Tuesday, 30 December 2008


As we have told you good people before, Edward Dowling stated in 1941: "The two greatest obstacles to democracy in the United States are, first, the widespread delusion among the poor that we have a democracy, and second, the chronic terror among the rich, lest we get it."

If we unselfconsciously treat illusion objectively as a reality, Calinescu states that "we bind ourselves to its nature and become the slaves of a lifeless dogma."

Welcome to ObamaWorld.

In this, the second post of our seasonal trilogy (the first may be located at: http://footballisfixed.blogspot.com/2008/12/rebellion-of-words.html), we address the illusion of ObamaWorld.
Our final triptychal offering in the New Year will depress you about the Depression.

After Sarah Palin was announced as Oven-Chips' running partner, the prediction markets put the two candidates for the US presidency neck-and-neck.
Despite several seriously illegal wars under the Geneva Conventions, despite numerous incursions into sovereign territories (think Ecuador, Iran, Pakistan, Sudan, Somalia, Gaza, Equatorial Guinea, Angola, Bolivia etc etc etc), despite extraordinary rendition and the liberal use of torture, despite illegal surveillance of its own citizens, despite leading the country and the world to the brink of a Depression, despite ignoring the Malthusian limits of climate change, despite all this, the Republicans stood level with the Democrats going into the final straight.

Then Hank Paulson pushed the Goldman Sachs hidden agenda a shade too far and the inevitable Depression was brought forward.
The meltdown began too early.

So, in the end, Obama wins by 52% to 46%.
This is hardly a landslide or a ringing endorsement.
Its a photo-finish in a racist state.

The marketing of ObamaWorld was based on two delusions - Black and Change.
We have stated on numerous occasions over the last eighteen months that Obama could only become US president if he ceased to be Black.
He achieved this aim.
As for Change, there is no Change.

We'll firstly focus on Obama's financial team and on the financial institutions that bankrolled the early stages of his campaign, before the gullible and the disenfranchised dug deep into their Depression-hit pockets to support the man.
Secondly, we focus on what Obama's election will change globally.

Quoting John Pilger: "Despite claiming that his campaign wealth comes from small individual donors, Obama is backed by the biggest Wall Street firms: Goldman Sachs, UBS AG, Lehman Brothers, J P Morgan Chase, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley and Credit Suisse, as well as the huge hedge fund Citadel Investment Group. 'Seven of the Obama campaign's top 14 donors,' wrote the investigator Pam Martens, 'consisted of officers and employees of the same Wall Street firms charged time and again with looting the public and newly implicated in originating and/or bundling fraudulently made mortgages.' A report by United for a Fair Economy, a non-profit group, estimates the total loss to poor Americans of colour who took out sub-prime loans as being between $164bn and $213bn: the greatest loss of wealth ever recorded for people of colour in the United States. 'Washington lobbyists haven't funded my campaign,' said Obama in January, 'they won't run my White House and they will not drown out the voices of working Americans when I am president.' According to files held by the Centre for Responsive Politics, the top five contributors to the Obama campaign are registered corporate lobbyists.

Say its not so...

The gullible held their breaths collectively as Obama announced his economic team.
Would he take any actions to introduce non-free market knowledge into the analyses?
Yeah right...

According to the Economist, one hedge fund manager who, prior to the election, was terrified that Obama would introduce confiscatory tax policies and seriously enhanced regulation breathed a sigh of relief. "No Robert Reichs," he said, a reference to the leftish adviser who was Clinton's labour secretary. "There's no radicals in the whole cabinet that anyone can find."
The selection of Larry Summers as director of the National Economic Council is particularly odious.
Summers is like Cheney - he exhibits every possible -ism as a badge of honour and pride. Sexism, elitism, racism, Friedmanism, classism, the man is repugnant.
Check out Mr Summers views on Africa and climate change, for example: "I've always thought that under-populated countries in Africa are vastly under-polluted, their air quality is probably vastly inefficiently low compared to Los Angeles or Mexico City."

Summers also backed the law that broke down the barriers between commercial and investment banks - a development that is at the foundation of the current Depression (see recent analyses by Stiglitz).
He still believes that this was the correct decision when everybody now understands that free markets are psychopathically flawed.

Other members of the economic team are hardly more encouraging.
Christina Romer has recently published a paper claiming that raising taxes retards growth while Jason Furman outraged unions with his article, "Wal-Mart: A Progressive Success Story". Tim Greitner, the Treasury Secretary, is a central banker who has been part of the team that has magnified the impact of the recession into a full Depression with the implementation of the policies of Paulson/Bernanke over the last year and a half.

This should not be a surprise to the blinkered hordes. Throughout the election campaign, Obama surrounded himself with Friedmanists from the Chicago School of free-market ideology.


What about globally? With America's stock at an all-time low, is our right wing free marketeer the man to make real change in, say, Palestine, or Iraq, or Afghanistan, or Colombia, or Lebanon, or Syria?
And what about the roles of the IMF and the World Bank, and the link between free markets and the collapse of Iceland's entire economy?

Dichotomous and duplicitous...
That is the response of ObamaWorld to global issues.

Far too busy to go through each of these scenarios in detail, so let's just take Palestine.
In his exceedingly elongated interview with Time magazine, Mr Obama devoted just one sentence to the Arab-Israeli conflict: "And seeing if we can build on some of the progress, at least in conversation, that's been made around the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will be a priority."

As Robert Fisk states: "What is this man talking about? "Building on progress?" What progress? On the verge of another civil war between Hamas and the Palestinian Authority, with Benjamin Netanyahu a contender for Israeli prime minister, with Israel's monstrous wall and its Jewish colonies still taking more Arab land, and Palestinians still firing rockets at Sderot, and Obama thinks there's 'progress' to build on?"

On June 4th last year, Obama attended the conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (Aipac). During his speech, our agent of Change actually offered some Real Change.
But not of the sort that his supporters might have been expecting...
He promised to support an "undivided Jerusalem" as Israel's capital.
As Pilger notes: "Not a single government on earth supports the Israeli annexation of all of Jerusalem, including the Bush regime, which recognises the UN resolution designating Jerusalem an international city."

Pilger, again, "America's war on Iran has already begun. In December, Bush secretly authorised support for two guerrilla armies inside Iran, one of which, the military arm of Mujahedin-e Khalq, is described by the state department as terrorist... A new military command, Africom, is being set up to fight proxy wars for control of Africa's oil and other riches. With US missiles soon to be stationed provocatively on Russia's borders, the Cold War is back."

Oh, and just before he leaves office, the strange idiot child from Texas authorises the disgusting and illegal zionist genocide that is currently being unleashed in Gaza.
And, meanwhile, the Iraqi's are torturing Muntador al-Zaidi, the complete hero who launched his size tens at that same strange idiot child...


So the state-based economy and the imperial global outreach will continue.
Not Change, but More Of The Same.

In conclusion, we attempt to assess the reason that the World is Upside Down.
Many of the individuals who dominate our planet are under the influence of psychopathic personality disorder (PPDs) - see numerous previous posts.
To deal with these characters, think Bush, Murdoch, Saddam, Paulson, Netanyahu, Madoff, al-Bashir, Cheney, Blair, Kim Jong-il etc etc etc, we need to establish a new PDSA - a People's Dispensary for Sick Antisocials.
How about Bikini Atoll?

But then there is this vast pool of the Acquiescent.
Intellectuals who choose to go along with these propaganda and lies.
They too suffer the dichotomous/duplicitous split in their existence.
How does a scientist equate the search for truth with the suppression of that very same truth once she/he has found it?
What sort of quest for knowledge is this, other than intellectually blinkered and societally flawed?

Noam Chomsky: "We can distinguish what we you might call their [the intellectuals] "task" from their moral responsibility. Their task, that is, the reason why social institutions provide them with this time and effort, their task is, say, so that they can support power, authority, they can carry out doctrinal management. They can try to ensure that others perceive the world in a way which is supportive of existing authority and privilege. That's their task. If they stop performing their task, they're likely to be deprived of the opportunities to dedicate themselves to intellectual work. On the other hand, their moral responsibility is quite different, in fact, almost the opposite. Their moral responsibility is to try to understand the truth, to try to work with others to come to an understanding of what the world is like, to try to convey that to other people, help them understand, and lay the basis for constructive action. That's their responsibility. But of course there is a conflict. If you pursue the responsibility, you're likely to be denied the privileges of exercising the intellectual effort."

Bakunin was correct - it is the intellectuals and their narrow power endeavours that are the primary danger to the planet and our species.

Finally, having already been shown to be the fools that they are, the millions of white middle class people in the alleged First World who were deluded by ObamaWorld during and after the election campaign are also guilty of exhibiting a sort of mass-racist-tendency.
When Obama made that speech last June about an undivided Jerusalem, his myopic supporters carried on regardless in their adulatory campaigning.
When his backers were shown to be the same Wall St criminals who had just stolen trillions from the people, the applause kept ringing.
The collective racism stated that things must be better, there will be Change. Because the man is Black.
Not an ounce of nous.

As the performance poet Su Andi once said to me: "Not all Black men smoke dope."

© Football Is Fixed/Dietrological

Monday, 29 December 2008

The Fascism Of Football #

"It would not be impossible to prove, with sufficient repetition and psychological understanding of the people concerned, that a square is in fact a circle. They are mere words and words can be moulded until they clothe ideas in disguise" - no, not Richard Scudamore, but, in fact, Joseph Goebbels, the nazi minister of propaganda.

Football has evolved into free market fascism.

The betting markets in the English Premiership are a very different beast this season as numerous separate power loci fight for psychopathic control of the markets.
These consortia, operations and individuals are not interested in playing the probabilities, they desire ultimate control.

Nailed on.

The separate match events are only one part of the problem for these crooks.
A one-off little earner is not enough.
The control needs to be extended to agents, managers, media, administrators, match officials.
Then what we have is a more systemic situation in a mature marketplace - a fragmented cartel where insiders play with our Realities for their psychopathic and proprietary gain.
The only progression left for such a sector is towards an ultimate cartel.

But, no such entity exists.
Lets look at another example of mass murkiness - horseracing on this septic isle is as murky a collection of markets as you are likely to find.
Rigging of outcomes is the norm as the betting markets dominate the races.
It has been in this mature state for decades has the Sport of Crooks.

There is an attempt at the implementation of a systemic template in horseracing and, indeed, certain centres are able to exert a significantly corrupt degree of influence on the race outcomes.
But, as with football, the ultimate systemic infrastructure is a trading nirvana.

Systemic monopolists become inefficient.
Opportunities quantum in and out of neohyperreality.
New competition emerges.

There can be no super-mature market phase - just a fragmented cartel of corruption, criminality and insider trading.

This creates difficulties for all market participants.
Oh, and it utterly destroys the integrity of the sport ('sport' in the case of horseracing, as this abuse has always existed in hyperreality).

We need to think of this structure a little like those multi-dimensional chess games that sci-fi places in front of the nerdy ones among you.

The vertically integrated hierarchy extends from corporations to the marketplace to the chess boards.
On the top table, the neohyperreal game takes place; on the lower tables are the liggers, those who leech onto the insiders, hoping to gather crumbs of knowledge (think journalists); sometimes playing with the liggers, and sometimes among themselves, the next strata brings the market analysts to the game; and, at the bottom of the pile, are the punters who must be kept in the dark regarding the existence of any of the higher tables.

To be a successful analyst, you need to be able to evaluate all of these tables concurrently in real-time on every match in your portfolio.
As we must accept that there is no hope of redemption for football, we need to assess the difference between the two types of neohyperreality on offer - the fragmented cartel market and the ultimate control market.

The whole template is an extension of that which existed in the England international scene prior to the FA appointing a proper manager - ################
England matches existed in two forms.
The fragmented cartel structure was the foundation of this...
To our knowledge, there were three different operations targeting England games - ############################################################################

And, it is these characters plus a whole load of extra inputs that are determining the hyperrealities that you witness on your screens every week.
The England Template is now ScudamoreWorld's Template.
But, ultimate control is a dangerous thing.

When certain people are involved in the total control of certain games involving a certain grouping of clubs who are involved together, so to speak, there is going to be a reaction.
The degree of control that one consortium possessed in the Premiership is a clear example of this.
In the early season, this grouping of insiders was clearing a tidy profit.
And then some...
90% of the corruptions were successful.

Since the beginning of November, however, there has been a market reaction against this consortium, and their proprietary trading has been far less successful.
Ultimate control and greed is an idiotic market strategy.
It is totally short-termist and it marks you out as a certain type of operator, hence highly restricting future market options.
There is no trust in psychopathy.
That will teach them to use a failed bookmaker as the brains (sic) of the operation!

Due to this inept excuse of a strategy, there will only ever be a small number of events where this particular operation will be able to exert ultimate control.
Levels of investment in the more fragmented markets will always have to be compressed.
The level of illicit profits will be compromised.

Of course, this may only be regarded as a minor Pyrrhic victory.
Matches are still being contorted by these people in virtually every single round of matches.
Your Reality is their neohyperreality.

There were a lot of empty seats around the matches yesterday.
Betting turnover is down severely over the last two months.
One of the biggest teams (financially) in the world are unable to find a buyer.
The transfer market in January is highly entertaining (see post on holistic sabermetrics next week).
Portsmouth and West Ham are on the verge of going under.
Fat Men are back.

Systemic and fragmented cartel corruptions linked to the underground betting markets blight the league.
As the Depression hyperreally begins to bite, financial salvation will be repeatedly found in the marketplace.
Hence, more empty seats, less turnover, still no buyers, the transfer market becoming even more like a latter day slave trade, more Fat Men.
And over and over and over and over and over...

But, at least Pompey and the Hammers will survive.

So that's alright then.

The remainder of this document is for the Dietrological Trading Team only and concerns yet more new fragmented cartel cybernetics for you to enjoy!!

Unfortunately, the blocked out parts of the posts and all posts labelled # are available in full to subscribers only.
Our roster is now full for Football Is Fixed.
But, please enjoy the free snippets that we are posting on this site.

© Football Is Fixed/Dietrological

Saturday, 27 December 2008

Festive Football Fixes #

Gary Lineker understands the state of the game; he introduced Match of the Day viewers to the "Festive Football Fix" at the commencement of last night's programme.

To emphasise this point, the headline match on the show was the hugely rigged game between Manchester City and Hull City.

If you were one of the 4,000 or so Humbersiders who trekked over to the Centre-of-the-Known-Universe for some Boxing Day fare, paying for ticket, programme, petrol, wear-and-tear on the vehicle and the half-time beer, you were robbed.
By ############################################...

In this post, which is for subscribers only, we examine a selection of the Boxing Day scams in the Premiership, but with particular focus on events at the City of Manchester stadium.

Unfortunately, the blocked out parts of the posts and all posts labelled # are available in full to subscribers only.
Our roster is now full for Football Is Fixed.
But, please enjoy the free snippets that we are posting on this site.

© Football Is Fixed/Dietrological

Wednesday, 24 December 2008

Beware Of Greeks Bearing A Popular Insurrection

Ideally, we would like to send all of our readers seasonal greetings.

Instead, we would like to direct you to two web pages.

The first is the image that we would most like to share with you in these days of mirth and merriment - it is of the giant christmas tree aflame in front of the parliament building in Athens (see: http://www.daylife.com/photo/04m1b5A4rV4ik).

The second is a collection of images from the Boston Globe showing the uprising (see: http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2008/12/2008_greek_riots.html).

And while all Englishmen, women and their dogs have fretted over the winner of some hyperreal extravaganza of dismal dancing, Greeks have had a proper message to give to free market capitalism, the machinations of the deep state and the utter lack of meritocracy in their nepotistic society.

When the students occupied the national tv station, this is the statement that they put out:

"Our action is the result of an accumulated pressure which is robbing us of our lives, and not only an emotional explosion based on the murder of Alexis Grigoropulos by the police. We are one more collective, a piece of the revolt which is taking place.

Against pacification by the mass media, we are carrying out an intervention-interjection in the flow of the program of ERT [state television]. It's our view that the mass media systematically cultivates fear. Rather than informing, they misinform. They are presenting a multifaceted revolt as a blind release.

They are explaining the social explosion in penal rather than political terms. They are selectively concealing the actual facts. They are representing a revolt as another spectacle which we should simply follow until the next soap opera begins. The mass media is daily turned into a means of suppressing free and public thought.

Let's organize ourselves. No authority can offer solutions to our problems. We need to meet with other human beings. To turn our public places, the streets, the squares, the parks, the schools, into places of unmediated expression. To find ourselves face to face so that we can transform together our thought and actions.

Let's not be afraid. Let's turn off our televisions, go out of our houses, continue to lay claim to our life, to take it into our hands.

We condemn the police violence, immediate release of the arrested demonstrators. For human emancipation and freedom."

Oh my gosh, I miss living in Kerkyra...

© Football Is Fixed/Dietrological

Tuesday, 23 December 2008

The Murk Of Obscurity #

It used to be the case that individual instances of corruption, criminality, match-rigging and insider trading were worthy of an overview on the Football Is Fixed blog.

No longer is this the case.

The conveyor belt of corruption speeds ever faster past our collective incredulities and, rather than itemising the specific in an expanded form, we elect to collate the neohyperrealities into one holistic overview of the state of the game in England.

The most important thing to remember is that all of the below neohyperrealities have occurred in the current month - this is a big picture overview of the news that the mainstream media would prefer that you didn't read...

Somewhat arbitrarily, all of these points add weight to our argument that English football inhabits murkier waters than Bulgaria.

* Richard Scudamore, busy spending our money in Japan at the Club World Championship Extravaganza, has admitted that we live in "interesting" financial times.
And, of this admission, he was apparently proud.
And, indeed, this is a marked advancement on his previous denials of the Depression, and his myopic assessment that football would be able to withstand the tsunami ahead.
Of course, neoreality soon reared its ugly head again as Our Great Leader informed us that the next television deals would buck the very considerable trend, and surpass all expectations.
We should hold the man to this assertion when it fails, by some distance, to be hyperrealised.

* Barclays are said to be considering their sponsorship deal of the Premier League. ############################################################################
Who would want to link their business by association to Association Football?
In a period of falling crowds, increasing influence of gambling monies on match outcomes, debts and bankruptcies, criminalised control of a sub-standard product, who is going to wish to parallel their business with such a sector?
The Ladbrokes Premier League is just round the corner...

* Most worryingly for the powers-that-be is the fall-off in gambling turnover.
By imposing the same corrupt template on the sport of football as they implanted on the 'sport' of horseracing, the powers-that-be failed to take one very key factor into account.
When a well-backed favourite falls at the final fence, with a 5 length advantage over the second placed creature, the punter groans and discards his betting slip.
When a parallel corruption occurs in a Sky Super Sunday Product, the punter is not so easily controlled.
Hence the declining turnover.

In Recessions/Depressions, betting turnover usually increases as ever more desperate methods are utilised to develop a financial safety net (An Aside: I saw my first ever advert for a pawnbroker on British television the other day... New Labour).
This season, from figures provided by our brokers in both Asia and Europe, betting turnover on the leading European leagues is down by #%.
But further examination reveals a far more worrying picture for the bookmakers.
And, by linkage, the sport...

In the last two seasons, global betting turnover on matches in the major European leagues have increased by ##% and ##% respectively.
Minus #% is a major reversal...
But that is not all.
If we just look at turnover in the months of November and December and compare last year to this, we find that betting turnover has plummeted by ##% in 2008.
Minus ##%...

* Scudamore continues to buy up the opposition with regard to his 39th Step nonsense.
It is not feasible to expand in a Recession/Depression - when is this odious man going to learn?
Even Sir Ferguson has had enough of this fake reality: "I don't think there will ever be a 39th game, and I don't believe there should be."

* The same referee doesn't officiate at virtually all the key matches involving the Big 4 teams in Bulgaria.
PC Howard Webb displayed the racism inherent in his officiating (see numerous previous posts) when he very harshly sent off Adebayor in Sunday's match against Liverpool.
But he shouldn't have been in control of the match in the first instance, as his officiating has been second worst in our databases for each of the last two seasons, and he was sent home early from Euro 2008 for unprofessionalism.
Here are some quotes from other match officials to Webb's appointment at the weekend:
"Oh golly gosh, shock of all shocks, we didn't see that one coming did we folks! Pathetically predictable."
"Doesn't Keith Hackett retire at the end of the season? Not a moment too soon. Can the FA give him a six month holiday as a leaving present?"

* And what was Mr Dowd up to prior to sending off Chelsea and England captain John Terry last evening?
And why do the mainstream media ignore the hyperrealities of ScudamoreWorld?
The Everton versus Chelsea match was the highest turnover betting event in the European markets to date this season.
Most importantly, however, is the issue of a match referee being instructed as to his decision-making when such communication is not on an open-microphone, as is the case in sports that still consider integrity to be a core constituent.
We deserve to know.

As the teams went off at Half-Time, Felipe Scolari repeatedly asked Dowd "are you afraid?"...

* In England, matches frequently are governed by conflicting insider gambles in the marketplace. ################################################################

* And the game has been entertaining with the peripherals too.
In a pre-season friendly, David Healy celebrated scoring for Fulham against Celtic by playing a loyalist flute in front of the Celtic fans.
And guess what?
The monarch's new year nonsense sees the flautist given a MBE for his "charity work".
Inappropriate, or what?
Now, my Auntie Marjorie did a lot of charity work, and, moreover, she didn't entertain public displays of racist bigotry...

* But, then again, Scudamore World welcomed back Big #### Allardyce last week - the integrity of the league being clearly demonstrated by the neohyperreality that one Graeme Souness was the joint favourite for the Blackburn post.
We should not be surprised by ScudamoreWorld.
It can be anything...

* Portsmouth have been fined £15,000 for their compliance in the illegal transfer of Benjani from Pompey to Manchester City.
Arkady Gaydamak selling an asset, via Willie McKay to Thaksin Shinawatra.
Ah! ScudamoreWorld.
The really likeable Glaswegian commented, after receiving his suspended sentence: "I'd just like to thank the FA for all the publicity they gave me" - an interesting piece of chutzpah that should be taken up by all those of a criminal persuasion.
The multi-asseted one continued: "I'm business as usual."
Meanwhile, Gaydamak has sold numerous companies and his having extreme difficulties servicing his bank loans...

* That other non-sustainable entity, West Ham United, keep sinking. That strange looking guy off Star Trek that Bjorngolfur Gudmundsson initially put in charge at Upton Park has followed Alan Curbishley in suing the club.
They should join the queue, after Sheffield United FC, individual Sheff Utd players...
I've been doing some background on Gudmundsson and he is a disgrace.
He is, at least, as clear an example of the inadequacies of the fit-and-proper-persons test (FPPT), as Shinawatra or Gaydamak...
Icelandic prime minister, Mr Oddsson, has urged the police to investigate the financial affairs of Gudmundsson.
Even Mr Scudamore must agree that "interesting" doesn't really reach far enough into the neohyperrealities of West "Under The Hammer" United.

* And then we get the ground being cleared for a b##y ####ing, s#### importing Fat Man with a penchant for fencing to take over the only remaining Big 4 club with an ounce of integrity left in the locker.
Would Adebayor have been sent off with the Fat Man in control?
Fat Men, Energy Oligarchs, Private Equity Heads, Illegal Arms Dealers, State Terrorists, Hedge Fund Owners, Credit Card Pirates, Oil Dynasties, Philippine Bookmakers, Minimum Wage Slavedrivers - Welcome to ScudamoreWorld...
Its like Bulgaria.
Only worse...

Gareth Southgate: "I can see a Serie A-style collapse happening in English football."
Derby County chairman Adam Pearson: "The game is close to meltdown."
Richard Scudamore: "Interesting..."

"Writing that culminates in itself is only a manifestation of spite" - Edmond Jabès.

Our Great Leader needs to reside in other locations than that opaque place where government and business meet.

Joseph Stiglitz was writing about financial markets when he made the statement below.
With a change of template, the same holistic reality exists with regard to football betting markets.

"Of course, the current problems with our financial system are not solely the result of bad lending. The banks have made mega-bets with one another through complicated instruments such as derivatives, credit- default swaps, and so forth. With these, one party pays another if certain events happen-for instance, if Bear Stearns goes bankrupt, or if the dollar soars. These instruments were originally created to help manage risk- but they can also be used to gamble. Thus, if you felt confident that the dollar was going to fall, you could make a big bet accordingly, and if the dollar indeed fell, your profits would soar. The problem is that, with this complicated intertwining of bets of great magnitude, no one could be sure of the financial position of anyone else-or even of one's own position. Not surprisingly, the credit markets froze."

The Portuguese have a word for it...
Satiagraha - holding onto truth - all that is left us in ScudamoreWorld.

Unfortunately, the blocked out parts of the posts and all posts labelled # are available in full to subscribers only.
Our roster is now full for Football Is Fixed.
But, please enjoy the free snippets that we are posting on this site.

© Football Is Fixed/Dietrological

Monday, 22 December 2008

Why Bulgarian Football Is Identical To The English Game #

This post has been in the planning phase for a while.
We delayed publishing because it became increasingly apparent that our basic premise was incorrect.
English football is not the equivalent of Bulgarian soccer.
English football has sunk further into the murk.
Although at least there are some Balkan hyperrealitites that we have not yet mimicked.


Unfortunately, the remainder of this post, the blocked out parts of the posts and all posts labelled # are available in full to subscribers only.
Our roster is now full for Football Is Fixed.
But, please enjoy the free snippets that we are posting on this site.

© Football Is Fixed/Dietrological

Saturday, 20 December 2008

Festival Of Light

Over the window of the Tyrannies of Fun, we will be publishing a Selection Box of posts.

It will be just like those advent calendar things, behind every door will be a seasonal surprise.

Somewhere, in the midst of this Festival of Light, we will be revealing our Xmas Freebie Bet - a financial kickback at the expense of the bookmaking industry.

At random timings, in the window ahead, you may expect to read the following:

ObamaWorld (Part II of Xmas Capitalist Capers)
The Real Economy - How To Regulate Financial Markets (Part III of the same)
Why Bulgarian Football is Identical to the English game
Beware of Greeks Bearing a Popular Insurrection
The State of ScudamoreWorld
Football Consortia - An Overview
Playing with Surveillance
Financial Analysis of the January Transfer Market
How to Price a Market
Factory Asia - An Assessment of the Asian Betting Markets
Why the Bookmakers should pay a Levy for the use of ScudamoreWorld's product
The Bum Ref Index - mid-season update on the state of English refereeing

© Football Is Fixed/Dietrological

Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Rebellion Of The Words

"Prophesying catastrophe is incredibly banal. The more original move is to assume that it has already occurred" - Jean Baudrillard.

"Truths are illusions which we have forgotten are illusions" - Friedrich Nietzsche.

"Criminals come in handy" - Michel Foucault.

Okay, if you are busy, you will be able to condense this troika of posts into these three statements - the rest is merely poorly written detail...

Like its not miserable enough already, its time for our annual look at the state of the neo-capitalist ideology.

Last year we gave you our views of the oncoming Recession/Depression when the mainstream press were still in dinner party denial (see: http://footballisfixed.blogspot.com/2007/12/recession-recession-recession-recession.html).

This year, its time to further deconstruct the non-sustainability of this psychopathic system, on both economic and psychological bases.

Systemic and sub-systemic corruption, whether it be in the international financial markets, football, national elections, horseracing or, as we have just witnessed, snooker is tied in with the very concept of free markets.

Free markets produce gamed neorealities which massively skew any 'benefits' in highly selective directions.
In the meantime, the Reality that these free markets have leeched onto in order to ply their insider trades, are contorted to diabolical simulacra of their original form.

This much is accepted.

But, when matters commence from the primary foundation of a simulacrum, the neohyperrealities (secondary phase falsehoods) approach surreality.
ScudamoreWorld is one such neohyperreality.
Of much greater concern, the globalised financial infrastructure, we'll call it GSWorld, is similarly neohyperreal.

First, we need to get up to speed on the state of the Depression.
Consider this conversation between Alan Greenspan, one of the primary architects of the crisis, and Congressman Henry Waxman during hearings this autumn on Capitol Hill.

Greenspan: "I have found a flaw."
Waxman: "In other words, you found that your view of the world, your ideology, was not right; it was not working."
Greenspan: "Absolutely, precisely."

As Joseph Stiglitz states: "The truth is most of the individual mistakes boil down to just one: a belief that markets are self-adjusting and that the role of government should be minimal."

And it is unsurprisingly Stiglitz who provides the best overview of this self-destructive entity, neocapitalism: "... the deregulation philosophy would pay unwelcome dividends for years to come. In November 1999, Congress repealed the Glass-Steagall Act - the culmination of a $300 million lobbying effort by the banking and financial-services industries, and spearheaded in Congress by Senator Phil Gramm. Glass-Steagall had long separated commercial banks (which lend money) and investment banks (which organize the sale of bonds and equities); it had been enacted in the aftermath of the Great Depression and was meant to curb the excesses of that era, including grave conflicts of interest. For instance, without separation, if a company whose shares had been issued by an investment bank, with its strong endorsement, got into trouble, wouldn't its commercial arm, if it had one, feel pressure to lend it money, perhaps unwisely? An ensuing spiral of bad judgment is not hard to foresee. I had opposed repeal of Glass- Steagall. The proponents said, in effect, Trust us: we will create Chinese walls to make sure that the problems of the past do not recur. As an economist, I certainly possessed a healthy degree of trust, trust in the power of economic incentives to bend human behaviour toward self-interest - toward short-term self-interest, at any rate, rather than Tocqueville's "self interest rightly understood."

The most important consequence of the repeal of Glass-Steagall was indirect - it lay in the way repeal changed an entire culture. Commercial banks are not supposed to be high-risk ventures; they are supposed to manage other people's money very conservatively. It is with this understanding that the government agrees to pick up the tab should they fail. Investment banks, on the other hand, have traditionally managed rich people's money - people who can take bigger risks in order to get bigger returns. When repeal of Glass-Steagall brought investment and commercial banks together, the investment-bank culture came out on top. There was a demand for the kind of high returns that could be obtained only through high leverage and big risktaking."

Okay, we've moaned on about Hank Paulson and Goldman Sachs and AIG and Lehman Brothers and Fannie and Freddie and Brown and Darling and Bernanke and All from time to time over the last eighteen months, and there is no intention to cover old ground here.

Three years ago, Bernard Madoff became aware that his hedge fund had a $50 billion black hole sitting in the middle of it.
Three years...
What sort of regulatory system is able to allow this to happen?
A free market self-regulatory one, that's what...
Furthermore, what sort of risk management, both within financial organisations and between them (Basel II is so regulatory-lite), exists to monitor any insider awareness of such toxicity?
I mean, if you were to be $50 billion overdrawn at the bank, you might have expected a call...

But these hyperrealities are gamed.
They are neohyperrealities.

Hanky Panky has directly targeted hedge funds with his randomised banning on short selling. Uncertainty abounds across the industry sector as Hanky is producing a report in mid-January where it is quite likely that the ban on selective short-selling will be extended, or perhaps be made permanent.
Ah! Free markets.

There are other hedge funds that are about to disappear.
The Recession is about to become the Depression proper.

Hedge funds have had their worst ever months in the second half of 2008.
Meanwhile Hank's lot at GS reported their first quarterly loss (as we predicted) at the end of November. And yet, the losses were far smaller than expected and the GS share price climbed over 5% on the news.
It is in an infrastructurally cornered location that hedge funds find themselves - they understand that a competitor sector is gaming the system against them.
Of course, the additional benefit of buttressing the share prices of financial stocks is that the sector that caused the crisis has a built-in slush fund to ride out the crisis - an enhanced share price and a bottomless pit of government handouts.

These people are taking the piss.

Globally, the myopic and psychopathic pilots of the global economy believed that China and the US were decoupled economically ie if a Recession hit the US then China would have enough trade with other areas of the world to ride out the storm, and bolster the global economy as well.
This is a nonsense as a whole raft of recent data has shown.
As John Authers said in the Financial Times: "For years, fear has orbited around the US, with hope centred on China... In the last few weeks, some small items of data have provoked great concern about China."

There is no decoupling.
China's manufacturing is declining in lockstep with the US.
Excessive fiscal stimulus, reduced interest rates, issues of concern with regard to exchange rates, stockmarket plummeting and with volatility...
Sounds familiar?

And, while on the subject of interest rates, yesterday the Fed reached what the Financial Times term "uncharted waters" when they reduced interest rates to between zero and 0.5%, the lowest level ever.

And, the official data is not kosher.
For example, the Bank of England has stated that the Office for National Statistics produces deliberate discrepancies into its figures.

The Recession started long before the governmental figures declared this to be our neoreality. The wisest economists are all in agreement that we are currently in the middle of a secular bear market. These occur about three times per century and last around twenty years - the latest version began in 1997.
Within these secular bear markets, the architects of the global financial infrastructure and their criminalised cohorts are able to create a boom-and-bust template on top of what would otherwise be a stagnant market.
Fake highs and fake lows...
The stockmarket is now at exactly the same level as it was in 1997.
Just consider how much money has been made out of the two illusory cycles that we have just been put through...

The key phase is now beginning.
It should be a battle of rational arguments.
Of course, this will not be the case.

In the next post in this triptych of festive fun, we'll turn our attention to the next phase of this global financial meltdown.

© Football Is Fixed/Dietrological

Sunday, 14 December 2008

The FIF Sports Criminality Of The Year Award 2008 #

A couple of weeks ago, the Guardian football 'journalist', Paul Wilson, suggested that the winner of this years' BBC Sports Personality of the Year Award should be none other than the second coming himself, Saint Harold Redknapp.

A Hyperreal Hurrah for Harry or a Real Reaction to the Rigging of Results?

As football only exists as a gambling medium nowadays, and because many other sports are occupying the same neoreality, today we bring to you the first ever Football Is Fixed Sports Criminality of the Year Awards.

As the majority of our awards approach the territory of libel, only subscribers will receive the full roster of criminalised achievement.

For atmospheric effect, the awards ceremony should be imagined against the backdrop of a certain London casino, with smoke-filled backrooms and the clatter of daylight robbery in the wings.
Oxygen will be pumped into the room to keep us all awake.

1. Turkey in Euro 2008 Finals
2. #####################################
3. Russia in Euro 2008 Finals

1. The Premier League
3. The Football Association

1. ################
2. ################
3. ################

1. ################
2. ################
3. ################

1. The takeover of Chelsea, Tottenham Hotspur, Watford, West Ham United and Portsmouth by a certain extended little family

1. Thaksin Shinawatra
2. ################
3. ################

1. The FA Cup
2. The English Premier League
3. Romanian Divizia A

1. BSkyB
2. The Guardian
3. Match of the Day

1. ##################
2. ##################
3. ##################

1. Juande Ramos
2. William Gallas
3. Roy Keane

1. Howard Webb
2. Roberto Rosetti
3. Mike Dean
4. Herbert Fandel
5. Mark Clattenburg

1. The 39th Step
2. Supercasinos
3. Premier League

And now the moment that we have all been waiting for, the Football Is Fixed Sports Criminality of the Year Award.

"Ladies, gentlemen, the criminal fringe, murky consortia and institutional criminals, this has been a flagship year in the history of sporting corruption. The judges have had an incredibly difficult decision to make, as there have been so many successful manipulations of sport to the favour of the gambling industry this year."
"We all have our favourite instances, I'm sure. But this award is about the ultimate performance, the complete corruption, a deep systemic drive to criminalise a whole sport globally."
"Everybody must agree that one man stands head and shoulders above the rest when it comes to massive murkiness. Although the planet is covered in crooks who are gaming our realities for personal gain, only one individual is able to co-ordinate the corruption in global football to the extent required by the bookmakers and the hyperowners."

"And now, the envelope... In third place is His Excellency Thaksin Shinawatra. Unfortunately, His Excellency cannot be with us this evening as he is prevented from entering the country due to his outstanding corruption charges in Thailand. But, here to collect the Award on the mass murderers' behalf is the chief executive of the Premier League, Richard Scudamore."

"Its getting tense now, isn't it?"
"The runner up unfortunately also has travel restrictions placed on him as the French arrest warrant for illegal arms dealing means that our prizewinner, Arkadi Gaydamak, isn't allowed into Europe. But, here to collect the Award on the arms dealers' behalf is the chief executive of the Premier League, Richard Scudamore."

"Now, the moment we have all been waiting for - the naming of the Football Is Fixed Sports Criminality of the Year Award for 2008."
"And, the winner is..."

At this point, the lights go out and the microphones are cut, as a leading Asian bookmaker makes a very late and final attempt to corner the market on the Award.
But, we all know who the winner is in ScudamoreWorld.

Fyodor Dostoyevsky: "Not for one moment do I take you for a truth that is real. You are a falsehood, you are my illness, you are a ghost. Only I do not know how to destroy you, and perceive that for a certain time I must suffer you. You are a hallucination that I am having. You are the embodiment of myself, but only of one side of me... of my thoughts and emotions, though only those that are most loathsome and stupid. In that regard you might even be of interest to me, if only I had the time to throw away on you."

Unfortunately, the blocked out parts of the posts and all posts labelled # are available in full to subscribers only.
Our roster is now full for Football Is Fixed.
But, please enjoy the free snippets that we are posting on this site.

© Football Is Fixed/Dietrological

Friday, 12 December 2008

Tenerife - Se Vendieren #

"The people liberated are never the ones you think: children, slaves, women or colonial peoples. Its always the others liberating themselves from them" - Jean Baudrillard.

What is it about Britain?
Undercover police officers put seven bullets into the head of an entirely innocent man.
They murdered him.
And how does the state prosecute the perpetrators of this illegal killing?
Under the laws covering Health and Safety, that's how...

And even with this outrageously limited scope of trial, the jury were then given just two options - either the murder was legal or they could return an open verdict.
The court never even allowed for the evident illegality of this shoot-to-kill policy to be probed in anything resembling a fair manner.
Justice not even seen to be done...

Of course, as the British government contains numerous individuals who should, in a just society, be in Den Haag facing charges relating to war crimes, such deep state shenanigans should not be a surprise.

In comparison with murder by the state, the slow and relentless death of the sport of football is glacial.
Yet, every day and every week brings yet further evidence of the corruption in the game.
Sometimes, the only Real interest is in assessing how the insiders, those in-the-know, the mainstream media and the criminalised fringe react to breaking information and news.

The football section of the Guardian newspaper ##################################
The editorial policy of the paper is to filter these hyperrealities while, at the same time, putting out the establishment line.
There is no corruption...
Respect the referees...
Praise Richard Scudamore...
Give ghost columns to #####################################################
Allow the Racing Post and Ladbrokes Radio to provide disinformation to the readers.

Sid Lowe is an excellent journalist who covers La Liga for the Guardian and other outlets.
Lowe wanted to run a story on the heavily rigged match on the final day of last season when Tenerife allegedly accepted payments to lose their game against Malaga, hence allowing the south coast team to gain promotion to the top flight.

Anyway, we'll share this outrageous hyperreality with you.
Malaga are a schweintruppe. Closely linked to Real Madrid, the outfit have frequently been involved in entertaining betting markets linked to their matches in recent years.
And we are not just talking about the illegal but accepted practice of 'maletines', where suitcases of money are provided to teams with nothing to play for at the end of the season so that they might perform with greater motivation.

Tapes have come to light in Spain featuring conversations between Real Sociedad president Inaki Badiola and former Tenerife player Jesuli. Sociedad were prevented from gaining promotion by the alleged scam.
The conversation includes the following:
Jesuli: "To tell the truth, I don't remember..."
Badiola: "5,000 euros... 7,000 euros?"
Jesuli: "Yes, around that, if not 7,000 then 6,000... I got paid and I didn't even play... There will have been players who didn't want to play but played and others who wanted to play precisely so that they could... It felt bad collecting the money, because it was la Real [who suffered as a result]. It's like everything in life: money ruins everything."

Insider trading on Malaga games is an analytical factor that must be taken into account when one is addressing events in which Malaga are involved.
Former Real Madrid president, Lorenzo Sanz, and his son, Fernando, ex-Madrileno player and now president of Malaga, are the two individuals most frequently cited when insider nonsense occurs.
The web spreads further to the rich ex-pat community around Marbella and to the British bookmakers that are based across the water in Gibraltar.

The penultimate weekend of the season also saw the alleged buying of the points by Malaga. Hidden camera evidence produced by an agent showed Lorenzo Sanz offering him 250,000 euros for a victory. The Comite de Disciplina could not pursue the case as Lorenzo has no direct role at the club.

We've watched the video of the Malaga versus Tenerife game and the match was certainly hot. The handball by Tenerife captain, Juanma, that gave Malaga what turned out to be the promotion winning goal, was straight out of the pantomime season. Very similarly to the recent rigged Derby County games, the visuals are very revealing as to the hidden agendas of certain participants.

Badiola is rightly livid. "Football is rotten" he stated.
Worse still, having missed out on promotion, Real Sociedad are one of the seven leading Spanish clubs who live in fear of going out of existence. Promotion would have altered the balance sheets markedly, and the line of claims to be made against Sanz/Sanz/Malaga is extensive.
This is a criminal inquiry now.
As Lowe says in this month's World Soccer magazine: "If Jesuli's accusations are true, fraud could have been committed against Tenerife (who pay their players to win), against Real Sociedad, against the league, against the football federation, against the inland revenue (after all, if there were payments they were made cash in hand and undeclared), and against anyone who played the football pools that weekend."

As Jesuli said on the recording: "Shit, this is serious."
Meanwhile Badiola calls the Sanz family "criminals and cheats."

Which brings us back to England.
We have evidence of one agent rigging numerous Premiership football matches this season. We know which games are hot ahead of time and we know where this operation is undertaking their insider trading.
If we were to go to the Premier League with our evidence (a futile act, one would have to admit), we would be similarly informed that no action could be taken against this agent as he does not have an 'official' role at the clubs in question.
We would also be informed that the FA and the Premier League have no jurisdiction over gambling and trading that takes place overseas.

All of the fraudulent activities outlined in the Spanish case apply to the English hyperrealities too, with the added layer relating to the hundreds of millions of pounds of betting liquidity that exist on these events.
This is just an English footballing version of the Polish uklad - an insider elite with teflon properties.
Exactly the same systemic hyperreality that led to the untimely murder of Jean Charles de Menezes.

Unfortunately, the blocked out parts of the posts and all posts labelled # are available in full to subscribers only.
Our roster is now full for Football Is Fixed.
But, please enjoy the free snippets that we are posting on this site.

© Football Is Fixed/Dietrological

Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Everything That Happens Will Happen This Week #

Martin "Butt-head" Tyler: "Uhhhhhh, I've got loads of money on the draw in this game. Uh huh huh huh."
Andy "Beavis" Gray: "Me too. Uh huh huh huh."
Butt-head: "Uhhhhhh, and it IS going to be a draw at the final whistle. Uh huh huh huh."
Beavis: "I know. Uh huh huh huh."
Butt-head: "Uhhhhhh, isn't this supposed to be illegal? Like, against the law? Uh huh huh huh."
Beavis: "Yeah. Uh huh huh huh."
Butt-head: "Uhhhhhh. Uh huh huh huh."
Beavis: "Like, who cares? Uh huh huh huh."
Butt-head: " Uhhhhhh. Uh huh huh huh."

Media Skotoprigonyevsk.

And now to business...

The last few days have clearly demonstrated a primary problem with ScudamoreWorld.
When fake realities become the accepted hyperreality, future hyperrealities are based on this fake foundation, until the eventual neo-reality bears no resemblance to the original 'truth'.
Furthermore, feedback loops create unintended consequences - and such fallacious feedbacks lead you to some very surreal places indeed.
ScudamoreWorld, in fact.
A whole theme-park of unintended consequences...

When we jested in a post last week that the Depression would allow opportunities for ScudamoreWorld to market the brand on the pitch-side hoardings, we did not expect to be proved correct so swiftly.
For as the weekend began, we were approached by our Great Leader, who persuaded us to look away from the competing insider gambles on the field of play at Craven Cottage, and focus instead on the message...
"Get on with each other. Get on with the ref".

Meanwhile, Roy Carroll, the Derby goalkeeper who has never had any linkage whatsoever with the gambling world, has been disciplined for two weeks following yet another intriguing betting event at Pride Park.
The most important aspect, of course, is that the story is peripheralised.
Especially as, on the Monday evening, there was a media spectacular to be sold.
A match that neatly sums up ScudamoreWorld.
A match between a team that are partially in administration, are up for sale and are sponsored by a bunch of bookmakers from the Philippines, versus a team that is managed by an individual currently on bail for financial shenanigans and also sponsored by a bookmaking firm from the Philippines.
SBOBET versus Mansion88.
The future of ScudamoreWorld.

Little wonder that our Great Leader, Richard Scudamore, was called into parliament yesterday, in order to explain the non-sustainability of the finances, the issue of criminalised foreign owners and the problems related to gambling's impact upon football.

We posted earlier in the week about how manipulative impacts are able to change our realities into criminalised neo-realities, when we focused on Roy Keane's reign at Sunderland.
Another manager who was targeted by the powers-that-be was Juande Ramos at Tottenham.
The man was never given a chance.
Unlike his successor...
...dichotomous or what?
Real Madrid utilise holistic sabermetrics in their assessment of all individuals in the game and they have made an astute choice in making Ramos manager until the end of the season.
Still, Redknapp over Ramos, Reid over Keane, it follows a pattern, if you see what I mean...

And, Ramos will probably be getting Carlos Tevez in January.
The contortions of Scudamore and the Premier League mean that the Argentinian MUST be farmed out of the English game before his contract at Old Trafford ends.
Another great loss to the English game.

Still, its nice to see that our very own talking heads are getting in on the illegal third-party-ownership-of-young-players-bandwagon.
Alan Hansen, David Davies and a bunch of other reprobates are advisers to the child slavery operation called the Hero Global Football Fund (HGFF).
This investment fund will operate in exactly the same manner as the dodgy individuals behind the Mascherano and Tevez nonsenses.
Although HGFF will not be able to operate in England legally due to the allegedly revamped 3rd party transfer rules, when did legality ever have anything to do with anything in ScudamoreWorld?

Why set up an entity that is illegal unless one understands that there are ways and means...?

At least the bookmakers are having a dread week.
Following on from Vidic and the sluicing of many many many millions on Saturday evening, Tuesday saw the most dynamic Champions League market EVER.
Barcelona opened up at -1.5,2.0 on the Asian Handicaps.
By Kick Off, the market was a half-ball.
And, despite the best efforts of a certain Mike Riley, the gamble was landed when Albert Jorquera managed to let all three on target shots into the goal that he was reputed to be defending, allegedly.
Having a Jorquera, perhaps?

Then we had the hyperreality of the Abramovich versus Mourinho feud, with Jose altering his strategy for Inter's match in Bremen in real-time as the situations changed in the matches at Chelsea and Roma.
Seemingly, Mourinho wishes to be in the same half of the draw as the west Londoners...

And don't even get me started on the prawn-sandwich-eating racists at the Emirates who so targeted Emmanuel Eboué on Saturday.
What, with all the anti-Islamic nonsense from the Geordies, it is evident that the Depression-era racists are already revving up for their decade of recruitment.

And, then Ronaldo leaves the pitch with a stitch.
We would have thought that $55,000 per day might have persuaded the slave to play on through the pain.
The day prior to his Big Award, his exit from the Old Trafford pitch was greeted merely by Manc moans rather than the pseudo-adulation that he expected...
Someone else for Ramos in the summer.

And then the Guardian gives a full page of coverage on Saturday to a Certain Little Family.
And, I don't mean the Karamazov's...

All of these things are marginally interesting.
But they are not as interesting as this attempt at a perfect crime.
They are trying to take PLAY off us.
In ScudamoreWorld, and other theme-parks of its ilk, entities only become hyperreal once they have markets attached to them.
Think climate change...
And free markets destroy all that they come into contact with.
Think banking...

Christopher Horrocks: "The objective irony of our era is that the object might be playing with the subject, natural phenomena with science, the masses with the media."

Time to PLAY with them.

Unfortunately, the blocked out parts of the posts and all posts labelled # are available in full to subscribers only.
Our roster is now full for Football Is Fixed.
But, please enjoy the free snippets that we are posting on this site.

© Football Is Fixed/Dietrological

Monday, 8 December 2008

Late Drama Or What? #

There were four huge global gambles on Premiership games at the weekend.

Each gamble demonstrated a different manipulative structure, with associated insider trading.

Each went right down to the wire.

Late drama or what?

Only subscribers to Dietrological Professional will receive the extended post where we detail three of these gambling events in detail.
In this place we restrict ourselves to the glorious injury time winner by Nemanja Vidic for Manchester United against Sunderland on Saturday evening.

This game was the fourth most liquid Premiership market of the season to date (behind three matches involving Chelsea, unsurprisingly).
And the bookmakers were on the wrong end of it.

Following the resignation of the Great Man on Thursday, the markets were a one-way dynamic of largely amateur money.
When Vidic went mental, so did legions of leisure punters all across the planet.
And, to make matters even more thoroughly enjoyable, the goal represented the completion of multitudes of mug accumulator bets, as United followed the other members of the Big 4 into the winning enclosure.
Cue - abject misery in the trading rooms :)

Firstly, lets deal with Keano.
Our team of traders very closely analyse all matches in the territories that we monitor - or, rather, we pay out so that some poor 2nd World individuals monitor the events on our behalf.
We are all forced to be capitalists...

After gaining promotion, the Sunderland outfit have not had the rub of the green, shall we say.
Indeed, when we put together our Real Premiership table just two matches ago, based on non-manipulated match outcomes, Sunderland stood in 12th place, level on points with tenth-placed Newcastle.
If Sunderland had not had so many match decisions go against their interest, Keane would not have been under pressure - promotion/ survival/ mid-table being a solidly progressive template.

Instead, a highly promising manager is hounded out.
Keane has been Mike Newelled!

The Premier League, the PGMOB, the Murdochracy (both screen and tabloid versions) have all targeted Sunderland.

£70 million spent and a relegation battle!!!
Is Keane losing the plot?

Reality has been altered into Hyperreality.

Apart from Keane, one has to assess the other reasons why Sunderland might be targeted by the powers-that-be.

Anyway, the match itself was heavily controlled.
It looked waterproof which, being Manchester, was probably a good thing.
We have no intention of discussing which of our favourite match manipulators were on the case at Old Trafford on Saturday - that's one of the problems of having too many conversations with lawyers.
But, as the match entered injury time, the bookmakers were grinning.
Big style.
My Asian broker was going bananas! He'd hedged!!

Then Pinball Wizard Nemanja Vidic restored some semblance of Reality, briefly, as a Proper Outcome was achieved despite the very best efforts of those who might wish otherwise.
Pity about the matches at ########################################## hyperreally...

Unfortunately, the blocked out parts of the posts and all posts labelled # are available in full to subscribers only.
Our roster is now full for Football Is Fixed.
But, please enjoy the free snippets that we are posting on this site.

© Football Is Fixed/Dietrological

Saturday, 6 December 2008

Black Is East; Up Is White

A record number of companies are at risk of default.

Some of the world’s leading investment-grade companies look in danger of being unable to finance their debts.

Meanwhile, ScudamoreWorld reckon that the English game is established on sound foundations.
A Premier League 'spokesperson' was forced into this defensive position after the Premier League had circulated all league members with a memorandum.
The Premiership clubs are being reminded of their financial and legal obligations to each other, while the letter demanded that transfer debts be honoured in full.

There are rumours that at least two clubs are unable to service the clauses in their transfer contracts.
But, the Premier League memo has had the opposite effect to that intended.
It has set off a panic as clubs realise that not only are their own balance sheets severely compromised, but the expected incomings might not be hyperrealised either.
Furthermore, initial soundings show that the transfer markets are going to be dead in January, although there will be bargains as leveraged clubs are forced to dispose of their asset platform (as squads have become quaintly named in ScudamoreWorld).
This is a microcosm of the panic and mistrust that is spooking the financial system.

We ain't seen nothing yet.

Rupert Lowe: "People's budgets are under stress. We are a microcosm of the rest of the economy. Where football, I think, will suffer is that, in the past, it has not always run itself in such a way that it has created a balanced and sustainable budget within each club."

John Authers in the Financial Times: "Markets turn on fear and hope."

Or, in ScudamoreWorld, on Fear and Hype.

Our Great Leader understands that Lowe is correct in his summation of the state of the English game.
Our Great Leader understands that clubs are going to go bankrupt.
Our Great Leader understands that the only route out of insolvency is for the clubs to embrace the gambling industry.
Our Great Leader understands that markets are psychological mechanisms.
Our Great Leader understands that the true state of the hyperreality must not be exposed, as the finances underpinning the industry will simply seize up.
Our Great Leader is a "nihilist thought in the brain of God".

The words "delaying" and "inevitable" spring to mind.

Take Valencia.
This G14(18) club are on the verge of bankruptcy.
According to Marca, unless Los Che find €50 million by December 31st, then the end is nigh.
The club are seeking a loan from Bancaja but, then again, banks are not in the habit of lending in the current climate.
Its a systemic snarl up.
And they will not be able to rely on the January transfer window as prices will plummet.
There are six other leading Spanish clubs in severe financial danger.

Or, take West Ham United.
The FA don't move very quickly on matters.
In fact some matters may take years until they are carefully filed away under the footballing equivalent of Official Secrets.
But, sometimes, in order to protect the pseudo-integrity of the English game, the FA is able to be panther-like in its dexterities.
The Hammers are due to appear in the live Setanta game on Monday evening, and in a hush-hush deal, they have signed a shirt sponsorship deal with SBOBET, the company that allegedly had some prior knowledge of the allegedly rigged match between Norwich City and Derby County in the English Championship.
Allegedly allegedly allegedly...
Anyway, the FA now tells us that the game was totally legit.
And just in time for the live match and the launch of the new shirts too.
How very very convenient.
We'll just kind of ignore the suspicious betting patterns then, shall we?
And Roy Carroll?

Clubs will increasingly have to cosy up to the gambling industry as, lo and behold, one of the few sectors to profit from a Depression/Recession are the addictive hypermarkets.
Some of these ties will be at ownership level.
Some will be sponsorship deals.

These structural hyperrealities will become the norm.

Indeed, this week saw a further step in the deconstruction of one of the most spectacular of such infrastructures at Manchester City.
As Thaksin Shinawatra hides away in South East Asia plotting revolution in Thailand, the press is remaining suitably attendant to the hiding of the hyperreality that Mr Thaksin still owns 25% of the Manchester club.
Given that the man is barred from the country, this kind of demolishes the efficacy of the Premier League's fit-and-proper-person's test (FPPT).
After the latest barring of one of his proxy political parties, His Excellency had a new one ready.
Just like that...
Welcome to the world "Puca Thai", the new People's Power Party.
And, guess who is running the party?
Thaksin's cousin Chaisit Shinawatra.
Ah! Meritocracy and Democracy...
And now it looks like Mark Clattenburg is unlikely to be returning to match officiating.
Summoned by the PGMOB on Thursday, Clattenburg had to explain the numerous visits to internet gambling sites that the police found on his computer.
Mr Clattenburg brought all this on himself really, as his on-field delusions of grandeur took over other areas of his life.
The police were called in, and Clattenburg originally banned just prior to the start of the season, when emails surfaced in which the PGMOB official allegedly threatened a former business associate with the words: "... taking me to court might cause your family some pain."

And he has still not yet had his contract of employment terminated.
What exactly does one have to do in ScudamoreWorld to prompt any response from the powers-that-be?

All sports, and all businesses in all sectors, are desperately trying to balance the books in times of Depression.
No credit.
No cash.
No sales.
Inability to furnish debts.

This week's news that Honda was pulling out of Formula 1 caused two of sport's other more odious autocrats to be forced to defend the sustainability of their eminently non-sustainable product.
Max Mosley, Bernie Ecclestone, Richard Scudamore...
It follows a plan.

Anyway, its nearly christmas...
Altogether now:
"Feed the Scousers...
...Let them know its Christmastime."

Jacques Derrida: "Poetry is to prophecy what the idol is to truth."

© Football Is Fixed/Dietrological

Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Fifty For 50

Pedro Almaldovar
Mikhail Bakunin
Amiri Baraka
Jean Baudrillard
Ruben Blades
Donald Bradman
Noam Chomsky
John Coltrane
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Monday, 1 December 2008

Controlling The Reality #

John Pilger: "...elite corruption is unspeakable in Britain."

"The mind's awareness of meanings or ideas in its own internal voice of consciousness is, according to Derrida, a repeatedly referred to norm of authenticity, authority and truthfulness in metaphysics." - Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan in their Introduction to "Poststructuralism, Deconstruction, and Post-Modernism".

We use metaphysics widely in our projects.
Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy that examines the nature of reality, including the relationship between mind and matter, substance and attribute, fact and value.
Metaphysics is a priori speculation upon questions that are unanswerable to scientific observation, analysis, or experiment.
Metaphysics is excessively subtle and recondite reasoning.
That's what the Free Dictionary reckons anyway...

Today's post combines our two favourite areas of sousveillance - the "elite corruption" of Pilger, and the "authenticity, authority and truthfulness in metaphysics" of Derrida.
In this post we examine Controlling the Reality.

Pretentious or what?

Yesterday was a Sky Grand Slam Super Sunday Sort Of Day.
After the completion of the entertainment, the Murdochracy has televised 39 Premiership matches so far this season.
25 of these theatricals have been refereed by Howard Webb (Man City v Man United), Mike Dean (Chelsea v Arsenal) or Mike Riley.
64% of the big betting turnover Sky extravaganzas fall under the jurisdiction of these three men, one of whom was banned just a couple of years back for his links to an online tipping site called Arbitros.

And the number 39 continues to hold a lofty perch in the ScudamoreWorld leaks.
Various statements along the lines of "we understand that there are objections to our plans; we see no validity in these objections; we are proceeding anyway".

The PGMOB and the Premier League are simply not accountable to anybody other than themselves, #############################################################
There is no validity to three referees wielding such control over both the match outcomes ########################################################
There is no validity in proceeding with an expansion of the ScudamoreWorld product in a global Depression.

Of course, as Mr Webb officiated at the Munich Memorial Match (the last Manchester derby), it was just a tad surprising to see him get the follow-up Manchester derby following his dreadful performance that afternoon.
There is no meritocracy at the PGMOB.

Mike Dean is a Comedic Controller.
Mr Dean's matches are a random walk through hyperreality.
Unless you are a psychic or fortunately well-connected, Mr Dean's matches are a footballing farcical fake.

These two men, together with their assistants, and the shared requirement of Controlling the Reality, had major influences on the Grand Slam Gambling Spectacular.

Taking each market, I mean match, in turn.

All the focus has been on the Ronaldo sending off by Mr Webb.
It was probably slightly harsh but this merely represented the tip of a very large iceberg.
Numerous bookmaking firms in Britain and Gibraltar priced up "Special Markets" for the Manchester derby.
Ronaldo versus Robinho was a popular one, and there were numerous other markets linked to Ronaldo's performance.
Each of these markets was proprietary ie the market makers developed a "Special Markets" structure that was gamed to optimise the returns when their activity of Controlling the Reality came into hyperrealisation.

These markets are fake markets on fake events.
So, Ladbrokes, one of the firms that were offering a Ronaldo "Special" ############ ################################################################################, constantly wish to direct you in the direction of random walk markets with a built-in edge to the layer.
Click on "All Matches By Country And League" and the highlighted sections are English football, Enhanced Multiples and Mythical Matches.

Enhanced Multiples are, in reality, a voluntary form of protection money.
Marketed as "Sexy Six Acca's" and other such nonsenses, the befuddled gambler simply hands over his/her earnings to the murky.

Mythical Matches are not real at all.
The match doesn't even take place.
Mythical Matches mean that you are able to bet on Manchester City versus Manchester United every week of the season.

But the impacts of Controlling the Reality meant that neither of the Murdochracy's events were real either.
At the City of Manchester, for instance, just one little statistic out of numerous that we could have utilised in support of our assertions, Man City committed 17 fouls and received 2 yellow cards for their indiscretions. Man United committed two fewer fouls (15), and, yet, received 6 yellows and a red.
Just one point, as we said...

The Chelsea game was the typical Mike Dean event.
Arsenal won thanks to refereeing errors.
Or worse...

Phil Scolari is demanding an apology from Dean, and, far more interestingly, he hinted at fears that the mistakes against his team might have been deliberate.
The Comedic Controller certainly involved himself in Controlling the Reality, but Chelsea must accept some blame themselves.
That is two home defeats since Ray Wilkins arrived.
We warned you...

Let us examine Mr Dean's officiating data, ignoring all the erroneous offsides and things. Dean gave Chelsea 2 yellows for 18 fouls. Arsenal received none for 16.
So, if we are going to be banging on about Mythical Matches, Arsenal committed 1 more foul than Man Utd, as the away team in high intensity matches, and United got 6 yellows and a red.

These were tilts in Controlling the Reality.
There are many others that we could share with you, but we're not going to.
So tough...

The Premiership brand is flagging.
Not only are tickets not being sold for the flagship events, but there are huge swathes of human-free zones at most of the Premiership grounds.
West Ham United are partially in administration.
Portsmouth are financially compromised.
In fact, Portsmouth are just compromised.

The advertising is proving more interesting than the matches where the outcome has already been decided prior to the event.
The last month has seen a remarkable change in the ads.
Gone are the commercial revenue streams, to be replaced by the occasional advert for a bookmaker, and numerous ads relating to the plight of ScudamoreWorld.
"Bet Now."
"Big savings on match tickets."
"Barclays giving away match tickets every 90 minutes at ATMs."
"Join Chelsea TV. Half price for 3 months."
"Kids join the Chelsea Bridge Club."
"Please drink our £4 per pint beer."

Before long, we will be seeing Richard Scudamore transferring his Stalinist mode of marketing to these very advertising hoardings.
"Buy our Brand."
"The 39th Step - A Growth Product."
"Free Thaksin Shinawatra."
That sort of thing...

After the completion of the London derby, Richard Keys on Sky informed us that just 7 points cover the Big 4 and that we are witnessing "the most exciting season ever".
Not true.
We are witnessing Controlling the Reality, though.

The bookmakers ###############################################################

David Collier, the chief executive of the England and Wales Cricket Board states: "We think that it is wrong that commercial betting companies make use of our sporting product without making any payment for doing so."
Collier wishes to see a European-wide levy on gambling to benefit grassroots sports programmes.

But this is, once again, only the tip of an iceberg.
The bookmakers are making "use of our sporting product" in other ways too.

A thought before returning to reality.
Sky are bringing us Redknapp versus Lampard when Spurs face Watford in the televised Mickey Mouse Cup game on Wednesday.
Subtle, this is not...

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Our roster is now full for Football Is Fixed.
But, please enjoy the free snippets that we are posting on this site.

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