Saturday 27 February 2010

The Strategy Of Pleszcze Bysshe And His Inhabitants

Pleszcze Bysshe wished to build aerial castles in his fairy tale lands.
Pleszcze Bysshe wished to become a ruler too.
But all he had were debts.

Pleszcze Bysshe needed money to keep the wolves from the door.

To clear the necessary debts, to build his fabulous castles and to secrete his booty offshore was Pleszcze Bysshe's strategy for achieving power.

To Pleszcze Bysshe, money was smack...
...still is.

Pleszcze Bysshe liked to have his cake, eat it, regurgitate, and then eat it all over again.

Pleszcze Bysshe needed a market vehicle with multiple underground market links, a shell operation that would allow market control.
He looked far and wide, this way and that, until next to the sea in a dim and distant land he found The Ponzi Shell.

The Ponzi Shell was perfect for his designs and Pleszcze Bysshe established opaque ownership to polish off the Ponzi Panegyric Pyramid.

To operate the Ponzi Shell was expensive but creative networks of accounting chicanery and fraudulent financial flippancy allowed the very high wages of the participants to be covered.

Once the team was established, the market manipulation could begin.
Insiders, from the top down, would drive the market for many Ponzi Shell events knowing that they were able to achieve the necessary market outcome to serve all of their addictive requirements.

Of course, as the Ponzi Shell was nothing more than that, a shell, debts were attracted to the non-functioning operation like barnacles to a hull in Portsmouth harbour.

Even Pleszcze Bysshe was owed money by the phantasmagoric operation that he familially owned.
Thirty million gold pieces, it is said.

But the rigged markets had been very rewarding to Bysshe and his Boys and the thirty million pieces could be written off as collateral damage.

The Ponzi Shell had been a boiler room operation, a structure very beloved in psychopathic late capitalism.
Castles have been built offshore while a shell is left onshore.
The Ponzi Shell was asset-stripped, vacuumed from the top down and from the inside out.
Like an alchemic battery hen, the Ponzi Shell produced illicit gold until nobody was willing to munch on the omelettes of rigged events.

Proprietary Profits from a Community Entity.

Fat Wallets in Black Markets.

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