Thursday 17 October 2024

God Bless England --- The Transparency Of Corruption Part 2

Rising from the ashes of the desolation of your sport, here is Part 2 of our interview with the SM Group from Dundalk.

This content will be made public in the window ahead as we celebrate our 18th birthday as an Anti-Corruption Whistleblowing Network.

                                                        Death To The Landlord

4. Where There Is Organised Crime, Captured Institutions & No Regulation, There Is Corruption - The Only Construct That Might Save English Football From A Permanent Future Of Mafia Matchfixing Is IREF

In our work in Dundalk, we find that a lack of regulation produces corruption as there is no oversight nor any any ability to address the malicious forces of predatory capitalism. Is IREF a panacea for English football?

Mafia entities in UK football are fearful of the impacts of IREF if / when this supposed regulator comes to fruition. Game theorisation of the lead up to government oversight is the primary strategy of all power groups - the EPL, the PGMOL, mafia and market makers.

Trust the mafia to regulate themselves is the cry.

This is the whole purpose for establishing IREF - to clean up the English sport and reduce power-based corruption and arbitrariness in decision making.
IREF is the crucial battle.

The whole vocabulary of football suggests fair play - a sporting chance, in the spirit of the game, follow the rules, sporting behaviour, be a good sport.

The lexicon of mafia, in comparison, depends on crime, corruption, coercion, kickbacks and control of infrastructure.

And organised crime utterly destroys the sport.

If mafia entities in coke-filled rooms can decide (based upon criminalised hidden agendas) their corruption strategies then the entire fabric of the sport becomes captured by organised crime...
... not just the individual games and the ups and downs of the season but the entire infrastructure of the future of the game.

It's not just when you attach a betting market to a game allowing it to become the dominant force but also when you allow a non-regulated structure awash with money to oversee a sport enabling organised crime to take control.

The roots of money are in war.
Capitalism tries to disguise this reality with economists still claiming that barter was the foundation of money.

This is based on Aristotle's perspective: "... the various necessities of life are not easily carried about, and hence men agreed to employ in their dealings with each other something which was intrinsically useful and easily applicable to the purposes of life, for example, iron, silver, and the like."

It was one of Aristotle's pupils, Alexander The Great, who realised the actual function of money.

David Orrell: "With an army of over one hundred thousand soldiers, his salary spend during his conquest of the Persian empire amounted to about half a ton of silver per day. Most of it came from Persian mines, with the labour supplied by war captives... Coin money also helped with the related logistical problem of how to provide for the army. The state simply demanded coins from the population as payment for taxes. People therefore had to get their hands on coins, and the easiest way to do that was to supply the army with things like food or lodging. To say, as in economics textbooks, that the need to certify coin money 'created an important role for an authority' is therefore a massive understatement. Really it was the other way round: the state created a need for money through the use of military force. Today, it is no coincidence that the world's main reserve currency is backed by the world's largest military."

The US and the dollar; apartheid and genocide; captured state and corruption; mafia and no regulation.

IREF is a necessity to strip the rogue entities of their sense of entitlement where they feel they can manipulate everything to their agenda at will - spectacle, market, wallet, no watch, trust us to self-regulate this corrupted theatre.

The systemic corruption at the very core of the Premier League is a story that can no longer be told and IREF is leading to desperate attempts by mafia entities to eliminate, water down, capture or peripheralise any regulatory oversight.

Bob Marley: "You will never find Justice in a world where criminals make the rules"

Mafia are petrified of regulation and the policing of what they perceive to be their territory, their turf.
Organised crime do not want a steady depreciation in their power.

Gary Neville: "But their [The Premier League] mindset is such of a bully, their mindset is that they can influence a regulator once a regulator is introduced."

The EPL are additionally giving freebies out like candy to the Plank of Softwood and his dumbed down Cabinet in a pincer attempt to water down the IREF construct in parliament.
Loopholes need to be maintained, inputs need to be controlled, leeching entities need to be captured.

One might think that English football has something to hide.

There have been extensive efforts by organised crime to dilute the impact of IREF via the involvement of captured personnel in key positions and also via the creation of entirely fake constructs with the aim of jigsawing them into the captured IREF edifice once open to the public - for example, see - The Football Is Fixed Integrity Index 2023 / 24 Season.

In an ideal world for organised crime, IREF must be so ineffectual that crime can continue without deceleration by oversight.

If a tree falls and there is nobody there to hear it, does it make a noise?
In fact, does the fucking tree even fall in the first place?

Other European leagues would appreciate a robust IREF too as the Dwarf exports his corruption matrices to Italy, Spain, Germany and beyond.
It's a latter day evolution of the English Disease by the concrete master race.

From Njal's Saga: "... with law our land will rise, but it will perish with lawlessness."

Premier League football oscillates between systemic and semi-systemic corruption.
The beauty is being stripped out of the sport by organised crime with their matchfixing and insider trading and coercion of players and doping and rogue match officials and captured media and an apparent randomness in the applications of the rules of the game.
The EPL has turned into a spectacle of farce.
It's a bog standard predatory capitalism template.

But the hyperreality is worse than that because these loci of corruption are being monetised on a proprietary basis via abuses of the global betting and player transfer markets.
Manchester United, for instance, have their EPL match outcomes known in the South East Asian underground markets to greater effect than any other club in the world.
The club leaks more than the roofs of Old Trafford stadium.

That pithy point has resonance because money and value is being stripped from the sport due to a lack of regulation.
The rewards are privatised and the public is left to rot.
The betting markets must be regulated and insider trading must be disclosed.

Entertainingly, there are two distinct forces engaged in the battle to take control of IREF.
As football is fixed, our Network already knows the winner of that particular war.

English football desperately needs a regulator with teeth...
... and whiter than snow in regulatory role rather than having a White Dwarf with his God Complex God Complex tossing white phosphorus onto the integrity of the sport.

Death to the mafia.

5. The Arbitrary EPL Charges Against Manchester City & The Role Of Organised Crime In Preparation Of This Case

Coming soon

                                                       The Rocky Road To Dublin

6. The Replacement Of Integrity With Spectacle & 'Randomised' Officiating In The Premier League - Match Officials Who Are Not Only Owned By Inappropriate Forces But Who Also Trade On The Corruptions That They Are Perpetrating & How Such Officials Rise To The Top Of The Sport - Corruption Structures Within The Professional Game Match Officials Limited

Coming soon...

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Football Is Fixed: We Open Markets - Whistleblowing, Corruption Hacking, Fraud Forensics. 

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