enjoy!!

Unfortunately, the blocked out parts of the posts and all posts labelled # are available in full to subscribers only.
Our roster is now full for Football Is Fixed.
But, please enjoy the free snippets that we are posting on this site.

© Football Is Fixed/Dietrological