Following on from the first post in this triptych is, entirely unsurprisingly, the second of the threesome.
In this article we take a closer look at Artificial Intelligence, the impacts of corruption on deep machine learning, the issues regarding performance / safety and we gingerly dip a toe into the sea of consciousness.
In the final post in this series we focus on Quantum Market Analytics and the integration of multiple format analyses into a holographic whole.
Corruption & Deep Machine Learning
The most remarkable aspect of our cosmic history is that lifeless matter has become intelligent or, as Edward Robert Harrison would have it: "Hydrogen..., given enough time, turns into people."
Just as a singularity was the seed that led to our Universe so that term has come to define any intelligence explosion. The utilisation of deep machine learning and Artificial Intelligence has created the opportunities to develop universal intelligence in any sector if one is given access to all of the valuable / valid data.
K AI QMA is teleological and goal-orientated in that it both explains things in terms of goals rather than causes while also being explained more aptly by its effects rather than its causes. And then it inverts this logic to twist back on itself so that causes become effects and vice versa.
But what is intelligence?
The best definition I have heard historically is that intelligence is pattern recognition at speed, although intelligent people who research intelligence struggle to find a shared definition.
There are two basic classifications with intelligence, narrow and broad.
As an example of the former, let's assess how IBM's Deep Blue chess computer defeated Gary Kasparov in 1997. Deep Blue could only dethrone the world chess champion by using hardware and software to master the rules and strategies of chess. The game of chess is a perfect example of a closed system in that only the rules of the game and the two participants' moves matter to the outcome of the match.
A broader example of intelligence arrived in 2016 when the DeepMind AI system AlphaGo won a five match Go series against Lee Sedol, generally thought of as the world's leading player at the time. This was far more impressive than defeating Kasparov for several reasons.
Firstly, there are more possible Go positions than there are atoms in our Universe which means, for humans at least, it is pointless attempting to address all of the manners in which the game might play out.
Secondly, as Go depends consequently on intuition and creativity, AlphaGo showed mastery of these intelligent inputs.
Thirdly, human players depend on subconscious intuition to dovetail with their conscious reasoning - this is no longer solely a human attribute.
Football is Fixed have followed (to an extent) AlphaGo to create K AI QMA,
We have integrated the intuitive power of deep machine learning with the logical power of Artificial Intelligence to spot informative patterns in global betting markets.
Such human-machine collaboration constructs are also very valuable with research elsewhere into cosmology and particle physics and financial investment and military strategies.
But, from the perspectives of most entities attempting to develop deep machine learning in football, the huge absence is an analysis of the extensive corruptions underpinning the sport.
Let's return to Kasparov.
What if Deep Blue was trained up to win at chess against all-comers but Kasparov had cheated (as Hans Niemann has more recently shown that cheating is a competitive advantage in chess)?
Kasparov could have introduced extra pieces at, say, Move 20 or he could have leveled up on analytical continuum by using anal beads and software aka Niemann.
As Deep Blue wouldn't have known in advance which pieces would be placed where on the board at Move 20, such information could not be pre-incorporated strategically and competing against software and prompts would also reduce the competitive advantage of Deep Blue.
Corruption, in this case, would distort the hyperreality.
This is entirely analogous to football where corruptions (particular, semi-systemic and systemic) distort the infrastructures in the global markets.
If a team or market maker develops deep machine learning software to give an edge in the marketplace, the outcomes will always disappoint in corrupted games...
... and the vast majority of higher tier matches are corrupted in one way or another or another or another...
Football betting markets possess another matrix of manipulation - the outcomes to virtually all corrupted events are able to be inverted if the market structure evolves in certain ways.
This makes sure that isolationism is a necessary part of a successful market strategy.
There are parallels here with the total idiocy of Eugene Fama's Efficient Market Hypothesis - all of the information is not in the price as the corruption attempts to secrete itself and constantly evolves and bifurcates to new temporary realities and strata.
Corruption (and insider trading) mean that criminalised entities can always find value in a market as such key inputs are not a part of the pricing process.
And, even a more rounded tool like AlphaGo suffers from the same corruption deficit.
In K AI QMA, 1.0, we touched on the transfer market. As every global footballer is a market in his or her own right, there is a vast panoply of markets for clubs, players' unions, agents and the criminal fringe to address / target.
At the summit of this database are the likes of Brighton's Tony Bloom who has created a bespoke deep machine learning piece of software to detect value globally. By avoiding corrupted cartels of agent-led matchfixers, he is able to internalise the entire analytical process from detection to analysis to purchase to performance to sale at a considerable profit to future financial opportunities.
At a similar level but due to financial might rather than analytical preeminence, Manchester City are able to search far and wide for the best prospects and the transfer fee has less resonance under state ownership. Indeed, performativity of the player rather than the market is the City goal.
In the gutter of the transfer market slither the cartels and the third party ownership slavery merchants. Here the goal is purely short term profit from vastly inflated transfer fees for moderate players that are actualised by mutually beneficial corruption structures within the transfer construct. The poverty of player selection and the inflation of transfer fee are then manipulated by controlled media output to create fake value on top of the basic talent level.
The only aims are to prolong the particular player farce as long as possible and to maintain leeched linkages on to clubs too.
This distortion of the transfer markets is a burnt earth policy and is totally corrupted.
In the holistic, Bloom's creation provides unexpected magic that was actually expected through the training process while organised crime templates yield expected tragic that was essentially unexpected (internally) as strategy forms no part of their process.
Longevity versus a pickpocketing.
This segmentation of the marketplace doesn't exist with the same resonance in the global betting markets.
Although the tiers of dark pool, SE Asian underground, private and public markets are individual infrastructures, they merge together in the same manner that futures and options and derivatives do in financial markets.
The musical chairs of the market makers means that every single market participant is impacted by corruption inputs - it is impossible to determine the outcome of a football match without a very decent hand or a five of a kind of corruption analytics and forensic psychology and white hat hacking and sousveillance and messengers.
Without a deep machine learning tool like K AI QMA,, the markets cannot be analysed as corruption in its variety of forms is the most performative input.
Max Tegmark: "We've now arrived at an answer... about how tangible physical stuff can give rise to something that feels as intangible, abstract and ethereal as intelligence: it feels so non-physical because it's substrate-independent, taking on a life of its own that doesn't depend on or reflect the physical details. In short, computation is a pattern in the spacetime arrangement of particles, and it's not the particles but the pattern that really matters. Matter doesn't matter."
Risk Assessments & Scenario Analytics
The control of the inputs and the ongoing provision of viable parameters to allow K AI QMA to train itself up in all instances in perpetuity is the core of the operation but there needs to be other facets to the project.
In 2012, the collapse of a trading entity was not only very funny but it also cost Knight Capital $440 million dollars in forty-five minutes. This act of self-harming was caused by unverified trading software - greed yielding chaos (and all before half-time!).
Equally important is validation - the Flash Crash of 2010 was equivalently funny and was the result of expectations being violated via multiple automatic trading programs around the world misreading an outlier construct.
Related to this latter point (and particularly of relevance in corrupted football betting markets), does the system rely on assumptions that might not always hold plus the adjacent task of how to improve the system's take on uncertainty.
Enlightened human control of K AI QMA is also a necessity.
As is security.
When air gaps and Faraday cages may be circumvented then we have developed two defensive strategies to obliterate malicious operators.
One relates to the intricacies in the coding of the coding which creates impossibility in achieving future kaizen.
The other is pure military strategy - it is the policy of the Football is Fixed Network to always reverse hack any attempted intrusion unless it comes from a state.
And, on the subject of spies, we have messengers dotted around key loci in the football sector.
These entities provide our Network with massively valuable inputs regarding corruption.
Looking forward, these individuals may remain a robust option to us, require replacement by us, be turned by their handlers against us and need addressing as a double bluff / treble bluff route to enhancement or become peripheralised within their entity and no longer of any use to us.
As a Network, we also experience attempts at infiltration linked to the operations that we target. Usually we eliminate immediately but there are occasions (the Turing option) where longevity is allowed so that the infiltration might be played to our advantage.
This latter option has risks but the rewards are significant in that, in effect, you are providing false inputs to your enemies which results in vast under performance and chaos.
A sub-division of infiltration is honeypotting where beauty is the temptation but, in our collective experience, the honey is generally not so sweet.
We do, however, use an inversion of mechanised honeypotting where peripheral and largely irrelevant computer systems are sacrificed to encourage external attacks. The perpetrator believes that they are seeing stuff but they are only seeing the stuff we want them to see and, on top of that, we can monitor their attack procedures for inclusion in future military strategy.
Game theorisation of power hierarchies allows us to detect any perturbations from the Nash equilibrium. This is obviously particularly relevant when observing organised crime and corruption and it is striking how swiftly evolution in the Nash equilibrium occurs in corrupted matrices.
This hyperreality further explains why K AI QMA being 'present' at the scene of the crime is so important in evaluation of corruption inputs to the marketplace.
Crime moves fast and, with some operations, seemingly randomly.
Without a full history of the evolution of corruption, an observer is restricted in the modeling that may be undertaken as such advances have virtually no viable inputs.
It is like looking at the cosmic microwave background radiation and detecting the patterns and the temperature variations and the polarisation and the multipoles that describe the Universe 13.8 billion years ago just after the Big Bang but you can look back no further than this plasma.
Anything that occurred prior to this time is invisible and cannot be used in future extrapolations.
Furthermore, everything that has happened since the Big Bang is also intellectually up for grabs.
But whereas cosmologists have the tool of physics, past corruptions can only be replicated on a hearsay anecdotal level.
Two brief examples of the analytical destabilisation caused by an inability to compile a realistic view of past happenings and past data would be:
a) John "The Clown" Colquhoun (a matchfixing crime operative) and Jonathan Moss (a corrupted lackey of a referee) forged their initial liaisons when they were both playing for Sunderland in 1992. The Clown has now hoovered all references to this onset of an organised crime corruption template with history being rewritten to suggest that their first interaction was 20 years later when Moss was promoted to the Select Group of PGMOL referees. We have two decades of transcripts and intercepts denied to all other observers that prove that this wasn't the case. These corruptions of spacetime cannot be reconstituted with hindsight.
b) The Financial Times: "For two years or more, the UK's Labour Force Survey (LFS) has been misfiring." This branch of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has failed across the spectrum resulting in an impossibility of knowing whether employment is rising or falling from one quarter to the next - let alone how the labour market has evolved since the pandemic. It is estimated that it will take at least two further years to resolve the problems with LFS which means that the UK will not only have had a continual blind spot for 7 years but also that all future analyses will be flawed through a complete absence of pertinent data which could only be reconstituted via time travel. In effect, with extensive data gaps, you can't undertake forecasts because the reality is unknown. Consequently, the ONS is not fit for purpose and is undermining the UK's ability to govern itself. Holistic data is everything.
Some risks are external and cannot be addressed as they are super-systemic e.g. one of the techbro psychopaths unleashes a malicious Artificial Intelligence just for the sheer hell of seeing what happens when one releases superhuman intelligence into our fascinated stupidity.
Such nuclear options fall in the "tough shit" category although the Future of Life Institute is attempting to ensure the eradication of the ultimate malware.
Andrei Linde: "I cannot imagine a consistent theory of everything that ignores consciousness."
The next article addresses the integration of deep machine learning, Artificial Intelligence, Quantum Market Analytics and consciousness.
To enable you, if you wish, to undertake some foundational thinking on how an ill-defined concept like consciousness can be included in a forward-thinking kaizen tool like K AI QMA here are some holistics.
We describe consciousness as subjective experience. So, as you feel like yourself at this moment in time, you are conscious whereas Deep Blue is not conscious. You are conscious when you are dreaming even with limited sensory inputs. There are three key elements to consciousness - how your brain processes information, why you feel subjective experiences and what physics determines whether an entity is conscious or not.
Simply, why should a particular arrangement of particles feel conscious.
God? The Multiverse? God & the Multiverse? Magic? Something else entirely?
And, what about the role of consciousness among indigenous cultures and the role of the sixth sense in 'gypsy' groups who, to some extent, have opted out of modernity and remain truer to a past that most have forgotten. And, more importantly, truer to the physics of that past and its interaction with our species.
After all, robins use quantum entanglement to navigate...
... while Lone Skum can't even get his self-driving cars to navigate autonomously.
This is evidently "out there" blue sky thinking but we will show how Quantum Market Analytics integrates with proxies for consciousness in part three of this K AI QMA.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky: "The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for."
There are parallels between the state of the game in life and in football for our species, which is to be expected with humans at the core of both.
We find ourselves after cosmic evolution in the most stunningly beautiful Universe which has become alive and self-aware. The future potential for the Universe is beyond our dreams but extinction is equally likely. The outcome depends on humans alive today.
The same is true of football - beauty or death?
We're done.
And the massacre we promised you for Valentine's Day...?
Masters' Masters mastered by a Mustering of Masterful Masterpieces
Masters' Masters & Masters himself Mashed Up under Master Plans
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We use the Iceberg Effect.
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Football Is Fixed: We Open Markets - Whistleblowing, Corruption Hacking, Fraud Forensics. ____________________________________________________________________________
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