Tuesday 27 January 2009

Shop A Cromwellian! #


Populism is not our strong suit and support of the surveillance techniques representative of a police state is not something to which we would normally wish to add our association.

But tonight is different...

Last year on May 14th, 50,000 Rangers fans descended on the one true universal city that is Manchester.
They left within the day with the club having allegedly ###########################
####################################################################### and the fans having left behind a sea of wreckage and vomit and destruction and vomit and criminal damage and vomit and a trail of actual and grievous bodily harm and more vomit.
They treated little homes with scorn...

Fortunately I was abroad at the time but Mancunian 'Gers fans were embarrassed by the display.

Tonight BBC Crimewatch at 21:00 GMT is the latest Hyperreality Spectacular to hit our screens.
Shop A Cromwellian!

For Greater Manchester Police, bless their little taser guns, have identified 49 individuals who they would be interested in having a wee conversation with.


Tell your mates. All Hoops should be nestled comfortably in front of High Definition tv screens. Video it. Replay it. Show it to your work colleagues.
Send the 'Gers Forty Nine back to the the one true universal city etc etc and make them clean the bloody place up.
Because it is a disgrace and, when the Depression bites, it will be deeply comforting to understand that our streets, at least, are impeccably clean.

Shop A Cromwellian!

NB: There are a number of Rangers fans who subscribe to the Football Is Fixed blog and, one would assume, there are others who read the freebie bits at this place.

Being a fan of Celtic (well, the principle of Celtic rather than its current roguish incarnation, that would be), I have to take care when attacking a certain other team as I am undoubtedly biased, unconsciously at least.

So, by way of redress, lets finish off on the state of Celtic.

I would gladly support a Crimewatch Iraq War Spectacular too.
This would involve the beaming of a certain Dr John Reid to Den Haag in order to answer questions about his role in the practices of the government, of which he was home secretary, with regards to the Geneva Conventions and the utilisation of Extraordinary Rendition to boot...

Shop An Extraordinary Renditioner!!

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But, please enjoy the free snippets that we are posting on this site.

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