Wednesday, 1 August 2018

We "Futurescan" Futurescanning Ourselves

Artificial Intelligence (AI) built upon previous foundational work with neural networks is the future of analytics.

We are seeking two consultancies - one with a football club to use AI to aid player, match, team and market analyses revealing competitive advantages and protecting against corruptions undertaken to the detriment of the club, and one with a trading entity to apply similar analytics to betting markets, dark pools and insider trading.

These two high level consultancies (each of two years' duration) are where our network will fully demonstrate our anti-corruption techniques enabling strategic attack and defence benefits on the field of play or in the marketplace for the selected entities.

We will demonstrate how neural networks and artificial intelligence are required within a real-time evolving analytics to model future market, sport and system developments and we will be a part of the process to train up the software to consolidate future business benefits in these areas.

Finally, there is the nuclear option.

Exclusivity is everything in competitive sports and markets.

If an entity is able to lock in competitive advantages that are robust over time and is able to achieve this business advancement without the knowledge of competitors (other governments, clubs, market makers, trading professionals, institutions), this unique exclusivity guarantees future benefits.

Before we disappear into the underground, we are offering the opportunity for one entity to purchase all of our cultural and network knowledge together with input and support towards future strategies.

Once this exclusivity is agreed, all future projects of the Football is Fixed network will be abandoned while current ones will be frozen at the conclusion of contract.

For example, if we were to reach agreement prior to a publishing deal being signed, the second book and other potential future high level consultancies will be terminated.

Very senior figures in the game regard Football is Fixed as the best football analysts on the planet.

And we have been regarded so for a quarter of a century.

In effect, a purchaser of exclusivity would be buying the knowledge, the brains, the analytics and the models of our network.

Football is Fixed will then no longer exist.

Our final whistle will have been blown.

But no time-wasters.

We are the best in our niche and we know our worth.

Exclusivity is expensive.

We will announce the publishing date of the first book soon.

We have recently anonymised this date.

We like to keep our enemies on their toes.

We will announce the publishing date of the second book when our potential publishers stop pissing us about.

We will not communicate with 4th Estate media on any basis.

If you would like to discuss any of the above, Direct Message us at Twitter (@footballisfixed) or send email to

The clock is ticking...

If you have any information to contribute to Football is Fixed, please email Ojo del Toro in complete confidence at . You can do so anonymously, but if you use your real name you can rest assured that this website operates a blanket policy of non-disclosure and does not cooperate with requests for details from the authorities or individuals.

Football is Fixed operate as a cellular network. We use the Iceberg Effect. We release 5% of our analytics and any hacks made available to us. We retain 95% for strategic defence, constructive negotiation, court. In extremis, we recuse ourselves and operatives will ensure full publication of the relevant information in numerous territories.

© Football is Fixed 2006-2018