Thursday 17 October 2024

God Bless England --- The Transparency Of Corruption Part 2

Rising from the ashes of the desolation of your sport, here is Part 2 of our interview with the SM Group from Dundalk.

This content will be made public in the window ahead as we celebrate our 18th birthday as an Anti-Corruption Whistleblowing Network.

                                                        Death To The Landlord

4. Where There Is Organised Crime, Captured Institutions & No Regulation, There Is Corruption - The Only Construct That Might Save English Football From A Permanent Future Of Mafia Matchfixing Is IREF

In our work in Dundalk, we find that a lack of regulation produces corruption as there is no oversight nor any any ability to address the malicious forces of predatory capitalism. Is IREF a panacea for English football?

Mafia entities in UK football are fearful of the impacts of IREF if / when this supposed regulator comes to fruition. Game theorisation of the lead up to government oversight is the primary strategy of all power groups - the EPL, the PGMOL, mafia and market makers.

Trust the mafia to regulate themselves is the cry.

This is the whole purpose for establishing IREF - to clean up the English sport and reduce power-based corruption and arbitrariness in decision making.
IREF is the crucial battle.

The whole vocabulary of football suggests fair play - a sporting chance, in the spirit of the game, follow the rules, sporting behaviour, be a good sport.

The lexicon of mafia, in comparison, depends on crime, corruption, coercion, kickbacks and control of infrastructure.

And organised crime utterly destroys the sport.

If mafia entities in coke-filled rooms can decide (based upon criminalised hidden agendas) their corruption strategies then the entire fabric of the sport becomes captured by organised crime...
... not just the individual games and the ups and downs of the season but the entire infrastructure of the future of the game.

It's not just when you attach a betting market to a game allowing it to become the dominant force but also when you allow a non-regulated structure awash with money to oversee a sport enabling organised crime to take control.

The roots of money are in war.
Capitalism tries to disguise this reality with economists still claiming that barter was the foundation of money.

This is based on Aristotle's perspective: "... the various necessities of life are not easily carried about, and hence men agreed to employ in their dealings with each other something which was intrinsically useful and easily applicable to the purposes of life, for example, iron, silver, and the like."

It was one of Aristotle's pupils, Alexander The Great, who realised the actual function of money.

David Orrell: "With an army of over one hundred thousand soldiers, his salary spend during his conquest of the Persian empire amounted to about half a ton of silver per day. Most of it came from Persian mines, with the labour supplied by war captives... Coin money also helped with the related logistical problem of how to provide for the army. The state simply demanded coins from the population as payment for taxes. People therefore had to get their hands on coins, and the easiest way to do that was to supply the army with things like food or lodging. To say, as in economics textbooks, that the need to certify coin money 'created an important role for an authority' is therefore a massive understatement. Really it was the other way round: the state created a need for money through the use of military force. Today, it is no coincidence that the world's main reserve currency is backed by the world's largest military."

The US and the dollar; apartheid and genocide; captured state and corruption; mafia and no regulation.

IREF is a necessity to strip the rogue entities of their sense of entitlement where they feel they can manipulate everything to their agenda at will - spectacle, market, wallet, no watch, trust us to self-regulate this corrupted theatre.

The systemic corruption at the very core of the Premier League is a story that can no longer be told and IREF is leading to desperate attempts by mafia entities to eliminate, water down, capture or peripheralise any regulatory oversight.

Bob Marley: "You will never find Justice in a world where criminals make the rules"

Mafia are petrified of regulation and the policing of what they perceive to be their territory, their turf.
Organised crime do not want a steady depreciation in their power.

Gary Neville: "But their [The Premier League] mindset is such of a bully, their mindset is that they can influence a regulator once a regulator is introduced."

The EPL are additionally giving freebies out like candy to the Plank of Softwood and his dumbed down Cabinet in a pincer attempt to water down the IREF construct in parliament.
Loopholes need to be maintained, inputs need to be controlled, leeching entities need to be captured.

One might think that English football has something to hide.

There have been extensive efforts by organised crime to dilute the impact of IREF via the involvement of captured personnel in key positions and also via the creation of entirely fake constructs with the aim of jigsawing them into the captured IREF edifice once open to the public - for example, see - The Football Is Fixed Integrity Index 2023 / 24 Season.

In an ideal world for organised crime, IREF must be so ineffectual that crime can continue without deceleration by oversight.

If a tree falls and there is nobody there to hear it, does it make a noise?
In fact, does the fucking tree even fall in the first place?

Other European leagues would appreciate a robust IREF too as the Dwarf exports his corruption matrices to Italy, Spain, Germany and beyond.
It's a latter day evolution of the English Disease by the concrete master race.

From Njal's Saga: "... with law our land will rise, but it will perish with lawlessness."

Premier League football oscillates between systemic and semi-systemic corruption.
The beauty is being stripped out of the sport by organised crime with their matchfixing and insider trading and coercion of players and doping and rogue match officials and captured media and an apparent randomness in the applications of the rules of the game.
The EPL has turned into a spectacle of farce.
It's a bog standard predatory capitalism template.

But the hyperreality is worse than that because these loci of corruption are being monetised on a proprietary basis via abuses of the global betting and player transfer markets.
Manchester United, for instance, have their EPL match outcomes known in the South East Asian underground markets to greater effect than any other club in the world.
The club leaks more than the roofs of Old Trafford stadium.

That pithy point has resonance because money and value is being stripped from the sport due to a lack of regulation.
The rewards are privatised and the public is left to rot.
The betting markets must be regulated and insider trading must be disclosed.

Entertainingly, there are two distinct forces engaged in the battle to take control of IREF.
As football is fixed, our Network already knows the winner of that particular war.

English football desperately needs a regulator with teeth...
... and whiter than snow in regulatory role rather than having a White Dwarf with his God Complex God Complex tossing white phosphorus onto the integrity of the sport.

Death to the mafia.

5. The Arbitrary EPL Charges Against Manchester City & The Role Of Organised Crime In Preparation Of This Case

Coming soon

                                                       The Rocky Road To Dublin

6. The Replacement Of Integrity With Spectacle & 'Randomised' Officiating In The Premier League - Match Officials Who Are Not Only Owned By Inappropriate Forces But Who Also Trade On The Corruptions That They Are Perpetrating & How Such Officials Rise To The Top Of The Sport - Corruption Structures Within The Professional Game Match Officials Limited

Coming soon...

The Football is Fixed Network is unique.
We are in a niche of one.
We have no competitors.

If you have any information to contribute to Football is Fixed, please contact us in complete confidence via Twitter Direct Message @footballisfixed or via email at - we will reply via a secure route

You can do so anonymously, but if you use your real name you can rest assured that this website operates a blanket policy of non-disclosure and does not cooperate with requests for details from the authorities or individuals

Football is Fixed operate as a cellular network. We use the Iceberg Effect. We release 5% of our analytics and any hacks made available to us. We retain 95% for strategic defence, constructive negotiation, court. In extremis, we recuse ourselves and operatives will ensure full publication of the relevant information in numerous territories.

Football Is Fixed: We Open Markets - Whistleblowing, Corruption Hacking, Fraud Forensics. 

© 2024 Football is Fixed

Wednesday 16 October 2024

7 Years


Seven years 💔 Never giving up, never giving in - Paul Caruana Galizia

Sunday 22 September 2024

God Bless England --- The Transparency Of Corruption Part 1

We've done an interview with the SM Group from Dundalk where we show how organised crime groups have a vice-like grip over English & UEFA competitions and how the corresponding corruption oscillates between the systemic & semi-systemic & how an absence of regulation allows mafia to destroy integrity in football.
Football's value was created over the last 150 years and mafia is stripping the sport of integrity and monetising the corruption on a proprietary basis leaving behind a shell, a spectacle of minimal consequence.

This predatory capitalism private equity template is a mafia construct...
... pure and simple.

And it's transparent...

                                                             God Bless England
1. Player Power - The Future Of The Transfer Market

Thank you for agreeing to this interview. Lassana Diarra won his court case against FIFA player transfer rules today. What difference do you think this ruling will make?

Obviously any initial assessment of the impact of the Diarra case is preliminary and it will take our Network time to fully appreciate the new realities.

But, off the top of my head, here are some angles of relevance. 

I would put forward that this is a major victory for Brighton & Hove Albion club owner Tony Bloom.

Bloom has been periodically at war with a tiny rogue of a man since 2021 when their cartelised behaviours fragmented during the Euro 2020(21) tournament.

Earlier this year it was decided that it was in the current interests of the Football Is Fixed Network that Bloom and this tiny rogue of a man re-coalesce. We prompted this re-engagement via careful nudging with an individual within Bloom's inner orbit. 

Our strategic modelling showed that it was also very much in Bloom's interests for the fragmentation to end for a window.

And so it came to pass.

The corruption template in the Premier League immediately became a different construct and much mutual camaraderie was exhibited between Bloom and the tiny rogue of a man.
Mr Bloom has even been in talks to become an investor and minority shareholder in Scottish joke club Heart of Midlothian, a club very close to the tiny rogue of a man's heart.

But this re-coalescence is a gamed arrangement which, ultimately, is only to the benefit of one party...
... with the other party inversely correlated in the outcomes ahead.

We will discuss this later in this interview (because you kindly did a Kuenssberg and forwarded us all the questions - good man!)


Our initial favoured projection for the future of the transfer market is as follows.

The transfer market will collapse in its current form as no club is going to pay £100 million for Jack Grealish if Mr Grealish can wander off and join a new club whenever it pleases him. [In fact, nobody should pay £100 million for Grealish, full stop. But that is another matter.] 

This will impact negatively upon football agents as their primary power resides in the manipulations of the transfer market. Agents will also lose their percentage of the inflated transfer fees. For reasons we are not willing to share fully at this time, we believe that it will be players' unions who will step into the void, this beautiful void, that will pop into existence with the decline of the football agent.

Good riddance to the corrupted leeches!

In June 2021 (just prior to the Euros), one Maheta Molango was smuggled in surprisingly announced as the new CEO of the Professional Footballers' Association.
This was interesting for three reasons.

Firstly, Mr Molango was 'on the run' from shenanigans (alleged shenanigans, that would be) during his time as chief executive of RCD Mallorca. Secondly, who the fuck was Maheta Molango. And, thirdly, Molango and Bloom have history not just related to Molango's period of playing for Brighton & Hove Albion between 2004 and 2007.

The PFA will be in an immensely strong position to move into the territory formerly occupied by football agents, cartels of agents, third party ownership scams, kickback merchants, backhander bastardos and the criminal fringe (and core).

Players will be able, in future, to trust the PFA to enable and optimise their careers as they shuffle around from one club to the other.

Player loyalty to club will exist only in the immediate with the PFA acting as intermediary and catalyst for the transfer continuum that will come to define many player's careers.

This infrastructure would effectively blow football agents out of the water. Good. It is agents who are at the epicentre of all corruptions in football - in that they are the only entities that converse with ALL other parties.

Of course, Bloom, being a genius of astronomical proportions, had the Diarra case in his sights way back.

On May 27th 2016, Diarra was ordered to pay a 10 million euro fine to Lokomotiv Moscow for breach of contract (the action that led to the Diarra versus FIFA case).
He appointed Belgian / Spanish firm Dupont-Hissel lawyers to act on his behalf.

Around this time, Bloom was in the process of becoming majority shareholder in Brussels club Royale Union St Gilloise.
Brussels hence became the locus of the determination as to whether players have total freedom of movement which the Court of Justice of the European Union has now decided players are being denied.

The rest, as they say, is history.

Bloom already dominates the global betting market infrastructures.
He was the first European to delve into the South East Asian underground betting markets in the mid-nineties.

Furthermore, his sabermetric analytical oversight seeking value in the current transfer market has achieved the most astonishing returns at Brighton over the last few seasons with players arriving for peanuts and parting for, oh, I don't know, pistachios.
Lots of pistachios.

And he will soon have significant leverage and, eventually, come to dominate the England and Wales transfer market via the PFA infrastructure too.
And the PFA can integrate with FIFPRO and all sorts of other things can happen that are currently unknown unknowns.

Tomorrow, England and Wales.
The Day After Tomorrow, the world.

Sack Infantino.
Install Bloom!!

The enhanced transfer market that will be created by Bloom will be to the benefit of players, fans and the sport itself.
Indeed, it is as near as football will ever get to some sort of legitimacy.

A transfer market run by a players' union...
... or a transfer market run by organised crime, crooks, chancers and other captains of chaotic corruption and predatory capitalism?
Your choice.

Oh! And Mr Bloom.
Mr Bloom will do very nicely out of this.

A total fucking coup!

And, as an aside, Lass Diarra is a bit of a hero...

There will, however, be two major downsides.

Players will become like highly paid active sporting consultants to an array of teams throughout their careers. Club squads will be permanently in flux meaning more transaction fees to be paid into PFA coffers.
Very sweet.

There will also be the financial incentive to potentially turn the entity from a players' union into a private operation which would morph inevitably into a private equity construct which will suck the value out of the entire universe of the hyperreality that has been established by this, in effect, entirely pointless progression..

The cycle of predatory capitalism never evolves as it evolves.
What goes around comes around in this revolving door binary irrelevance. 


Being a Direct Action Network, we only approach these farcical spectacles of puffed up futility from a mocking anarchist perspective. 


Lawyers truly care so here is a precis of Jan Zglinski's overview of the Diarra case...

FIFA has three options.

Option 1 - FIFA ignores the ruling and draws up new transfer regulations without consulting the players.

Option 2 - Collective bargaining can take place between players and employers. An EU mechanism exists for this very purpose and an EU-wide agreement could, via the Brussels effect, lead to changes across Europe (including non-EU countries) and possibly even globally. 
This collective bargaining construct could additionally be extended to cover other adjacent issues affecting labour relations in football - minimum / maximum wages, contract lengths, healthcare provisions...
Collective bargaining underpins most US sports.

Option 3 - FIFA seeks player support for transfer market reform without launching a formal collective bargaining process.

Currently, FIFPRO prefer Option 2 (as we suggested in our interview) while FIFA prefer Option 1 as they are a sociopathic institution and will always avoid relinquishing power voluntarily.

Hilariously, FIFA is claiming a victory out of this heavy defeat. But there are very significant strategic reasons for FIFA to properly consider Options 2 & 3 according to Zglinski.

If FIFA's proprietary reforms don't go far enough then players will continue to challenge under EU competition law - "death by a thousand cuts".

While Option 3 reduces the risk of further legal actions by individual players, only Option 2 would provide long term security for FIFA as collective bargaining agreements are exempted from EU antitrust scrutiny.

It is the players who hold all of the cards in this brave new world - agents, executives, bookmakers, media, institutions, managers, coaches & mafia are superfluous to the reality of the sport.
If there's no players, there's no football.
Nothing to leech onto.
Nothing to corrupt.

It is the inverse of all top-down hierarchies...
... the workers are in control!!

Excellent stuff.

Right, next question...

2. The Full Extent Of The Football Is Fixed Network

Who are you? What do you do? Why do you do it?

I am an anti-corruption whistleblower addressing the role of organised crime in football.
We are a Network of individuals who work together in a cellular web to monitor and expose these systemic / semi-systemic corruptions.

The Network is the most accurate market making analytical group on planet Earth and we provide our proprietary Quantum Market Analytics to a top table market maker in return for the funding of our extensive sousveillance security constructs and matrices. We consolidate this support structure by selling our Quantum Market Analytics to individual market focused entities.

We don't actively participate in the global betting markets although individual members place small positions with captured public operations to provide disinformation, or prompts to illuminate behaviours contrary to integrity in football, or to make a few quid on the side, or to place doubt in the minds of those matchfixing our sport, or occasionally to hedge or enhance actual market stances from elsewhere.

This is just poker play bluff and we utilise these programmes to address the financial and psychological realities of individuals involved in organised crime and the corrupting of football.

Every time our Quantum Market Analytics have detected corruptions pre-match in the Premier League this season, we have been correct - from Everton v Brighton on the opening weekend to Brentford v Wolves last weekend, from Leicester City v Aston Villa to Manchester United versus anyone and everyone.

I am told that our Network has around a score of members from different loci in the global game but we are split into separate cells for strategic defence purposes.
We only release a small percentage of our evidences for a wide array of strategic reasons and we maintain a torque, a tension with enemy forces via our constructs.

There are only two end scenarios - accommodation or mutually assured destruction.
And I, for one, have very little to lose in this encounter - it's like taking a 6/4 shot at Draw No Bet on the Asian Handicaps in full knowledge that the trade cannot lose.
It is a military strategy, nothing more, nothing less.

Why do we do it?
What else is there to do?

We are living in the end times of climate catastrophe-based self-annihilation and a bunch of mafia are corrupting the most beautiful sport. 
We knew football was fucked when we started the blog nearly 18 years ago - indeed we considered calling the blog 'Football Is Fucked'...
... we should have done.

The aim of our output is twofold - to expose the corruption mechanisms in football and to show that it is predatory capitalism operations that see criminals and state integrating to corrupt wider society in a kleptocratic style.
As soon as you attach a market to something, it is fucked.
The money dominates the real purpose, whatever that purpose might be.

Football has gone.
It is simply the biggest gambling edifice on the planet, the biggest casino; all those multi-billion pound liquidity markets being officiated by the captured and subjective decisions of match officials on a few grand per week.
We all have a price!

I wrote a thesis 30 years ago which proved that British horseracing was corrupted and that, if there were liabilities on a horse for the core of the betting industry, then that animal was stopped.
I wasn't allowed to publish this thesis due to threats from Rodney Brack's Bullingdon Boys' gang (Brack was then chief executive of the British Horseracing Levy Board).

So, I sold the thesis to a leading bookmaker!


In effect.
The whole thing is futile.

Permanent David versus Goliath war with fearful psychopaths.
To what end?

The most contorted aspect of this whole nonsense is that we are in the rooms where the criminal decisions are made.
Not literally, of course.

Believe me.
We are in their rooms.

                                               Building Up And Tearing England Down

3. In The Blue Corner, A Lizard; In The Red Corner, A Dwarf

So we guess that the struggle against organised crime is one battlefield you will not soon be departing?

We place ourselves in the borderlands between the occupied territories of corruption and a more enlightened reality.

There are two potential paths ahead for the underground forces underpinning British football - some integrity with a side dish of shenanigans or an entrenched (and terminal) systemic corruption.

The Lizard has the opportunity to "save" football but, on the flip side, he could have chosen to coalesce with the Dwarf and become the man who "sold out" on football.

Let's examine the holistic of this hologram of a hyperreality.

Operations of Intrigue in general bifurcate between fragmentation and coalescence but the only inevitability is the continuing fragmentation in these battles over turf.

The Lizard jettisoned the Dwarf in 2021 for good reasons - the cheeky chappy gutter criminal could not help himself from displaying his chaotic form of psychopathic personality disorder to the detriment of associated parties.

Dominic Cummings wrote an excellent essay on his blog where he deconstructed the peculiar sociopathic construct of former prime minister Johnson. This multi-layered quantised psychopathy is incredibly short-termist and strategic foresight is conspicuous by its absence.
The Dwarf (and his fantastical array of aliases) mimic Cumming's psychological assessment of Johnson.

It is not feasible to strategically move forward as a team with such operators as they are genetically predisposed to self-destruct serially.
And external high level consultative advice brought in is unable to create any robustness to strategy due to this permanent chaos...
... rubbish in, rubbish out is the ongoing cry.

A couple of examples.

The Dwarf has been involved on an advisory level supporting Rebekah Vardy in her farcical high court case against Coleen Rooney.
The Dwarf has brought all of his troops out to fight this battle.
It hasn't gone well.

After being slaughtered by Rooney's immense strategic defence and sousveillance, Ms Vardy and her advisers just keep digging.
Robert Dunne, Rooney's barrister chimed: "It is probably the most ill-advised legal action since Oscar Wilde put pen to writ."

And, in the impotent realisation of his defeat, the Dwarf has been aggressively targeting Coleen's husband Wayne - a pitiful and pathetic response to a proprietary strategic inadequacy.

The Dwarf was also behind Lee Carsley becoming interim manager of the English national team.
He managed to get Stellar's Ashley Cole and Wasserman's Joleon Lescott appointed as key coaching advisers.
Then along came Greece and the entire military operation collapsed or, should we say, was brought a-tumbling down.

The Lizard is overwhelming the Dwarf across the chess board in a multi-pronged attack.

At times of uproar in sport, underground forces always coalesce.

In the mid-nineties the biggest British bookmakers were under pressure from the government and, in response, the Big 3 of Ladbrokes, William Hill and Coral established the Association for the Major Levy Payers to fight with an allegedly united front.

But this unity of purpose was a smokescreen for battles over turf.
Ladbrokes utilised the liaison to set the seeds for the eventual takeover of Coral.

And, as ever in fake constructs, the slaughter had to be attached to created spectacles of crime.

So, Frankie Dettori won all seven races at a race meeting at Royal Ascot in 1996 and a feelgood story was added to the real purpose of this charade.

Rails bookmaker Gary Wiltshire lost over one million pounds at this crime scene while Coral took a major hit just before their accounting year end.

Two years after the Dettori sting, Ladbrokes acquired Coral.

A theatre of spectacle!

Rogue operators just can't help themselves - if you're going to take the piss then you might as well totally take the piss.

We are witnessing a reincarnation of this strategy in the current alleged re-coalescence between the Lizard and the Dwarf.

You know what, let's have a perusal at this nest of vipers.

Lizards are paraphyletic in that some lizards are more closely related to snakes than they are to other lizards.
But some lizards are chameleons and reconstitute themselves in different patterns to suit the situation.

The Lizard and the Dwarf announced their re-engagement towards the conclusion of Premier League season 2023/24.
The Football is Fixed Network had puppeted this process.

Templates immediately altered - the global betting markets readjusted, the strategies and linkages of the PGMOL morphed into new matrices, the hidden agendas of the EPL hierarchy evolved and a project was re-energised for nonsenses at Euro 2024 (in an excellent example of a turf battle / corruption deja vu)...

Strategies were made and promises sworn but very much on the Lizard's terms - the Dwarf had to beg to be allowed back into the Lizard's lair.
But beneath this new allegedly systemic structure was a grabbing of turf hidden within the velvet glove of perceived cooperation.

All of the Lizard's ensuing gains have been immediate and robust while all of the Dwarf's enhancements have been pseudo or delayed, and consequently illusory.

The Lizard incorporates bluff, double bluff, treble bluff, quadruple bluff, nth level bluff (where n is a very large number).
Lizards are slippery lacertae.

The Dwarf has experienced a continuum of spectacular and structural realities, playing with his psychology, destabilising his platforms and looting his booty.

It is a squeezing of margins and space.
It is a death by natural causes or, rather, a self-harming carcinogenic parade marching to the peripheries.
The Dwarf will soon be "out of the saga" in the Islendingasogur sense of the phrase.

It isn't only the global transfer market that the Dwarf has lost control of!

The Lizard is evolving into the Komodo Dragon.
This Lizard doesn't need the Dwarf and, indeed, the presence of the Dwarf will markedly undermine the potential for the Lizard's full strategy to be optimised as it is impossible to build a sustainable strategy when attached to a chaotic short-termism.
The Lizard is getting the Monkey off his back.

The Lizard is collapsing and taking over the transfer market, developing an enhanced control of the liquid global betting markets, exploding the fake edifices of corrupted football agents, manipulating loci regarding IREF, mocking the murk, undermining the systemic corruptions of FIFA / UEFA and, most importantly, establishing a foundation for the next stage of the spectacle.

The Lizard is building up and tearing English corruption down.

The Football is Fixed Network is unique.
We are in a niche of one.
We have no competitors.

If you have any information to contribute to Football is Fixed, please contact us in complete confidence via Twitter Direct Message @footballisfixed or via email at - we will reply via a secure route

You can do so anonymously, but if you use your real name you can rest assured that this website operates a blanket policy of non-disclosure and does not cooperate with requests for details from the authorities or individuals

Football is Fixed operate as a cellular network. We use the Iceberg Effect. We release 5% of our analytics and any hacks made available to us. We retain 95% for strategic defence, constructive negotiation, court. In extremis, we recuse ourselves and operatives will ensure full publication of the relevant information in numerous territories.

Football Is Fixed: We Open Markets - Whistleblowing, Corruption Hacking, Fraud Forensics. 

© 2024 Football is Fixed

Thursday 22 August 2024

The Football Is Fixed Integrity Index 2023 / 2024 Season

The Football Is Fixed Integrity Index 2023 / 2024 Season

We have been closely monitoring the development of the Fair Game Index which ranks all teams in the Premier League, the EFL and the top two non-league divisions - see The Fair Game Index / The Guardian (the Guardian removed their nonsensical article from their homepage following our exposure of the fake).

The Fair Game Index entity reckons that five of the top ten best run teams are in the Premier League with Tottenham Hotspur finishing top of the 'league'.
Manchester United finished in second place with Fulham, Brentford and Liverpool being the other EPL teams in the top ten.

The Fair Game Index utlises the following inputs to determine a score out of 100 - equality standards, financial sustainability, good governance, fan engagement and delivering for local communities.

The body are positioning themselves as an input for the Independent Regulator for English Football (IREF) which, as a organisation, they strongly support.

Excellent stuff.

Chief executive Niall Couper states: "To deliver real and meaningful change we need to understand the problems. We've designed the Fair Game Index to do exactly that and help reshape the game we love. It is the most comprehensive analysis yet of what it means to be a well-run club, and we're calling on the authorities, the Football Regulator and football's governing bodies to work with us."

Even more excellent stuff.

But we question the validity of this Index.

For a start, the only League Two team in the top ten of the Fair Game Index are AFC Wimbledon.
In an astonishing coincidence, Mr Couper just happens to be an AFC Wimbledon supporter and is a board member of the Dons Trust.

Not such excellent stuff.

Once the Football Is Fixed Network became aware of the pushing of the Fair Game Index by individuals who we know to be problematical, we decided to put together our own Index of the Premier League teams from last season.

The Football Is Fixed Integrity Index scores each of the Premier League teams on the following parameters (weighted due to the significance each input has on the integrity of the sport):

The Utilisation of Performance Enhancing Substances
Insider Trading by the Club
Problematical Club Ownership
Control of Referees
Captured Players Coerced by Criminalised Agents
Integrity of the Manager
Shirt Sponsorship
Organised Crime Group Linkages
The Targeting of Specific Clubs based on Spurious Inputs

We will be producing the Football Is Fixed Integrity Index (FIFII) on an annual basis.

Here is the Index for last season.

1. Fulham 58.00
2. Wolverhampton Wanderers 56.50
3. AFC Bournemouth 54.00
4. Brighton & Hove Albion 53.50
5. Arsenal 53.25
6. Manchester City 52.00
7. West Ham United 51.25
8. Brentford 50.75
9. Sheffield United 48.5
10. Aston Villa 47.75
11. Everton 46.50
12. Crystal Palace 46.25
13. Burnley 45.75
14. Chelsea 44.25
15. Newcastle United 44.00
16. Luton Town 42.75
17. Liverpool 42.50
18. Nottingham Forest 42.25
19. Tottenham Hotspur 41.00
20. Manchester United 38.00

So, at least we agree with the Fair Game Index on Fulham.
But, much more interestingly, the Fair Game Index top two teams morph into the bottom two teams when issues of integrity in sport are addressed.

What a weird fluke!

The positioning in the FIFII is not a reflection on the supporters of the various clubs (although fans of Fulham, Wolves, Bournemouth and Brighton should feel a pride that their teams have reached their EPL status with less integrity issues than the remainder of the league).

Supporters of Man United, Spurs, Forest and Liverpool should instead be concerned that rogue processes are at play in their clubs.

For example, one of these teams short-sells themselves in the betting markets via insider trading and associated under performance on the field of play.
This corruption is private profit for criminals and is entirely at odds with the supporters who pay their hard-earned money to witness boiler room scams.

It is our considered opinion that the Fair Game Index is a captured entity.
We possess intercepts that are supportive of this stance (not from the Fair Game Index itself but from inappropriate individuals and entities who are gaming the Fair Game Index process so that captured entities are in place to report to IREF).
The last thing that these inappropriate individuals and entities desire is for IREF to function as a force for good in the English game - there's inappropriate revenue streams and the non-regulated free market to protect here.

Virtually no mainstream media outlets ran the story of the Fair Game Index which was primarily exposed by the very dubious team at the Guardian.

The author of the Guardian piece is one Sheldon Dragwidge who has reached the heady heights of Trainee Reporter at the Basildon and Southend Echo - that bastion of investigative journalism.
One of Sheldon's most recent stories in this exceptional newspaper is entitled "Business Hit By £3k Damage After Hitting Massive Lump In Busy Basildon Road".

Cutting edge journalism of the highest calibre...
... not dissimilar to the nonsense spouted in the Guardian.

This entire story is fake news.
Bin it and then bin the Fair Game Index.

The mainstream media are the mouthpieces of the manipulations, matchfixing and mafia processes behind this criminalisation of our sport.

IREF will be of no value to the sport with such coercive control infrastructures in place.

We thank you for your attention.

© 2024 Football is Fixed 

Tuesday 20 August 2024

INTERNAL DOCUMENTS - Evidences Of Matchfixing In First Round Of Matches In 2024/25 Season

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Network members and Maradona / Messi / Pele clients should check the new Canberra server for access, evidences, intercepts & insider trading (direct & via proxies).

Now that the Canberra server is consolidated, clients and members can sign directly into our archive at any time. There will no longer be any requirement for these prompts on the blog.

We thank you for your fucking attention.

© 2024 Football is Fixed 

Saturday 17 August 2024

INTERNAL DOCUMENTS - ██████████ █████ ████████ ██

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Network members and Maradona / Messi clients should check the new Canberra server for access, evidences, intercepts & insider trading (direct & via proxies).

We thank you for your fucking attention.

© 2024 Football is Fixed 

Friday 16 August 2024

INTERNAL DOCUMENTS - Mole Trafford's Insider View On The Ratcliffe Revolution & The Ten Hag Trap

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Network members and Maradona / Messi clients should check the new Canberra server for access.

We thank you for your fucking attention.

© 2024 Football is Fixed 

Thursday 15 August 2024

Book 2 - Freaky Football: Recipes For Disaster - An Anarchist Cookbook Exposing Systemic Corruption In Premier League

Aperitif - Freaky Football 

Jeremiah Bullivant: "While Cosmologists search for the ultimate nature of reality, we seek the ultimate nature of corruption"

Over the course of season 2024/25, the Football Is Fixed Network are producing, in real time, an extensive and exclusive book detailing corruption in the Premier League - we reveal the perpetrators, the impacts, the matchfixing, the insider trading, the cartelised behaviours (particularly by football agents), the targeting of certain teams, the abuses in the transfer market, the systemic doping, the machinations of the Professional Game Match Officials Limited (PGMOL) and the corrupting of VAR, the role of referees in matchfixing, the manipulations on winning margins, the agreed results, the role of organised crime groups, the impacts of a no regulation infrastructure, the complicity of government, the puppeting of match officials by specific clubs, the institutional contortions of integrity, the captured mainstream media, the criminalised bookmakers, the distortion of the league and the control of the fixture list and match flow.

That sort of thing...

The Independent Regulator For Football (IREF) will soon be operational.
It is important for the future of the game that certain realities are in the public arena prior to the onset of this currently toothless entity.

The new season sees a coalescence of corruption forces (discovered from our intercepts of one organised crime boss) as the cyclical oscillation between fragmentation and integration continues on its merry way.

As Alain Badiou might have said: "Inside the infrastructure of corruption, there is no graspable consistency which would be subtracted from the total and thus offer a permanent structure. Any corruption template, seized in its immanence. thus reverses the inaugural axiom of our entire corruption matrix. It states that the one is not and that the pure multiple - cyclical inconsistency - is. This is entirely natural because a variable situation, not being a consolidated presentation, necessarily identifies corruption with what is presented, thus with the subtraction from the total."

Book 2 is only available to the Football is Fixed Network and to the Maradona and Messi strata of For Green Fields (our information provision service).

We thank you for your fucking attention.

© 2024 Football is Fixed 

Wednesday 14 August 2024

INTERNAL DOCUMENTS - Extensive Evidences Of English-Based Corruption Undermining England In Euro 2024 Final

As we get into gear for the new season, Network members (and Maradona & Messi clients) should check the new Canberra server to discover how organised crime, corrupted agents and certain captured players undermined England in the Euro 2024 Final versus Spain..

For the second Euros on the trot, the systemic corruption of organised crime groups was undermined (by mafia fragmentation and the Football is Fixed Network in both tournaments).

Mafia constructs are not robust and tend towards self-destruction.

Insider trading against England in the Final against Spain represents a new low for those who it was thought could not sink any lower.

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The hopes of football coming home (sic) were undermined by mafia at home...
... the English way.

We thank you for your fucking attention.

© 2024 Football is Fixed 

Tuesday 13 August 2024

INTERNAL DOCUMENTS - Extensive OCG Intercepts / Transcripts

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Network members should check the new Canberra server for access to these data files and intercepts.

We thank you for your fucking attention.

© 2024 Football is Fixed 

Sunday 11 August 2024

INTERNAL DOCUMENTS - Corrupting Penalty Shootouts

Largely due to the work of the Football is Fixed Network, it is becoming harder for captured referees and VAR Officials to corrupt matches via the more obvious routes e.g. red cards, VAR decisions and penalties during the game.

To exercise such marginal gains, certain referees are using "two-headed" coins with the connivance of the associated captain when determining the end of the stadium where penalty shootouts will be played out.

This is a marked advantage as the proximity of one team's fans is a tilt to the integrity of the process,

There are three solutions.

Firstly, one could set up a goal in the middle of the pitch or, secondly, both captains should be able to inspect the coin or, thirdly, corrupted referees could be driven out of the sport..

In future when we are aware of such corruption taking place, we will disclose the process to the 'victim' club.

Network members should check the new Canberra server for damning evidences of this particular form of matchfixing and corruption.

We thank you for your fucking attention.

© 2024 Football is Fixed