Monday 8 January 2007

Monopolies, Duopolies and Cartelisation - A Model

Last November, one of the triggers that led to the decision to put the views of myself and my Trading Team in a blog was the state of uproarious corruption in the Premiership.
Lets get a few things straight. Systemic corruption has been a part of the Premiership since it's inception. European football is simply following the developmental path that all market sectors undergo in our current global financial system. Below we have printed a simple chart detailing the progression of a given market sector from birth to maturity and beyond.
Phase 1 - Infant - quality research and strategic foresight are the prime competitive advantages. Typical of this phase is the nanotechnology sector.
Phase 2 - Young - market analysts address the sector and there is now information in the market price. An example would be biotechnology.
Phase 3 - Middle Aged - increasing efficiency of the financial markets and less value in the fundamentals. Many IT sectors fall into this category.
Phase 4 - Mature - competitive financial markets dominate the industry sector leading to minimal value in fundamental analysis eg investment banking sector.
Phase 5 - Monopolies/ Duopolies/ Cartelisation/ Fragmented Cartelisation - total control exercised by one or a small number of power bases acting in unison - OPEC, global accounting firms, De Beers, aircraft manufacturers are all phase 5.
And so is Premiership football.
Phase 5 is the most corrupt phase unless there is a keen regulatory environment to force monopolists to be less psychopathic in their targeting of power and control. When our team of Market Analysts became convinced that the Premiership had fully matured, we made a decision to go public with details of the abuses being perpetrated by some members of the football establishment. Maturing markets highlight one of the prime differences between shareholder and stakeholder capitalism. The former is effectively fascistic in that it is libertarian behaviour without any sense of social responsibility while the latter is grounded in regulation to protect all participants (to some extent). Stakeholder capitalism is no panacea but it is currently a necessary first step on the incremental journey towards developing a sustainable system for the planet. Realism undermines any thought of revolution.
The current system of globalisation has a built-in obsolescence due to the psychopathic personality disorders (PPDs) exhibited by many of the leading protagonists. Their short-termism is leading to serious planetary climatic instability. Once atmospheric physics becomes unstable, we are guessing when it comes to evaluating the different feedback loops that might impact upon our future climate.
Football Is Fixed is just one of thousands and thousands of small-scale informational and analytical sources that have sprung up on the internet to confront these Phase 5 abusers. Although football corruption is globally insignificant when compared to climate change, we believe many of the same manipulative hierarchies, structures and strategies exist across all Phase 5 sectors. Shed light on one sector and illuminate them all.
We are looking forward to short-selling the system!