Wednesday 10 June 2009

A Particularly Spicy Onion Soup #

Man With Misshapen Head Ruins The Country But Remains In Power, Almost By Complete Chance He Saves The Football Association From Doing Their Job Properly







Daft Fucker Goes Skew-Whiff

"You just look and you just know" - cuddly neo-fascist, Nick Griffin, explains how a British National Party (BNP) member might recognise somebody who is not British.

By a strange coincidence of opposites, this is exactly how one might spot a neo-fascist too.

And, anyway, all white English are French!

Serial Underachievers Worrying About Their Performance-Related Pay Need No Longer Worry As The Public Is Looking The Other Way

Football mimics Finance.
That has been the basis of this blog since Day Zero.

Inappropriate performance-related pay structures created the matrices for psychopathic financiers to game the poker table for their proprietary advantage.
The correlation between performance and pay was, at best, random and, at worst, inverse.

In ScudamoreWorld 08/09 Brand, several directors need to provide some answers to their supporters.






Election Of Two Fascist MEPs Sparks Waves Of Calm, Rational Discussion






Crime Too High Says Chief Con

The World Bank reckons that between 200 and 400 million children will die globally each year due to the impact of this Depression. Their economists also project that these deaths will continue to occur until 2015.

So, over two million children will die at the hands of our murdering bankers.

Blame the immigrants then...
I mean, what is it that these people are running from?

* All posts labelled # are only available fully by subscription.

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