FIF Network members should visit the new server in Eire for evidences of the farcical event at Selhurst Park yesterday...
... for everybody else, we kindly ask a few questions:
1. Why didn't the alleged top referee not give a free kick for Liam Roberts' grievous bodily harm assault on JP Mateta? Moreover, why didn't the alleged top referee not issue a straight red card immediately for this assault?
2. Is it of any interest that we have detected significant amounts of insider trading from Roberts' agents on a Crystal Palace victory that Roberts (obviously unwittingly!?!) helped to land?
3. With this being the case, should police be interviewing Mr Roberts and his handlers?
4. Earlier in the week, the Palace owner spoke out against a football regulator - is this related to the extensive insider trading undertaken by the Selhurst Park club? Although Steve Parrish opined at half time in the game about the foul being the worst etc etc, it's not quite as egregious as systemically insider trading matches, is it?
English football needs IREF.
No more delays on behalf of those destroying integrity in English football.
Anthony "The Before-Of-The-Before-And-After-Advert" Gordon got himself red carded for head violence in Newcastle United's FA Cup exit to Brighton & Hove Albion yesterday.
He not only undermined Toon in this tie but will also miss the League Cup Final against Liverpool.
And there are impacts.
We are reliably informed that Geordie boss Eddie Howe will be sacked if his team fail to win a trophy again this season.
And just like a penny finds the pocket of a priest, Salthouse's outfit entirely destroyed integrity at one of Europe's most unique football clubs, SC Freiburg, by loading the goalkeeping and defensive positions with Unique clients and then allowing the markets to have their say.
Unique destroying the unique.
How fucking perverse.
[Network members go to Kerkyra 3.0 for databases of impacted games in the Bundesliga].
The Football is Fixed Network is unique. We are in a niche of one. We have no competitors. ____________________________________________________________________________
If you have any information to contribute to Football is Fixed, please contact us in complete confidence via Twitter Direct Message @footballisfixed or via email at - we will reply via a secure route
You can do so anonymously, but if you use your real name you can rest assured that this website operates a blanket policy of non-disclosure and does not cooperate with requests for details from the authorities or individuals
Football is Fixed operate as a cellular network.
We use the Iceberg Effect.
We release 5% of our analytics and any hacks made available to us.
We retain 95% for strategic defence, constructive negotiation, court.
In extremis, we recuse ourselves and operatives will ensure full publication of the relevant information in numerous territories.
Football Is Fixed: We Open Markets - Whistleblowing, Corruption Hacking, Fraud Forensics.
Today the Guardian published some nonsense article featuring an interview with Erik ten Hag by his agents, SEG.
This isn't journalism and no other media have printed this farcical output.
In the puff piece, the talentless one surprisingly failed to mention how he is currently undermining Manchester United by getting players to under perform for Ruben Amorim.
Network members should check Kerkyra 3.0 for communications featuring two United players (one of whom is also represented by SEG). Additionally, after deliberations and considerations, we provide details of what we are sharing / have shared...
... and with whom.
Ratcliffe should arrange for these two players to be sold immediately.
This post will spontaneously combust whenever we feel like doing that thing.
The Football is Fixed Network is unique. We are in a niche of one. We have no competitors. ____________________________________________________________________________
If you have any information to contribute to Football is Fixed, please contact us in complete confidence via Twitter Direct Message @footballisfixed or via email at - we will reply via a secure route
You can do so anonymously, but if you use your real name you can rest assured that this website operates a blanket policy of non-disclosure and does not cooperate with requests for details from the authorities or individuals
Football is Fixed operate as a cellular network.
We use the Iceberg Effect.
We release 5% of our analytics and any hacks made available to us.
We retain 95% for strategic defence, constructive negotiation, court.
In extremis, we recuse ourselves and operatives will ensure full publication of the relevant information in numerous territories.
Football Is Fixed: We Open Markets - Whistleblowing, Corruption Hacking, Fraud Forensics.
Following on from the first post in this triptych is, entirely unsurprisingly, the second of the threesome.
In this article we take a closer look at Artificial Intelligence, the impacts of corruption on deep machine learning, the issues regarding performance / safety and we gingerly dip a toe into the sea of consciousness.
In the final post in this series we focus on Quantum Market Analytics and the integration of multiple format analyses into a holographic whole.
Corruption & Deep Machine Learning
The most remarkable aspect of our cosmic history is that lifeless matter has become intelligent or, as Edward Robert Harrison would have it: "Hydrogen..., given enough time, turns into people."
Just as a singularity was the seed that led to our Universe so that term has come to define any intelligence explosion. The utilisation of deep machine learning and Artificial Intelligence has created the opportunities to develop universal intelligence in any sector if one is given access to all of the valuable / valid data.
K AI QMA is teleological and goal-orientated in that it both explains things in terms of goals rather than causes while also being explained more aptly by its effects rather than its causes. And then it inverts this logic to twist back on itself so that causes become effects and vice versa.
But what is intelligence?
The best definition I have heard historically is that intelligence is pattern recognition at speed, although intelligent people who research intelligence struggle to find a shared definition.
There are two basic classifications with intelligence, narrow and broad.
As an example of the former, let's assess how IBM's Deep Blue chess computer defeated Gary Kasparov in 1997. Deep Blue could only dethrone the world chess champion by using hardware and software to master the rules and strategies of chess. The game of chess is a perfect example of a closed system in that only the rules of the game and the two participants' moves matter to the outcome of the match.
A broader example of intelligence arrived in 2016 when the DeepMind AI system AlphaGo won a five match Go series against Lee Sedol, generally thought of as the world's leading player at the time. This was far more impressive than defeating Kasparov for several reasons.
Firstly, there are more possible Go positions than there are atoms in our Universe which means, for humans at least, it is pointless attempting to address all of the manners in which the game might play out.
Secondly, as Go depends consequently on intuition and creativity, AlphaGo showed mastery of these intelligent inputs.
Thirdly, human players depend on subconscious intuition to dovetail with their conscious reasoning - this is no longer solely a human attribute.
Football is Fixed have followed (to an extent) AlphaGo to create K AI QMA,
We have integrated the intuitive power of deep machine learning with the logical power of Artificial Intelligence to spot informative patterns in global betting markets.
Such human-machine collaboration constructs are also very valuable with research elsewhere into cosmology and particle physics and financial investment and military strategies.
But, from the perspectives of most entities attempting to develop deep machine learning in football, the huge absence is an analysis of the extensive corruptions underpinning the sport.
Let's return to Kasparov.
What if Deep Blue was trained up to win at chess against all-comers but Kasparov had cheated (as Hans Niemann has more recently shown that cheating is a competitive advantage in chess)?
Kasparov could have introduced extra pieces at, say, Move 20 or he could have leveled up on analytical continuum by using anal beads and software aka Niemann.
As Deep Blue wouldn't have known in advance which pieces would be placed where on the board at Move 20, such information could not be pre-incorporated strategically and competing against software and prompts would also reduce the competitive advantage of Deep Blue.
Corruption, in this case, would distort the hyperreality.
This is entirely analogous to football where corruptions (particular, semi-systemic and systemic) distort the infrastructures in the global markets.
If a team or market maker develops deep machine learning software to give an edge in the marketplace, the outcomes will always disappoint in corrupted games...
... and the vast majority of higher tier matches are corrupted in one way or another or another or another...
Football betting markets possess another matrix of manipulation - the outcomes to virtually all corrupted events are able to be inverted if the market structure evolves in certain ways.
This makes sure that isolationism is a necessary part of a successful market strategy.
There are parallels here with the total idiocy of Eugene Fama's Efficient Market Hypothesis - all of the information is not in the price as the corruption attempts to secrete itself and constantly evolves and bifurcates to new temporary realities and strata.
Corruption (and insider trading) mean that criminalised entities can always find value in a market as such key inputs are not a part of the pricing process.
And, even a more rounded tool like AlphaGo suffers from the same corruption deficit.
In K AI QMA, 1.0, we touched on the transfer market. As every global footballer is a market in his or her own right, there is a vast panoply of markets for clubs, players' unions, agents and the criminal fringe to address / target.
At the summit of this database are the likes of Brighton's Tony Bloom who has created a bespoke deep machine learning piece of software to detect value globally. By avoiding corrupted cartels of agent-led matchfixers, he is able to internalise the entire analytical process from detection to analysis to purchase to performance to sale at a considerable profit to future financial opportunities.
At a similar level but due to financial might rather than analytical preeminence, Manchester City are able to search far and wide for the best prospects and the transfer fee has less resonance under state ownership. Indeed, performativity of the player rather than the market is the City goal.
In the gutter of the transfer market slither the cartels and the third party ownership slavery merchants. Here the goal is purely short term profit from vastly inflated transfer fees for moderate players that are actualised by mutually beneficial corruption structures within the transfer construct. The poverty of player selection and the inflation of transfer fee are then manipulated by controlled media output to create fake value on top of the basic talent level.
The only aims are to prolong the particular player farce as long as possible and to maintain leeched linkages on to clubs too.
This distortion of the transfer markets is a burnt earth policy and is totally corrupted.
In the holistic, Bloom's creation provides unexpected magic that was actually expected through the training process while organised crime templates yield expected tragic that was essentially unexpected (internally) as strategy forms no part of their process.
Longevity versus a pickpocketing.
This segmentation of the marketplace doesn't exist with the same resonance in the global betting markets.
Although the tiers of dark pool, SE Asian underground, private and public markets are individual infrastructures, they merge together in the same manner that futures and options and derivatives do in financial markets.
The musical chairs of the market makers means that every single market participant is impacted by corruption inputs - it is impossible to determine the outcome of a football match without a very decent hand or a five of a kind of corruption analytics and forensic psychology and white hat hacking and sousveillance and messengers.
Without a deep machine learning tool like K AI QMA,, the markets cannot be analysed as corruption in its variety of forms is the most performative input.
Max Tegmark: "We've now arrived at an answer... about how tangible physical stuff can give rise to something that feels as intangible, abstract and ethereal as intelligence: it feels so non-physical because it's substrate-independent, taking on a life of its own that doesn't depend on or reflect the physical details. In short, computation is a pattern in the spacetime arrangement of particles, and it's not the particles but the pattern that really matters. Matter doesn't matter."
Risk Assessments & Scenario Analytics
The control of the inputs and the ongoing provision of viable parameters to allow K AI QMA to train itself up in all instances in perpetuity is the core of the operation but there needs to be other facets to the project.
In 2012, the collapse of a trading entity was not only very funny but it also cost Knight Capital $440 million dollars in forty-five minutes. This act of self-harming was caused by unverified trading software - greed yielding chaos (and all before half-time!).
Equally important is validation - the Flash Crash of 2010 was equivalently funny and was the result of expectations being violated via multiple automatic trading programs around the world misreading an outlier construct.
Related to this latter point (and particularly of relevance in corrupted football betting markets), does the system rely on assumptions that might not always hold plus the adjacent task of how to improve the system's take on uncertainty.
Enlightened human control of K AI QMA is also a necessity.
As is security.
When air gaps and Faraday cages may be circumvented then we have developed two defensive strategies to obliterate malicious operators.
One relates to the intricacies in the coding of the coding which creates impossibility in achieving future kaizen.
The other is pure military strategy - it is the policy of the Football is Fixed Network to always reverse hack any attempted intrusion unless it comes from a state.
And, on the subject of spies, we have messengers dotted around key loci in the football sector.
These entities provide our Network with massively valuable inputs regarding corruption.
Looking forward, these individuals may remain a robust option to us, require replacement by us, be turned by their handlers against us and need addressing as a double bluff / treble bluff route to enhancement or become peripheralised within their entity and no longer of any use to us.
As a Network, we also experience attempts at infiltration linked to the operations that we target. Usually we eliminate immediately but there are occasions (the Turing option) where longevity is allowed so that the infiltration might be played to our advantage.
This latter option has risks but the rewards are significant in that, in effect, you are providing false inputs to your enemies which results in vast under performance and chaos.
A sub-division of infiltration is honeypotting where beauty is the temptation but, in our collective experience, the honey is generally not so sweet.
We do, however, use an inversion of mechanised honeypotting where peripheral and largely irrelevant computer systems are sacrificed to encourage external attacks. The perpetrator believes that they are seeing stuff but they are only seeing the stuff we want them to see and, on top of that, we can monitor their attack procedures for inclusion in future military strategy.
Game theorisation of power hierarchies allows us to detect any perturbations from the Nash equilibrium. This is obviously particularly relevant when observing organised crime and corruption and it is striking how swiftly evolution in the Nash equilibrium occurs in corrupted matrices.
This hyperreality further explains why K AI QMA being 'present' at the scene of the crime is so important in evaluation of corruption inputs to the marketplace.
Crime moves fast and, with some operations, seemingly randomly.
Without a full history of the evolution of corruption, an observer is restricted in the modeling that may be undertaken as such advances have virtually no viable inputs.
It is like looking at the cosmic microwave background radiation and detecting the patterns and the temperature variations and the polarisation and the multipoles that describe the Universe 13.8 billion years ago just after the Big Bang but you can look back no further than this plasma.
Anything that occurred prior to this time is invisible and cannot be used in future extrapolations.
Furthermore, everything that has happened since the Big Bang is also intellectually up for grabs.
But whereas cosmologists have the tool of physics, past corruptions can only be replicated on a hearsay anecdotal level.
Two brief examples of the analytical destabilisation caused by an inability to compile a realistic view of past happenings and past data would be:
a) John "The Clown" Colquhoun (a matchfixing crime operative) and Jonathan Moss (a corrupted lackey of a referee) forged their initial liaisons when they were both playing for Sunderland in 1992. The Clown has now hoovered all references to this onset of an organised crime corruption template with history being rewritten to suggest that their first interaction was 20 years later when Moss was promoted to the Select Group of PGMOL referees. We have two decades of transcripts and intercepts denied to all other observers that prove that this wasn't the case. These corruptions of spacetime cannot be reconstituted with hindsight.
b) The Financial Times: "For two years or more, the UK's Labour Force Survey (LFS) has been misfiring." This branch of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has failed across the spectrum resulting in an impossibility of knowing whether employment is rising or falling from one quarter to the next - let alone how the labour market has evolved since the pandemic. It is estimated that it will take at least two further years to resolve the problems with LFS which means that the UK will not only have had a continual blind spot for 7 years but also that all future analyses will be flawed through a complete absence of pertinent data which could only be reconstituted via time travel. In effect, with extensive data gaps, you can't undertake forecasts because the reality is unknown. Consequently, the ONS is not fit for purpose and is undermining the UK's ability to govern itself. Holistic data is everything.
Some risks are external and cannot be addressed as they are super-systemic e.g. one of the techbro psychopaths unleashes a malicious Artificial Intelligence just for the sheer hell of seeing what happens when one releases superhuman intelligence into our fascinated stupidity.
Such nuclear options fall in the "tough shit" category although the Future of Life Institute is attempting to ensure the eradication of the ultimate malware.
Andrei Linde: "I cannot imagine a consistent theory of everything that ignores consciousness."
The next article addresses the integration of deep machine learning, Artificial Intelligence, Quantum Market Analytics and consciousness.
To enable you, if you wish, to undertake some foundational thinking on how an ill-defined concept like consciousness can be included in a forward-thinking kaizen tool like K AI QMA here are some holistics.
We describe consciousness as subjective experience. So, as you feel like yourself at this moment in time, you are conscious whereas Deep Blue is not conscious. You are conscious when you are dreaming even with limited sensory inputs. There are three key elements to consciousness - how your brain processes information, why you feel subjective experiences and what physics determines whether an entity is conscious or not.
Simply, why should a particular arrangement of particles feel conscious.
God? The Multiverse? God & the Multiverse? Magic? Something else entirely?
And, what about the role of consciousness among indigenous cultures and the role of the sixth sense in 'gypsy' groups who, to some extent, have opted out of modernity and remain truer to a past that most have forgotten. And, more importantly, truer to the physics of that past and its interaction with our species.
After all, robins use quantum entanglement to navigate...
... while Lone Skum can't even get his self-driving cars to navigate autonomously.
This is evidently "out there" blue sky thinking but we will show how Quantum Market Analytics integrates with proxies for consciousness in part three of this K AI QMA.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky: "The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for."
There are parallels between the state of the game in life and in football for our species, which is to be expected with humans at the core of both.
We find ourselves after cosmic evolution in the most stunningly beautiful Universe which has become alive and self-aware. The future potential for the Universe is beyond our dreams but extinction is equally likely. The outcome depends on humans alive today.
The same is true of football - beauty or death?
We're done.
And the massacre we promised you for Valentine's Day...?
Masters' Masters mastered by a Mustering of Masterful Masterpieces
Masters' Masters & Masters himself Mashed Up under Master Plans
The Football is Fixed Network is unique. We are in a niche of one. We have no competitors. ____________________________________________________________________________
If you have any information to contribute to Football is Fixed, please contact us in complete confidence via Twitter Direct Message @footballisfixed or via email at - we will reply via a secure route
You can do so anonymously, but if you use your real name you can rest assured that this website operates a blanket policy of non-disclosure and does not cooperate with requests for details from the authorities or individuals
Football is Fixed operate as a cellular network.
We use the Iceberg Effect.
We release 5% of our analytics and any hacks made available to us.
We retain 95% for strategic defence, constructive negotiation, court.
In extremis, we recuse ourselves and operatives will ensure full publication of the relevant information in numerous territories.
Football Is Fixed: We Open Markets - Whistleblowing, Corruption Hacking, Fraud Forensics.
The Football is Fixed Network have been working for three decades on creating systems thinking approaches to the analysis of the sector, the markets, the corruptions, the hierarchical machinations, the evolution of oversight & regulation, the integration of components, the utilisation of white hat hacking to gather hidden information, the critical impacts of cause & effect, cybernetics, the psychology of human behaviouralism, the appropriate inversion of disinformation offered by mainstream media & their talking heads, the apportioning of criminalised constructs plus the analytics relating to military strategy & turf wars between organised crime groups (locally, nationally & globally).
By addressing these factors individually and how they interact in complex (and often unexpected) ways, we have been slowly but surely creating a very powerful tool K AI QMA.
In more recent times we have been trialing the resultant composite both specifically (in the underground global betting markets through our broker) and holistically (in the progression of systemic hyperrealities).
Analytical Approaches
K AI QMA incorporates an ever-evolving continuum of analytical approaches.
We began in the mid-nineties with a machine learning-based use of neural networks which mimic the manner in which neurons in the human brain communicate. Neurons are aggregated into layers to create different transformations on inputs that flow through the network to produce outputs. Via the repeated training up of neural networks using bespoke back propagation techniques, these networks are able to undertake predictive modelling.
Excitingly, these networks learn from experience (just like most humans) and we are able to develop robust conclusions from disparate and, to the untrained eye, entirely unrelated sets of data, knowledge and information.
This is a key advance - incorporating hard data in numerical form with non-subjective fuzzier nodes e.g. the role of corruptions (both systemic and semi-systemic).
The resultant neural networks have been a part of the market making process in global betting markets over recent years..
The key threshold that must be achieved in this long term project is kaizen - where the neural networks demonstrate a self-generated state of continuous improvement over time. In effect, they think our futures on our behalf.
K AI QMA is unique and bespoke.
In many ways, Artificial Intelligence as applied to the football industry is actually nothing more than deep machine learning even though the best examples might well be very deep. We agree with many others that something cannot be termed human-level Artificial General Intelligence until it possesses consciousness and the median date for that utopia currently stands around 2035.
Or never.
The security people in the Football is Fixed Network have colossal confidence in K AI QMA.
Let's look at some of the foundations of this confidence.
Firstly, having 30 years of bespoke databases developed in real time is a significant advantage. The monitoring of the contortions in football and the betting markets as such progressions were happening have allowed a hologram of the realities to be pictured as and when they occurred.
This is a huge advantage as otherwise it would be impossible to 'look back' at these advancements from where we now stand.
So, for example, the oscillation in recent years in corruption in the Premier League between systemic and semi-systemic matrices is extraordinarily difficult to reconstruct with hindsight as some of the fuzzier inputs (see below) are not able to be reconstructed efficiently or accurately. These repetitive bifurcations have to be modeled in real time.
Secondly, the longevity of our research (neural networks were one of the key reasons why our Network based ourselves in Bucuresti from 2004) enables experimentation to be undertaken as the sport evolves. Hyperparameters were discovered and utilised from 2004 onwards and a large amount of experimentation was streamlined using stochastic neural networks and other Bayesian realities (see the third article in this triptych to be published later in March 2025).
Thirdly, the pot-calling-kettle reaction of OpenAI boss Sam Altman to Deepseek allegedly using distillation of his products to train up the Chinese open source alternative when Altman stole the data of others to train up his own product doesn't apply with K AI QMA as all distillation was / is internal and, moreover, proprietary.
Nobody has our unique databases.
Fourthly, we swiftly adapted and extrapolated the work of David Orrell to develop our Quantum Market Analytics that has now been virtually fully assimilated within K AI QMA.
We fully address Quantum Market Analytics in the final part of this triptych (to be made public in March 2025).
Fifthly, a critical input to creating something akin to K AI QMA is to have extensive talents in modelling closed systems. It should not be a surprise to anyone that Llang Wenfeng (the founder of Deepseek) initially trained up his network to aid his High-Flyer hedge fund.
Football betting markets share structural similarities with international financial markets in that there are a finite number of inputs to the future oscillations in market price. This isn't the time nor place to fully explore these inputs but both infrastructures are closed systems. In football, for example, the price of oil, currency oscillations, trade tariffs and political changes are of no consequence to the sport (or are so peripheral as to be virtually irrelevant).
Cosmology is also a closed system represented by the laws of physics and defining occurrences such as.the inflationary period or the birth of dark matter or the cause behind the cosmic microwave background etc.
As an aside, there are also cutting edge cosmological inputs affecting markets but that is a research project about which we are not willing to comment currently.
The upshot is that closed systems are easier to model than other infrastructures!
Sixthly, it is critical to avoid irrelevant inputs in deep machine learning. The general rule is that everything that is subjective should not form a part of the learning processes. Our structure has produced two valid outliers to this generalisation - i) historical inputs related to, for example, forensic psychology or the monitoring of the body language of corrupt participants may be made robust by aggregating across members of the Football is Fixed Network; ii) some fuzzy inputs have been made performative by incorporation into configurative structures.
Seventhly, the vast majority of current attempts to use deep machine learning to predict future football betting market realities exist in the box labelled 'rubbish in, rubbish out'. It will take decades for these constructs to be able to mimic the success of K AI QMA which will, of course, itself have evolved over that time period. Just as the universe is expanding at an ever faster rate, K AI QMA will extend its lead over competitors into the future.
Eighthly, the modelling of carefully mined data and constructs over a 30 year period produces a continuum of holograms of the evolving hyperrealities of the football sector.
The continuum of knickpoints, breakpoints, self-similarities, bifurcations, quantum leaps, structural reformations in market and sector constructs markedly enhance the resultant deep model.
This evolution has parallels with the physical reality of spacetime where slices of reality exist going backwards in time all the way to the Big Bang but may only have been truly witnessed if one was around at, say, baryogenesis or cosmic acceleration.
Ninethly, being a direct action cellular network, we have inputs that simply don't exist elsewhere - for example, we have copious amounts of data and evidences from white hat hacking, from private detective work, and via intercepts and information / transcripts privately made available to us as we are perceived (correctly) as a trustworthy body.
Tenthly, deep machine learning is being integrated into every aspect of our Quantum Market Analytics from the decisions about what data to collect to the integration and interpretation of such data. Additionally, some events are far more interesting than others in that they reveal significantly more valuable information. Our use of generative deep machine learning allows more complex questions to be asked and these questions stretch further into the future enhancing the performativity of the network.
K AI QMA evolves via unexpected occurrences.
K AI QMA models uncertainty.
Business Structure
Unlike Deepseek, Football is Fixed have absolutely no intention of making K AI QMA open source.
Additionally, we have no intention currently to licence the product to any entity.
The club we are liaising with on a pre-contractual basis understand that this for the moment exists as merely a high level consultative arrangement.
One of our lawyers who markedly helped in the creation of K AI QMA is the late and great David McNeight - a mathematician who became one of Europe's leading patent lawyers.
Never ever let go of your data was one of his mantras.
The training up of K AI QMA with three decades worth of bespoke data is one of our unique selling points - nobody has this data and nobody can create what we have created (see Conclusion for the exception that proves this rule).
As a direct action network, we additionally bring a very unique perception of the realities at play. The Football is Fixed Network are not an insider looking out nor are we an outsider looking in but, rather, we are a freethinking construct that has 'liaised' with insiders (often without permission) from all power loci in football throughout the development of K AI QMA.
Our focus is only partially on remuneration as K AI QMA is merely another development in the saving of as much integrity in football as is possible in a late capitalism template.
Financially, we need lifelong enhanced security, the ability to continue sousveillance in real time and a decent level of living. Nothing more, nothing less. Any excess profits will be regenerated for social projects.
Although we have signed a pre-contract with a leading club, we were not willing in the negotiation process to fully couple ourselves with this entity. The construct is mutually beneficial in that the club has access to new inputs that help address corruptions perpetrated against their interests, for example, while we are able to more fully enhance our very beautiful K AI QMA.
At the conclusion of this season, we will begin the process of approaching and interviewing other entities that have an interest in K AI QMA.
And when we reach the stage where we are totally confident that K AI QMA is robust enough through self-generated kaizen, we will sell K AI QMA to the highest approved bidder in a blind auction...
... or, we will secrete it in house for other proprietary purposes.
That deal will be with a club that isn't corrupt, a South East Asian market maker or a regulatory body with teeth.
We refuse to engage with organised crime groups on any level whatsoever other than mockery, destabilisation and exposition.
Applications To The Football Sector
There are far too many manners in which K AI QMA may be used in the football industry to be listed here.
But it is obvious where some of the enhancements exist for our partners (current and future) - clubs will outperform rivals via the outputs of K AI QMA and market makers will price markets more efficiently leading to a reduction in hedging, for example, and regulatory bodies will be able to detect and act on corruptions more swiftly and more proactively.
In effect, K AI QMA turns the corruptions from an insidious distortion of a beautiful sport into a competitive advantage at the expense of those undertaking criminal behaviours.
We have often repeated the hyperreality that once you attach a market onto a sport, the sport is terminally corrupted with the market taking coercive control. What K AI QMA proves is that to understand this new Sport 2.0, you have to understand the corrupting markets that are leeched onto it.
Corruption is never exhilarating but the eradication of corruption most certainly is.
Simplistic machine learning is being proffered by organised crime to tilt legitimacy in matters like referee selection, market obfuscation, fixture list distortions, tournament construct biases and a whole host of other aspects that have no place in a sport of integrity.
To say that K AI QMA finds solving such naive constructs facile, is itself facile.
Cartels will be fragmented, insider trading will be monitored, outed and terminated, organised crime will be cornered in constructs of their own making.
K AI QMA twists the flux.
We toy with the zeitgeist of corruption (the gap between the fans' perception of reality and the actuality of the criminalised construct).
It is hardly rocket science for K AI QMA to 'solve' corruption events like the recent Premier League match between Crystal Palace and Brentford as individuals across the spectrum were actively involved in an entirely rigged event - nothing was left to chance.
Where K AI QMA excels is in more complex corruption constructs where different power groups seek to control the match outcome from different vantage points - such events share parallels with a poker table where Entity A is trading on control of the clients of one football agent, Entity B knows that the visiting team will be taking performance enhancing substances, Entity C sees the insider trading from one power base, Entity D has coerced a goalkeeper to perform appropriately while Entity E controls the referee and the VAR official. And, also, Entity E is interacting with Entity A.
K AI QMA solves these events.
We are already in conversations with the British state over how K AI QMA might enhance Great Britain PLC.
Football is a huge soft power earner for Britain and the future performativity to the state is being demolished by the short term smash and grab of organised crime.
We have been reliably informed that the deeper levels of state markedly prefer a more robust strategic template existent into the future rather than a private equity-type structure where mafia extract all of the value plus the soul of integrity from the sport and stash it offshore away from prying eyes.
Over time, Britain gains most from a legitimacy in the sport and gains least from a mafia matrix.
Football is Fixed is by no means the only player in this three-dimensional chess match.
Terry Steans, the former head of global investigations at FIFA, introduced us to an individual who undertook a Ph.D in Artificial Intelligence at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and who, rather than tread the well worn path to Silicon Valley, elected to work instead for a South East Asian market maker.
And, excluding K AI QMA, the pinnacle of this pyramid of enhanced deep machine learning (by a considerable distance) is occupied by Tony Bloom, the chairman of Brighton & Hove Albion. Not only has Bloom successfully modeled the global betting markets, he also recently sacked all scouts at the club once he had trained up his transfer market model to self-generating progressive levels of performativity.
Football is Fixed cannot compete with this latter transfer market application yet nor with the level of power engagement achieved by state entities like Manchester City in their transfer activities.
That is a project further down the line.
But we are able to markedly enhance performance in relation to betting markets and the reading of structural realities at both clubs - in Bloom's case to take more sophisticated control of the betting markets and to further enhance his exponentially inflating legacy operation and, in Manchester City's case, to protect themselves against corruptions undermining the success of the club institutionally and on the field of play, as a couple of examples.
Our current focus to evolve K AI QMA to commercial completion is on consciousness.
As an amateur philosopher of cosmology, I see consciousness as the ultimate prize, not to 'discover' it in the manner that Roger Penrose would approve but to fully develop a more primordial input to deep machine learning.
Modelling things that aren't yet understood is a feature of cosmology.
Dark matter and consciousness exist as examples in this near vacuum.
If you are interested in our K AI QMA project then please show patience.
We are not willing to meet or hold discussions with potential clients during this pre-contract window.
Following the third post in this triptych, we have put time aside to address the feasibility of future partners and engagements.
Patience is a virtue.
The second part of this triptych will be published on Valentine's Day because it is going to be a massacre and, for the craic, the third article will hit the blog on St Patrick's Day as he also got rid of a whole bunch of snakes.
The Football is Fixed Network is unique. We are in a niche of one. We have no competitors. ____________________________________________________________________________
If you have any information to contribute to Football is Fixed, please contact us in complete confidence via Twitter Direct Message @footballisfixed or via email at - we will reply via a secure route
You can do so anonymously, but if you use your real name you can rest assured that this website operates a blanket policy of non-disclosure and does not cooperate with requests for details from the authorities or individuals
Football is Fixed operate as a cellular network.
We use the Iceberg Effect.
We release 5% of our analytics and any hacks made available to us.
We retain 95% for strategic defence, constructive negotiation, court.
In extremis, we recuse ourselves and operatives will ensure full publication of the relevant information in numerous territories.
Football Is Fixed: We Open Markets - Whistleblowing, Corruption Hacking, Fraud Forensics.
PREFACE - How Organised Crime Corrupts The Premier League
(Originally published in December 2024)
It's a sunny day
The gang's all here
No chip on my shoulder
Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha
If the Football Is Fixed Network were a band...
... we'd be Doechii.
Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha
You're welcome to 2025 and the Football Is Fixed New Year Party.
No dope.
No alcohol.
No fucking nibbles.
Firstly we give you selected content from the last few months of sousveillance and quote from our seminal blog.
Then we give you the best of contemporary Irish music and some old skool stuff too.
Are we content to leave it at that?
No way, Jose.
There's Protoje and The Last Poets and Doechii and Fela Kuti and Tommy Cooper and Koffee and Ca7riel & Paco Amoroso.
And then we mix it all up Lee Scratch Perry style.
On the wire.
We remember Daphne Caruana Galizia who was assassinated 7 years ago for disclosing that Malta was (and is) a mafia state.
We are fucking nonchalant in our exposition of extensive evidences around the holistics of the systemic and semi-systemic corruption templates that act as a matrix for English top flight football.
Our dance floor is sprung.
Just like at Blackpool Tower.
As a result of historical sins, I support Glasgow Celtic and Blackpool.
Excitingly, last week Blackpool was presented with the honour of having the lowest male life expectancy in Britain, replacing Glasgow at the top of the league.
We are top of the league, say we are top of the league...
And, to celebrate, Blackpool FC owner Simon Sadler this week pleaded not guilty to insider trading in Hong Kong because, apparently, he really really really is not guilty.
In Romania, Roma men are limited to four career choices - musician, hard labourer, hacker, criminal.
Similar templates exist too in Blackpool and Glasgow and Jamaica and Nigeria and US ghetto enclaves and other global recipients of the largesse of predatory capitalism.
Capitalism is exquisite at scarcity - and we don't forget that it took Blessed England 150 years to finally apologise for genociding one million Irish people in An Gorta Mor.
The poetic beauty of this particular heartfelt remorse from Mother England was that the apology was to have been delivered by then prime minister, the soon-to-be war criminal, Tony Blair. But he didn't turn up so an actor spoke his lines.
It was Blair's little BBC / Gerry Adams / Actor's Voice joke.
A future British war criminal getting someone else to apologise for a previous British war crime.
A future genocidist apologising for an old skool genocide.
The Preface.
As soon as you attach a betting market to a sport, the sport is fucked.
Once you attach betting markets to all sports, then all sports are fucked.
We all have a price.
And the global betting markets dwarf the muscle of the events that they leech onto.
In the large majority of Premier League matches, a grouping of individuals with a keen interest in pecuniary reward can earn far more from the betting markets than from the football match itself.
Worse still.
The Party Clown from Stirling wishes for football to become spectacle masquerading as sport.
Just like WWE.
Just like that.
There is an exponential increase in the frequency of these spectacle-as-sport events in the EPL.
Football in Mother England needs regulation.
It is going to get IREF (eventually, after much feet-dragging and loophole creation and blinkered remit construction and the fine-tuning of the appointment of captured advisers).
Football Is Fucked.
Consequently, Football Is Fixed Becomes Futile.
Ever-inflating self-censorship in output supported by ever widening strategic defence matrices just eats itself.
Totally fucking pointless.
I refuse to be an alternative commentator for WWE.
We're off to do something else.
Instead of all of our earnings strengthening our strategic defences.
We will have spare money.
We will still randomly walk output across this very fine blog...
... because, we are the walking people.
An lucht siuil
As the Labour Party is cosying up to the gambling sector and the Premier League is sucking up to the state, IREF is fucked too.
As is everything.
It doesn't help that the Labour Party has a Treasury Minister responsible for tackling corruption called Tulip Siddiq.
Siddiq is a niece of Sheikh Hasina who is on the run from Bangladeshi justice and faces extensive human rights and corruption charges.
The Bangladesh anti-corruption commission have accused Ms Siddiq (and other family members) of embezzling billions over a nuclear plant deal.
One would hope, at least, that Tulip has the knowledge to spot the corruption of others.
Tiberius: "The interesting thing about capitalism is that it's entirely incompatible with the future, so we've just decided to get rid of the future and keep capitalism for a short while."
Really sweet.
Financial Times: "The UK (sic) should break its long-held apathy to paying whistleblowers in order to reduce economic crime." This is the view of the Royal United Services Institute, a think tank.
An unusual entity for an anarchist direct action network to be in agreement with, but we couldn't agree more!.
Hence we keep the blog spluttering along in the background lobbing schadenfreude left, right and centre.
The RUSI (for that is what the British state military wing call themselves) think that an effective whistleblower reward system could play a "pivotal role" in reducing white collar offences.
The Serious Fraud Office (SFO) are also keen.
Put a squeeze on crime.
Provide external financial incentives to select a warped postmodern version of integrity as opposed to being a friend of the mafia.
As I said.
We all have a price (even whistleblowers - it's just that we play a very long game of deferred gratification).
The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has been paying for information since 2011 and, in relation to financial markets, has encouraged British whistleblowers to lodge their cases in the US.
As America takes over huge swathes of English football, the equivalent route will exist for white collar crime in the football markets.
The highest US payout to date is $279 million which should increase the life spans of Sandgronian and Glaswegian men somewhat.
RUSI is funded by the Serious Organised Crime & Anti-Corruption Evidence Research Programme and they have found that establishing a proper body to address whistleblowing produces better protection to handle the information.
Eliza Lockhart of RUSI: "The money is important, but the protection, the idea that you are actually actively going to be protected, is what anecdotally from the US appears to be one of the major driving factors."
Currently, the HMRC encourage whistleblowers while the Competition and Market Authority (CMA) already offer rewards up to £250,000 for information about illicit cartels.
How a whistleblower is going to cover future security expenses and short-term legal costs is the elephant that means the CMA room is empty.
Of course, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) could step into the breech except that their aura as a regulator is kind of fucked after the FCA chair, the immaculately named Ashley Alder, was discovered to have outed FCA whistleblowers internally and, despite the FCA being criticised by parliamentarians for a general "alarming" treatment of whistleblowers, Mr Alder refuses to be planted out.
Of course he does.
Must be a funny handshake thing.
God Bless England --- where the transparency of the corruption is entirely irrelevant as all of the state bodies tasked with discovering such corruption are captured by the very entities undertaking the corruption.
We are the walking people so it must be time to live in Eire.
Last week Kneecap dominated the British Film Awards which is, like, really fucking funny.
The Daily Mail, that pretend paper, apoplectically screamed: "Anti-British Irish-language movie funded by UK public money wins Best British film gong".
Kneecap are grateful both for the gongs and the "reparations" from tours, products and merchandise sold in Britain.
Kneecap's generation are the future of the six counties.
They see themselves as having more in common with working class protestant youth from the Shankill Road than they do with some middle class guy in Dublin called Benedict.
Ireland is a very changed place both in the Republic and the Occupied Territories.
And soon it will be united, a state never once achieved by the United Kingdom (sic).
We've done an interview with the SM Group from Dundalk where we show how organised crime groups have a vice-like grip over English & UEFA competitions and how the corresponding corruption oscillates between the systemic & semi-systemic & how an absence of regulation allows mafia to destroy integrity in football.
Football's value was created over the last 150 years and mafia is stripping the sport of integrity and monetising the corruption on a proprietary basis leaving behind a shell, a spectacle of minimal consequence.
This predatory capitalism private equity template is a mafia construct...
... pure and simple.
And it's transparent...
God Bless England
1. Player Power - The Future Of The Transfer Market
Thank you for agreeing to this interview. Lassana Diarra won his court case against FIFA player transfer rules today. What difference do you think this ruling will make?
Obviously any initial assessment of the impact of the Diarra case is preliminary and it will take our Network time to fully appreciate the new realities.
But, off the top of my head, here are some angles of relevance.
I would put forward that this is a major victory for Brighton & Hove Albion club owner Tony Bloom.
Bloom has been periodically at war with a tiny rogue of a man since 2021 when their cartelised behaviours fragmented during the Euro 2020(21) tournament.
Earlier this year it was decided that it was in the current interests of the Football Is Fixed Network that Bloom and this tiny rogue of a man re-coalesce. We prompted this re-engagement via careful nudging with an individual within Bloom's inner orbit.
Our strategic modelling showed that it was also very much in Bloom's interests for the fragmentation to end for a window.
And so it came to pass.
The corruption template in the Premier League immediately became a different construct and much mutual camaraderie was exhibited between Bloom and the tiny rogue of a man.
Mr Bloom has even been in talks to become an investor and minority shareholder in Scottish joke club Heart of Midlothian, a club very close to the tiny rogue of a man's heart.
But this re-coalescence is a gamed arrangement which, ultimately, is only to the benefit of one party...
... with the other party inversely correlated in the outcomes ahead.
We will discuss this later in this interview (because you kindly did a Kuenssberg and forwarded us all the questions - good man!)
Our initial favoured projection for the future of the transfer market is as follows.
The transfer market will collapse in its current form as no club is going to pay £100 million for Jack Grealish if Mr Grealish can wander off and join a new club whenever it pleases him. [In fact, nobody should pay £100 million for Grealish, full stop. But that is another matter.]
This will impact negatively upon football agents as their primary power resides in the manipulations of the transfer market. Agents will also lose their percentage of the inflated transfer fees. For reasons we are not willing to share fully at this time, we believe that it will be players' unions who will step into the void, this beautiful void, that will pop into existence with the decline of the football agent.
Good riddance to the corrupted leeches!
In June 2021 (just prior to the Euros), one Maheta Molango was smuggled in surprisingly announced as the new CEO of the Professional Footballers' Association.
This was interesting for three reasons.
Firstly, Mr Molango was 'on the run' from shenanigans (alleged shenanigans, that would be) during his time as chief executive of RCD Mallorca. Secondly, who the fuck was Maheta Molango. And, thirdly, Molango and Bloom have history not just related to Molango's period of playing for Brighton & Hove Albion between 2004 and 2007.
The PFA will be in an immensely strong position to move into the territory formerly occupied by football agents, cartels of agents, third party ownership scams, kickback merchants, backhander bastardos and the criminal fringe (and core).
Players will be able, in future, to trust the PFA to enable and optimise their careers as they shuffle around from one club to the other.
Player loyalty to club will exist only in the immediate with the PFA acting as intermediary and catalyst for the transfer continuum that will come to define many player's careers.
This infrastructure would effectively blow football agents out of the water. Good. It is agents who are at the epicentre of all corruptions in football - in that they are the only entities that converse with ALL other parties.
Of course, Bloom, being a genius of astronomical proportions, had the Diarra case in his sights way back.
On May 27th 2016, Diarra was ordered to pay a 10 million euro fine to Lokomotiv Moscow for breach of contract (the action that led to the Diarra versus FIFA case).
He appointed Belgian / Spanish firm Dupont-Hissel lawyers to act on his behalf.
Around this time, Bloom was in the process of becoming majority shareholder in Brussels club Royale Union St Gilloise.
Brussels hence became the locus of the determination as to whether players have total freedom of movement which the Court of Justice of the European Union has now decided players are being denied.
The rest, as they say, is history.
Bloom already dominates the global betting market infrastructures.
He was the first European to delve into the South East Asian underground betting markets in the mid-nineties.
Furthermore, his sabermetric analytical oversight seeking value in the current transfer market has achieved the most astonishing returns at Brighton over the last few seasons with players arriving for peanuts and parting for, oh, I don't know, pistachios.
Lots of pistachios.
And he will soon have significant leverage and, eventually, come to dominate the England and Wales transfer market via the PFA infrastructure too.
And the PFA can integrate with FIFPRO and all sorts of other things can happen that are currently unknown unknowns.
Tomorrow, England and Wales.
The Day After Tomorrow, the world.
Sack Infantino.
Install Bloom!!
The enhanced transfer market that will be created by Bloom will be to the benefit of players, fans and the sport itself.
Indeed, it is as near as football will ever get to some sort of legitimacy.
A transfer market run by a players' union...
... or a transfer market run by organised crime, crooks, chancers and other captains of chaotic corruption and predatory capitalism?
Your choice.
Oh! And Mr Bloom.
Mr Bloom will do very nicely out of this.
A total fucking coup!
And, as an aside, Lass Diarra is a bit of a hero...
There will, however, be two major downsides.
Players will become like highly paid active sporting consultants to an array of teams throughout their careers. Club squads will be permanently in flux meaning more transaction fees to be paid into PFA coffers.
Very sweet.
There will also be the financial incentive to potentially turn the entity from a players' union into a private operation which would morph inevitably into a private equity construct which will suck the value out of the entire universe of the hyperreality that has been established by this, in effect, entirely pointless progression..
The cycle of predatory capitalism never evolves as it evolves.
What goes around comes around in this revolving door binary irrelevance.
Keepy Uppy
Being a Direct Action Network, we only approach these farcical spectacles of puffed up futility from a mocking anarchist perspective.
Lawyers truly care so here is a precis of Jan Zglinski's overview of the Diarra case...
FIFA has three options.
Option 1 - FIFA ignores the ruling and draws up new transfer regulations without consulting the players.
Option 2 - Collective bargaining can take place between players and employers. An EU mechanism exists for this very purpose and an EU-wide agreement could, via the Brussels effect, lead to changes across Europe (including non-EU countries) and possibly even globally.
This collective bargaining construct could additionally be extended to cover other adjacent issues affecting labour relations in football - minimum / maximum wages, contract lengths, healthcare provisions...
Collective bargaining underpins most US sports.
Option 3 - FIFA seeks player support for transfer market reform without launching a formal collective bargaining process.
Currently, FIFPRO prefer Option 2 (as we suggested in our interview) while FIFA prefer Option 1 as they are a sociopathic institution and will always avoid relinquishing power voluntarily.
Hilariously, FIFA is claiming a victory out of this heavy defeat. But there are very significant strategic reasons for FIFA to properly consider Options 2 & 3 according to Zglinski.
If FIFA's proprietary reforms don't go far enough then players will continue to challenge under EU competition law - "death by a thousand cuts".
While Option 3 reduces the risk of further legal actions by individual players, only Option 2 would provide long term security for FIFA as collective bargaining agreements are exempted from EU antitrust scrutiny.
It is the players who hold all of the cards in this brave new world - agents, executives, bookmakers, media, institutions, managers, coaches & mafia are superfluous to the reality of the sport.
If there's no players, there's no football.
Nothing to leech onto.
Nothing to corrupt.
It is the inverse of all top-down hierarchies...
... the workers are in control!!
Excellent stuff.
Right, next question...
What will they do when they have no money?
2. The Full Extent Of The Football Is Fixed Network
Who are you? What do you do? Why do you do it?
I am an anti-corruption whistleblower addressing the role of organised crime in football.
We are a Network of individuals who work together in a cellular web to monitor and expose these systemic / semi-systemic corruptions.
The Network is the most accurate market making analytical group on planet Earth and we provide our proprietary Quantum Market Analytics to a top table market maker in return for the funding of our extensive sousveillance security constructs and matrices. We consolidate this support structure by selling our Quantum Market Analytics to individual market focused entities.
We don't actively participate in the global betting markets although individual members place small positions with captured public operations to provide disinformation, or prompts to illuminate behaviours contrary to integrity in football, or to make a few quid on the side, or to place doubt in the minds of those matchfixing our sport, or occasionally to hedge or enhance actual market stances from elsewhere.
This is just poker play bluff and we utilise these programmes to address the financial and psychological realities of individuals involved in organised crime and the corrupting of football.
Every time our Quantum Market Analytics have detected corruptions pre-match in the Premier League this season, we have been correct - from Everton v Brighton on the opening weekend to Brentford v Wolves last weekend, from Leicester City v Aston Villa to Manchester United versus anyone and everyone.
I am told that our Network has around a score of members from different loci in the global game but we are split into separate cells for strategic defence purposes.
We only release a small percentage of our evidences for a wide array of strategic reasons and we maintain a torque, a tension with enemy forces via our constructs.
There are only two end scenarios - accommodation or mutually assured destruction.
And I, for one, have very little to lose in this encounter - it's like taking a 6/4 shot at Draw No Bet on the Asian Handicaps in full knowledge that the trade cannot lose.
It is a military strategy, nothing more, nothing less.
Why do we do it?
What else is there to do?
We are living in the end times of climate catastrophe-based self-annihilation and a bunch of mafia are corrupting the most beautiful sport.
We knew football was fucked when we started the blog nearly 18 years ago - indeed we considered calling the blog 'Football Is Fucked'...
... we should have done.
The aim of our output is twofold - to expose the corruption mechanisms in football and to show that it is predatory capitalism operations that see criminals and state integrating to corrupt wider society in a kleptocratic style.
As soon as you attach a market to something, it is fucked.
The money dominates the real purpose, whatever that purpose might be.
Football has gone.
It is simply the biggest gambling edifice on the planet, the biggest casino; all those multi-billion pound liquidity markets being officiated by the captured and subjective decisions of match officials on a few grand per week.
We all have a price!
I wrote a thesis 30 years ago which proved that British horseracing was corrupted and that, if there were liabilities on a horse for the core of the betting industry, then that animal was stopped.
I wasn't allowed to publish this thesis due to threats from Rodney Brack's Bullingdon Boys' gang (Brack was then chief executive of the British Horseracing Levy Board).
So, I sold the thesis to a leading bookmaker!
In effect.
The whole thing is futile.
Permanent David versus Goliath war with fearful psychopaths.
To what end?
The most contorted aspect of this whole nonsense is that we are in the rooms where the criminal decisions are made.
Not literally, of course.
Believe me.
We are in their rooms.
Building Up And Tearing England Down
3. In The Blue Corner, A Lizard; In The Red Corner, A Dwarf
So we guess that the struggle against organised crime is one battlefield you will not soon be departing?
We place ourselves in the borderlands between the occupied territories of corruption and a more enlightened reality.
There are two potential paths ahead for the underground forces underpinning British football - some integrity with a side dish of shenanigans or an entrenched (and terminal) systemic corruption.
The Lizard has the opportunity to "save" football but, on the flip side, he could have chosen to coalesce with the Dwarf and become the man who "sold out" on football.
Let's examine the holistic of this hologram of a hyperreality.
Operations of Intrigue in general bifurcate between fragmentation and coalescence but the only inevitability is the continuing fragmentation in these battles over turf.
The Lizard jettisoned the Dwarf in 2021 for good reasons - the cheeky chappy gutter criminal could not help himself from displaying his chaotic form of psychopathic personality disorder to the detriment of associated parties.
Dominic Cummings wrote an excellent essay on his blog where he deconstructed the peculiar sociopathic construct of former prime minister Johnson. This multi-layered quantised psychopathy is incredibly short-termist and strategic foresight is conspicuous by its absence.
The Dwarf (and his fantastical array of aliases) mimic Cumming's psychological assessment of Johnson.
It is not feasible to strategically move forward as a team with such operators as they are genetically predisposed to self-destruct serially.
And external high level consultative advice brought in is unable to create any robustness to strategy due to this permanent chaos...
... rubbish in, rubbish out is the ongoing cry.
A couple of examples.
The Dwarf has been involved on an advisory level supporting Rebekah Vardy in her farcical high court case against Coleen Rooney.
The Dwarf has brought all of his troops out to fight this battle.
It hasn't gone well.
After being slaughtered by Rooney's immense strategic defence and sousveillance, Ms Vardy and her advisers just keep digging.
Robert Dunne, Rooney's barrister chimed: "It is probably the most ill-advised legal action since Oscar Wilde put pen to writ."
And, in the impotent realisation of his defeat, the Dwarf has been aggressively targeting Coleen's husband Wayne - a pitiful and pathetic response to a proprietary strategic inadequacy.
The Dwarf was also behind Lee Carsley becoming interim manager of the English national team.
He managed to get Stellar's Ashley Cole and Wasserman's Joleon Lescott appointed as key coaching advisers.
Then along came Greece and the entire military operation collapsed or, should we say, was brought a-tumbling down.
The Lizard is overwhelming the Dwarf across the chess board in a multi-pronged attack.
At times of uproar in sport, underground forces always coalesce.
In the mid-nineties the biggest British bookmakers were under pressure from the government and, in response, the Big 3 of Ladbrokes, William Hill and Coral established the Association for the Major Levy Payers to fight with an allegedly united front.
But this unity of purpose was a smokescreen for battles over turf.
Ladbrokes utilised the liaison to set the seeds for the eventual takeover of Coral.
And, as ever in fake constructs, the slaughter had to be attached to created spectacles of crime.
So, Frankie Dettori won all seven races at a race meeting at Royal Ascot in 1996 and a feelgood story was added to the real purpose of this charade.
Rails bookmaker Gary Wiltshire lost over one million pounds at this crime scene while Coral took a major hit just before their accounting year end.
Two years after the Dettori sting, Ladbrokes acquired Coral.
A theatre of spectacle!
Rogue operators just can't help themselves - if you're going to take the piss then you might as well totally take the piss.
We are witnessing a reincarnation of this strategy in the current alleged re-coalescence between the Lizard and the Dwarf.
You know what, let's have a perusal at this nest of vipers.
Lizards are paraphyletic in that some lizards are more closely related to snakes than they are to other lizards.
But some lizards are chameleons and reconstitute themselves in different patterns to suit the situation.
The Lizard and the Dwarf announced their re-engagement towards the conclusion of Premier League season 2023/24.
The Football is Fixed Network had puppeted this process.
Templates immediately altered - the global betting markets readjusted, the strategies and linkages of the PGMOL morphed into new matrices, the hidden agendas of the EPL hierarchy evolved and a project was re-energised for nonsenses at Euro 2024 (in an excellent example of a turf battle / corruption deja vu)...
Strategies were made and promises sworn but very much on the Lizard's terms - the Dwarf had to beg to be allowed back into the Lizard's lair.
But beneath this new allegedly systemic structure was a grabbing of turf hidden within the velvet glove of perceived cooperation.
All of the Lizard's ensuing gains have been immediate and robust while all of the Dwarf's enhancements have been pseudo or delayed, and consequently illusory.
The Lizard incorporates bluff, double bluff, treble bluff, quadruple bluff, nth level bluff (where n is a very large number).
Lizards are slippery lacertae.
The Dwarf has experienced a continuum of spectacular and structural realities, playing with his psychology, destabilising his platforms and looting his booty.
It is a squeezing of margins and space.
It is a death by natural causes or, rather, a self-harming carcinogenic parade marching to the peripheries.
The Dwarf will soon be "out of the saga" in the Islendingasogur sense of the phrase.
It isn't only the global transfer market that the Dwarf has lost control of!
The Lizard is evolving into the Komodo Dragon.
This Lizard doesn't need the Dwarf and, indeed, the presence of the Dwarf will markedly undermine the potential for the Lizard's full strategy to be optimised as it is impossible to build a sustainable strategy when attached to a chaotic short-termism.
The Lizard is getting the Monkey off his back.
The Lizard is collapsing and taking over the transfer market, developing an enhanced control of the liquid global betting markets, exploding the fake edifices of corrupted football agents, manipulating loci regarding IREF, mocking the murk, undermining the systemic corruptions of FIFA / UEFA and, most importantly, establishing a foundation for the next stage of the spectacle.
The Lizard is building up and tearing English corruption down.
Rising from the ashes of the desolation of your sport, here is Part 2 of our interview with the SM Group from Dundalk.
This content will be made public in the window ahead as we celebrate our 18th birthday as an Anti-Corruption Whistleblowing Network.
Death To The Landlord
4. Where There Is Organised Crime, Captured Institutions & No Regulation, There Is Corruption - The Only Construct That Might Save English Football From A Permanent Future Of Mafia Matchfixing Is IREF
In our work in Dundalk, we find that a lack of regulation produces corruption as there is no oversight nor any any ability to address the malicious forces of predatory capitalism. Is IREF a panacea for English football?
Mafia entities in UK football are fearful of the impacts of IREF if / when this supposed regulator comes to fruition. Game theorisation of the lead up to government oversight is the primary strategy of all power groups - the EPL, the PGMOL, mafia and market makers.
Trust the mafia to regulate themselves is the cry.
This is the whole purpose for establishing IREF - to clean up the English sport and reduce power-based corruption and arbitrariness in decision making.
IREF is the crucial battle.
The whole vocabulary of football suggests fair play - a sporting chance, in the spirit of the game, follow the rules, sporting behaviour, be a good sport.
The lexicon of mafia, in comparison, depends on crime, corruption, coercion, kickbacks and control of infrastructure.
And organised crime utterly destroys the sport.
If mafia entities in coke-filled rooms can decide (based upon criminalised hidden agendas) their corruption strategies then the entire fabric of the sport becomes captured by organised crime...
... not just the individual games and the ups and downs of the season but the entire infrastructure of the future of the game.
It's not just when you attach a betting market to a game allowing it to become the dominant force but also when you allow a non-regulated structure awash with money to oversee a sport enabling organised crime to take control.
The roots of money are in war.
Capitalism tries to disguise this reality with economists still claiming that barter was the foundation of money.
This is based on Aristotle's perspective: "... the various necessities of life are not easily carried about, and hence men agreed to employ in their dealings with each other something which was intrinsically useful and easily applicable to the purposes of life, for example, iron, silver, and the like."
It was one of Aristotle's pupils, Alexander The Great, who realised the actual function of money.
David Orrell: "With an army of over one hundred thousand soldiers, his salary spend during his conquest of the Persian empire amounted to about half a ton of silver per day. Most of it came from Persian mines, with the labour supplied by war captives... Coin money also helped with the related logistical problem of how to provide for the army. The state simply demanded coins from the population as payment for taxes. People therefore had to get their hands on coins, and the easiest way to do that was to supply the army with things like food or lodging. To say, as in economics textbooks, that the need to certify coin money 'created an important role for an authority' is therefore a massive understatement. Really it was the other way round: the state created a need for money through the use of military force. Today, it is no coincidence that the world's main reserve currency is backed by the world's largest military."
The US and the dollar; apartheid and genocide; captured state and corruption; mafia and no regulation.
IREF is a necessity to strip the rogue entities of their sense of entitlement where they feel they can manipulate everything to their agenda at will - spectacle, market, wallet, no watch, trust us to self-regulate this corrupted theatre.
The systemic corruption at the very core of the Premier League is a story that can no longer be told and IREF is leading to desperate attempts by mafia entities to eliminate, water down, capture or peripheralise any regulatory oversight.
Bob Marley: "You will never find Justice in a world where criminals make the rules"
Mafia are petrified of regulation and the policing of what they perceive to be their territory, their turf.
Organised crime do not want a steady depreciation in their power.
Gary Neville: "But their [The Premier League] mindset is such of a bully, their mindset is that they can influence a regulator once a regulator is introduced."
The EPL are additionally giving freebies out like candy to the Plank of Softwood and his dumbed down Cabinet in a pincer attempt to water down the IREF construct in parliament.
Loopholes need to be maintained, inputs need to be controlled, leeching entities need to be captured.
One might think that English football has something to hide.
There have been extensive efforts by organised crime to dilute the impact of IREF via the involvement of captured personnel in key positions and also via the creation of entirely fake constructs with the aim of jigsawing them into the captured IREF edifice once open to the public - for example, see - The Football Is Fixed Integrity Index 2023 / 24 Season.
In an ideal world for organised crime, IREF must be so ineffectual that crime can continue without deceleration by oversight.
If a tree falls and there is nobody there to hear it, does it make a noise?
In fact, does the fucking tree even fall in the first place?
Other European leagues would appreciate a robust IREF too as the Dwarf exports his corruption matrices to Italy, Spain, Germany and beyond.
It's a latter day evolution of the English Disease by the concrete master race.
From Njal's Saga: "... with law our land will rise, but it will perish with lawlessness."
Premier League football oscillates between systemic and semi-systemic corruption.
The beauty is being stripped out of the sport by organised crime with their matchfixing and insider trading and coercion of players and doping and rogue match officials and captured media and an apparent randomness in the applications of the rules of the game.
The EPL has turned into a spectacle of farce.
It's a bog standard predatory capitalism template.
But the hyperreality is worse than that because these loci of corruption are being monetised on a proprietary basis via abuses of the global betting and player transfer markets.
Manchester United, for instance, have their EPL match outcomes known in the South East Asian underground markets to greater effect than any other club in the world.
The club leaks more than the roofs of Old Trafford stadium.
That pithy point has resonance because money and value is being stripped from the sport due to a lack of regulation.
The rewards are privatised and the public is left to rot.
The betting markets must be regulated and insider trading must be disclosed.
Entertainingly, there are two distinct forces engaged in the battle to take control of IREF.
As football is fixed, our Network already knows the winner of that particular war.
English football desperately needs a regulator with teeth...
... and whiter than snow in regulatory role rather than having a White Dwarf with his God Complex tossing white phosphorus onto the integrity of the sport.
Death to the mafia matrix.
Irish Ways And Irish Laws
Addendum #1 - The Appointment Of The New England Manager
As a specific example of why English football requires IREF to enable the game to function legitimately, take the whole process around the England manager position since Gareth Southgate moved on.
Without any sense of due process, the Lee Carsley / Ashley Cole / Joleon Lescott triumvirate was helicoptered in and the resultant inappropriate power of Wasserman agents led to the vastly overrated John Stones being made captain for the Greece match even though he hadn't been able to hold down a starting position for his club Manchester City (despite the long term injury to Rodri).
Greece ended up as the lowest ranked team ever to win at Wembley.
Carsley made it clear he wanted to return to the Under-21s but malicious forces attempted to coerce him into staying.
The FA under the Bullingham Boys is a captured entity and no formal interview process took place regarding a long term replacement for Carsley.
Several managers have complained about this use of smoke and mirrors in the appointment of the next England manager.
These major positions should follow process and not be a private matter between rogue and a captured entity.
The employment of Tuchel is simply a turf grab.
From the perspective of a particular rogue operator, the core desire was to get his own man into the post or, if that proved to be impossible, to ensure that a sleeper was in the managerial team.
And so it came to be with Anthony Barry arriving as Thomas Tuchel's assistant.
Barry is unsurprisingly represented by Wasserman.
More importantly, Barry has been a member of a failed managerial team at all of his previous roles at Chelsea, Eire, FC Bayern, Belgium & Portugal. There is no evidence as to his alleged talents.
We expect John Stones to be made future England captain based on these corrupted inputs.
Meanwhile, the Daily Mail rants that Tuchel's appointment is a "Dark Day For England" and "Three Lions Gamble On A GERMAN [their capitals]".
Sean O'Keeffe: "Would it be churlish to point out that a German has been managing England since 1714?"
Addendum #2 - The Takeover Of Newcastle United
At the time of the takeover of Newcastle United by the Saudi state, we announced that then prime minister Johnson was aware that the Saudi Public Investment Fund was merely a front for Mohammed bin Salman and that, consequently, the takeover was illegal under EPL rules as the Saudi state were televising pirated Premier League footage.
There was a vaguely legitimate Tory minister ██████ ██████ sitting at the virtual table of this illicit negotiation process and he has just released all of Amanda Staveley's WhatsApp messages during the takeover to Telegraph Associate Editor Gordon Rayner - seeNewcastle United Takeover.
It is clear from these communications that Johnson, Staveley, Mike Ashley and the Premier League were all aware that a takeover was taking place illegally according to EPL rules.
But when filthy rich people are getting filthier and richer with the assistance of those who bend the rules, take a slice of the action or prorogue parliament as they see fit, the sport is entirely deconstructed.
A state terrorist who orchestrated the murder of investigative journalist Jamal Khashoggi now owns Newcastle United and UK organised crime cuddles up to this monster in the hope that some rotting flesh will slither from his blood-laden table.
If the government, twisted financiers and the Premier League cannot police themselves then it is critical that we have an independent regulator to stop the ongoing rapacious theft of the value and integrity of football.
The release of these WhatsApp messages is a cleansing process targeting one particular organised crime group that attempts to destroy all aspects of English football.
Little by little the Dwarf diminishes in stature and impact.
The Premier League is refusing to comment publicly on this matter although, as ever, they are leaking to the Dwarf that they see no reason to revisit this case despite clear evidences of inappropriate application of rules.
MPs however could re-examine the takeover after the Telegraph released WhatsApp messages proving that bin Salman was orchestrating the deal.
This is just yet another reason that English football requires a robust IREF.
IREF here...
... or mafia here?
Amach Anocht
5. The Arbitrary EPL Charges Against Manchester City & The Role Of Organised Crime In Preparation Of This Case
You sent us extraordinary & extensive evidences that the Premier League case against Manchester City is arbitrary, contrived, set to the hidden agendas of an organised crime group and partially orchestrated by other EPL teams who have a vested interest in taking Manchester City down (particularly Liverpool & Manchester United).
Why haven't you made this evidence public?
Have you shared it with City and / or their legal representatives?
I see his blood upon the rose and, in the stars, the glory of his eyes
All Out
To celebrate the government introducing the Football Governance Bill in the House of Sociopaths, Sycophants and Inherited Wealth, today we share some constructs that really need to be addressed by IREF once it comes into existence.
IREF is the only thing that can save English football from the malicious influences of the Clown.
This Clown is too chaotic to be integral to football's future.
All In (Exhausted)
In just one weekend of football action, the Premier League, the Professional Game Match Officials Limited and the Football Association provided the abused football fan with the following array of fake spectacles, stuff and nonsense.
A Clown coalesced and catalysed these boiler room scam operations before laundering the hyperealities via his controlling oversight of some media output.
A Clown is linear not quantum.
A Clown believes Scenario Analytics is a promising Hungarian left back.
A Clown slithers in the gutter of short term corruptions while thinking this is what is known as strategy.
A Dwarf has undergone a metamorphosis into a Clown.
It was a chaotic weekend in the world of this Clown, an extension and extrapolation of the wide array of his rogue inputs....
There is fake on the field of play, promoted by fake in the media, with an outcome being an entirely fake construct that cries out for a government-backed regulator...
... just like IREF, only with teeth.
All In (Exhaustive)
Ryan Fraser (represented by Wasserman) entered the field of play as a Southampton substitute before exiting 3 minutes later having given away a penalty by tugging the shirt of Jamie Vardy (Wasserman). After Fraser (Wasserman) received his red card, Vardy (Wasserman) converted the penalty. Just minutes earlier an identical instance of shirt pulling occurred at the other end of the pitch as Jordan Ayew (Wasserman) fouled Paul Onuachu in the penalty area (with the shirt tug lasting for longer). Strangely referee Anthony Taylor elected only to give the Leicester City penalty and not the Southampton one. Ayew (Wasserman) went on to score the winning goal in this boiler room scam of a corrupted game. Even stranger, we found no evidence of Mr Taylor having any mysterious correlations between his in-play decision making and the betting markets. An unusual match all round.
But the biggest controversy last weekend was the officiating of referee Rob Jones and VAR Official Jarred Gillett in Arsenal's defeat at Bournemouth. Both Jones and Gillett are Liverpool fans who are not allowed to officiate on Liverpool's matches. They can however officiate games involving Liverpool's main rivals. The false sending off of Arsenal's William Saliba not only lost Arsenal the game but also meant that the defensive lynchpin would miss next weekend's potential title decider between Arsenal and Liverpool. These two Liverpool referees are not the only pair who cannot officiate on Liverpool games and this has been an issue with Manchester City games over the last two years. Arsenal and City should unite against this integrity manipulation - we have intercepts, transcripts and all of the insider trading patterns on the relevant games. The Saliba decision was further highlighted by a red card not being issued to Tosin Adarabioyo for an identical foul in the Liverpool vs Chelsea game on the following day. It is worthy of note as an addendum that there is magic in the air when Gillett is involved in EPL games in that one particular major global bookmaker magically knows the game outcome pre-match magically and that key insiders magically profit from this tragic magic. Magic!
The tears of a Clown... Just as Mo Salah scored the opening goal in this match, Telegraph associate editor Gordon Rayner published his dramatic proof that the Premier League, former prime minister Johnson and the mainstream media were lying over their knowledge of Mohammed bin Salman being in control of the takeover of Newcastle United. The WhatsApp messages from Amanda Staveley's account were absolutely damning. At 11pm that evening, the Clown attempted to diffuse this new reality with a defensive piece in the Guardian that was removed the following afternoon and replaced with a further article by the Clown where he said that the Premier League had leaked to him that they were choosing to ignore the impacts of these revelations although they were not prepared to make a public comment. I wonder why?! At the same time the current government were looking at the legality of the Newcastle takeover with the first response being that the Premier League must not take into account government foreign policy when addressing future takeovers. This will be included in the IREF bill, the government assures us. Football fans deserve to be in uproar over the Newcastle takeover cover up but the response of the Clown is merely to bury the story from the Guardian and pretend it never happened. The Clown can only fool the fans some of the time.Top class journalism. The Clown has a keen interest in the Newcastle Saudi Arabia project with 6 Wasserman players being at the club managed by Eddie Howe (Wasserman). Additionally, the Clown was an intermediary behind Newcastle's record signing Sandro Tonali. The Clown hid the fact that Tonali was about to be banned for betting offences in Italy thinking that his brand of sociopathy could peripheralise any impact. Tonali was banned for 10 months and the Clown used his output at the Guardian to try and create an altogether more cosy narrative. He failed. To enhance the ties, Steven Gerrard (Wasserman) is manager at Saudi club Al Ettifaq. As a complete aside, it is always worth any sceptics looking at Newcastle United matches when Gillett is involved as referee or VAR.
After Anthony Barry (Wasserman) was announced as assistant England coach, Mikel Arteta (Wasserman) said that he would be interested in the England post in the future. The Guardian, which exists under the Clown's heel, announced that Eddie Howe (Wasserman) and Graham Potter (Wasserman) had been considered to succeed Gareth Southgate. Joleon Lescott (Wasserman) had been assistant under Southgate but still had his Sky Sports gig to fall back on. Arteta (Wasserman) also endorsed Tuchel and Barry (Wasserman). The Guardian is a comic.
In the Telegraph, Jamie Carragher (Wasserman) wrote an advertorial on Enzo Maresca (Wasserman) saying that the Chelsea manager should follow the example of Thomas Tuchel and Barry (Wasserman) at Chelsea.
Despite a Premier League weekend full of intriguing and erroneous inputs from the Professional Game Match Officials Limited, the Guardian bemoaned a misapplication of VAR when Gary O'Neil (Wasserman) saw his team lose to Manchester City. Former referee Keith Hackett said the decision was correct. And it was.
In La Liga in Spain, the bottom two clubs (Las Palmas & Valladolid) were winless going into the weekend's games. Fortunately for them, Antonio Sivera (Wasserman) of Alaves gave away a penalty and only saved one shot in the entire game as Valladolid picked up their first win of the season by three goals to two. Karl Hein (Wasserman) was the keeper for Valladolid. Then Pepelu (Wasserman) got red carded for Valencia allowing Las Palmas their first win of the year. Six players in this Valencia vs Las Palmas game were represented by Wasserman. The defeat leaves Valencia at the bottom of the table. We have been told that the Clown is considering taking on Valencia owner Peter Lim. We would strongly suggest that this is not a very good idea.
The Clown's continued targeting of Wayne Rooney continued (simply because Rooney's wife has demolished Vardy's wife in the Wagatha Christie trial). Firstly there was a first half red card in the defeat at Cardiff and secondly Bali Mumba (Wasserman) made the critical error that led to the goal in Plymouth's 1-0 defeat at Millwall (managed by Neil Harris of Wasserman). The Football Association had given Rooney a touchline ban for the Cardiff game after he objected to the officiating in a previous match against Blackburn (managed by John Eustace of Wasserman). The FA mustn't like Rooney as they never even responded to his application for the England manager post. The Cardiff and Millwall games were particularly key as they are Plymouth's rivals in the fight against relegation from the Championship.
The Guardian (under the Clown's control) ran two headline articles last Saturday morning pointing out the data that damned Ten Hag and his precarious position as Manchester United manager. This was weird journalism because the game between Manchester United and Brentford was an agreed result with a one goal margin (as the Clown was well aware). Brentford were heavily backed +1.5 on the Asian Handicaps before Rasmus Hojlund (represented by SEG) scored the winning goal past Mark Flekken (SEG) saving the job of Erik ten Hag (SEG). Rene Hake (the United assistant manager is also a SEG man). Elsewhere, Joachim Andersen (SEG) of Fulham got himself red carded against Aston Villa.
Last year, the Clown was behind the mailicious release of fake information which undermined Lucas Paqueta's proposed move to Manchester City. Paqueta called for an FA inquiry into these fake leaks which became a stance mocked last weekend in the Guardian. Here is our original article on this case - Paqueta
The Guardian also decided to entirely hide the fact that John Stones (Wasserman) was one of the partying players who put professionalism in second place at Benjamin Mendy's raves. Stones has been made England captain via Wasserman control structures.
Even at the peripheries, the Clown distorts footballing integrity in his serial abuse of the fans who, in effect, pay his wages.
The FA has announced a five match ban for Nottingham Forest owner Evangelos Marinakis for the crime of standing up to rogue officiating and the presence of the Clown in the Premier League. Marinakis was livid at the incredibly twisted officiating of Josh Smith in the game against Fulham. The Forest owner's crime was to spit on the ground. 5 game ban, for that? Yet the PGMOL obviously weren't happy with Smith's performance either as he hasn't had a Premier League referee or VAR appointment since. Interestingly, we have some very interesting stuff linking the nonsenses in the Forest versus Fulham match with insider trading in the markets. Sweet.
Last weekend, the Guardian ran a puff piece on Caoimhin Kelleher (Wasserman) prior to the Liverpool vs Chelsea game.
New Match of the Day pundits include a matchfixing player ███ █████ plus Theo Walcott (Wasserman) and Phil Jones (Wasserman). It is critical for the Clown to launder his processes in the mainstream media.
Serial managerial failure Neil Critchley (Wasserman) has landed upon Heart of Midlothian as new manager.
David James (formerly represented by the Clown) was a Guardian media presence simply for being involved in the half time spectacle of fun at Anfield where he played pantomime villain in return for column inches in the mainstream media.
All In (Poker Play)
These shenanigans count as strategy in the Clown's universe.
His orchestration of the 'Football Leaks' scam where information was secreted and doctored to enable the Premier League case against Manchester City to exist has split the Premier League in two and one club that the Clown believes is in his camp are actually working with Manchester City in the current court case.
The Super League (World or European) is much more likely to come about as an unintended consequence of the Clown's attempts at strategic foresight.
The nonsenses outlined above are just par for the Clown course every single weekend.
Football in England has two potential routes ahead - the Clown or the Lizard.
Fans should pray that the Lizard is victorious in this Cup Final.
Football is Fixed (as torque show hosts) would trade heavily on a Lizard victory - The Lizard Is The Winner
Go mbeannai Dia Sasana --- Tredhearcacht na Caimileireachta
Welcome to Part 3 of our interview with the Stella Maris Cell from Dundalk.
These posts will conclude on our 18th birthday on 11/11.
They represent our present to you all.
The boys of Liverpool, when we safely landed
Called meself a fool, I could no longer stand it
Blood began to boil, temper I was losing
Poor old Erin's Isle, they began abusing
"Hurrah me soul" says I, me shillelagh I let fly
Some Galway boys were by and saw I was a hobble in
With a loud "Hurray!" joined in the affray
We quickly cleared the way for the rocky road to Dublin
The Rocky Road To Dublin
6. The Replacement Of Integrity With Spectacle & 'Randomised' Officiating In The Premier League - Match Officials Who Are Not Only Owned By Inappropriate Forces But Who Also Trade On The Corruptions That They Are Perpetrating & How Such Officials Rise To The Top Of The Sport: Corruption Structures Within The Professional Game Match Officials Limited
The standard of refereeing and the application of VAR in the Premier League is a total joke. But it's worse than that from all of this stuff you have sent through. It is nothing more than a systematic corruption being monetised by criminalised forces.
This is a standard predatory capitalism construct.
How did Mother England's refereeing end up in this state?
Roberto De Zerbi: "I don't like 80% of Premier League referees. That isn't a new opinion. I don't like them. I don't like their behaviour on the pitch. England is the only country where, when there is VAR, you are not sure that the decision is right. In England, no, and I'm not able to understand."
The Premier League has just provided us with a second consecutive weekend of extensive boiler room scams - see All In --- A Weekend's Work for details of the first of these rounds of matches.
Let's take a very brief glance at what transpired.
Jarred Gillett, the VAR official who made the incorrect and outrageous call which led to the red card for William Saliba at Bournemouth was given another Bournemouth match (albeit as Assistant VAR to a very junior VAR official).
More weirdly still, Gillett was also given the VAR position on Chelsea v Newcastle despite his peculiarly evident bias in favour of the Geordies.
The VAR calls in this event were not consistent with integrity.
Former referee Keith Hackett described Michael Oliver's VAR intervention to give West Ham a late penalty which defeated Manchester United as one of the worst decisions he had ever witnessed.
In effect, Erik ten Hag's dismissal was precipitated by this fake call.
Meanwhile, England's other top referee Anthony Taylor made a whole array of decisions tilted in favour of Liverpool at Arsenal.
He was ably supported by VAR official Michael Salisbury.
And this follows two Liverpool supporting referees mugging Arsenal last week (see above and linked article above).
Livarpool have been a PGMOL construct for several years now.
Gillett, Oliver & Taylor are allegedly elite.
When the Clown managed to elevate both Jonathan Moss and Neil Swarbrick to the PGMOL Select Group in 2010/11, he was imitating a template utilised by rogue Scottish referee Hugh Dallas who 'trained up' two referees to carry on his good work after his retirement from on-field shenanigans.
We have exposed numerous corruption templates orchestrated by Moss and Swarbrick over the years. But, in brief, integrity was not on the radar when these two match officials were in charge.
When Swarbrick retired from black whistle work in 2017/18, he was promoted to Head Of VAR at the PGMOL where he oversaw the very worst roll out of video technology in any major league.
The International Football Association Board (IFAB) rules on VAR were entirely ignored by Premier League officials with a delay in the introduction of the technology and in referees initial refusal to use the pitchside monitors while decisions were arbitrarily constructed between the referee and the VAR Official.
When Howard Webb gained control of the PGMOL, he sacked Swarbrick last season along with Lee Mason and Mike Dean.
Soon afterwards, Moss scuttled off into the sunset.
It is worth noting that none of these officials reached UEFA / FIFA level yet were deemed the elite at the PGMOL.
De Zerbi is spot on when he states that the lack of professionalism regarding the implementation of VAR is not present in other leagues.
Elsewhere, although there are certain complaints about the length of time it takes VAR to correct errors, the general view of fans is that the process eliminates distortions to the authenticity of the sport by ensuring that the right decision is made.
Only the Premier League has issues with the correct implementation of VAR - together with an apparent mockery of the fan (and football) via squiggly lines, non-perpendicular to the touchline offside visuals and an apparent refusal to treat each instance by the rules of the game.
Ostensibly, it was this non-application of the rules that led to the sacking of Mason and Dean last season, as the former mysteriously kept being selected for Brentford matches (in 2020/21 Mason was VAR for a third of the Bees' EPL games) and the latter showing a bias towards Liverpool that was as blatant as it was crooked (Dean moved out of Liverpool in order to be able to officiate Merseyside matches and, for no reason whatsoever, was granted private jet air travel courtesy of a bookmaker).
Market makers, bookmakers and professional gamblers will all inform you that by far the biggest input to match outcome is the selection of referee and VAR (particularly in corrupted leagues like the EPL).
This has always been the case although the market structure has become much more volatile since the cyclical processes of systemic and semi-systemic corruption templates have been the foundation of the Premier League.
On Match of the Day recently after Anthony Taylor had given out a record number of yellow cards in one EPL game, there was a studio discussion which ended with Gary Lineker uttering the immortal words "... well done to everyone involved in that"; and even Guardian journalist Scott Murray stated (over a ridiculous refereeing decision during the Crystal Palace versus Liverpool fix): "... the latest thing that's been made up on the spot."
There are four primary issues with the PGMOL.
Firstly, the officials are too few in number and too limited in ability. This produces spurious outcomes.
Secondly, there is momentum behind making football less of a sport and more of a spectacle. This is leading to extreme variations in the application of the rules of the sport.
Thirdly, some referees develop inappropriate alliances with entities associated with betting markets. There exist peculiar positive correlations between certain betting market participants and in-play decision making by some match officials. Money changes hands.
And, fourthly, the resultant match decisions are at best subjective yet randomised and, at worst, corrupted and arbitrary - a theatre of corrupted spectacle.
This produces ridiculous flows of diametrically opposed reading of the rules over windows - e.g. the PGMOL officials reading of last man tackles or kicking the ball away to delay a restart.
But in a sport like football, one fake, erroneous or corrupted decision often decides the outcome of the game.
It is imperative for integrity in football that all efforts are made to produce correct decisions.
Points 1, 2 & 3 above can be somewhat addressed by markedly increasing the size of the refereeing roster. Elite referees simply aren't elite.
But the subjective nature of the reading of the rules requires an entire restructuring of Stockley Park.
Instead of an 'elite' referee serving as VAR official, there should be, say, 9 officials spread around the country who are able to react to on-field calls and effectively vote for the correct decision.
With more referees and greater spread in reaching a decision, there is less incentive for organised crime to coerce match officials to behave accordingly plus a much better visual outcome for fans and, equally importantly, for the integrity of the Premier League.
We should also be allowed to hear the communications between Stockley Park and the referee - there's surely nothing to hide, is there?
The Subjective --- Arbitrary --- Corrupted --- Traded evolution must be terminated.
Because this progression also generates a repetitive question in the minds of captured match officials - how will my decision impact on the power hierarchies, the insider trading, the spectacle, the global betting markets?
IREF should do this thing and bring the PGMOL within the regulatory body (rather than bizarrely existing as a private company as is now the case).
Corruption is the elephant in the room.
In the Premier League, we detect insider trading linked to, well, insiders at a high percentage of matches.
In the Premier League, the VAR process has always been distorted.
In the Premier League, some officials would appear to have extremely close affiliations with certain teams.
In the Premier League, only the most problematical referees get a job for life after retirement.
In the Premier League, the Clown is behind attempts to get Wasserman-represented former players to train as referees. The public message is that this will improve decision making but the reality will be an enhancement in corruption.
Ruud van Nistelrooy exhibiting his folksy racism as a blacked up Balthazar
There are significant orchestrations by gutter operators to derail the appointment of Ruben Amorim as the new Old Trafford.
Organised crime has been undermining Manchester United in recent seasons against the wishes of the Glazers, INEOS, the club and its fans, and desperate efforts are underway to maintain control of this turf.
For starters, rogue elements within Manchester United frequently insider trade the match outcomes.
This occurs more than for any other major team on the planet and these monetisations of the sport sometimes result in defeat...
... sometimes a resounding defeat as per the 0-7 reverse at Anfield that was systemically matchfixed.
Intercepts and leaks show that the Clown is working overtime to prevent Amorim coming in to Old Trafford.
This is despite everybody else (club, INEOS, Amorim, Sporting Lisbon, fans, Glazers) wishing that it completes.
Amorim is by far the best available option and is a top tier manager...
... and, even better, he currently manages a team that plays in green and white hoops!
While United languish in 14th place in the EPL and are without a win in the Europa League (sitting just ahead of Elfsborg and just behind Plzen in 21st place), Amorim has guided Sporting to the top of the Portuguese league, only Villa & Liverpool have more points in the Champions League and they are in the semi finals of the domestic cup competition in Portugal.
Sporting's entire record this season is 13 wins 1 draw 0 defeats, 40 goals scored, 5 conceded.
The most striking aspect of the Clown's many mini-heists is that, if landed, the fallout is always in his favour and always against the requirements of the entity that he is choosing to undermine.
It's a ████ thing.
And so it is with Manchester United's appointment of a new manager.
The Clown wants van Nistelrooy as he is able to leverage the Dutchman's output.
In support of this attempted heist, the Clown has control of the Guardian football output (as is his wont) - see The Cleansing Of Manchester United for historical context since Ten Hag disappeared to Amsterdam with his ill-gotten booty.
Yesterday, for instance, the Guardian claimed that Amorim was taking an "enormous risk" taking the job because of the state of the club.
Soon afterwards the paper reported that Amorim would have no money for January transfers (not true).
And then a major puff piece was put out promoting Ruud's appointment (carefully ignoring the Solskjaer Effect).
And this morning, some other pseudo-journalist at the paper put out some propaganda with the title "Amorim saved Sporting from despair but United are a whole new test".
This followed a theme from yesterday at the Wasserman-controlled Guardian football section where Barney Ronay claimed: "Ten Hag saga a black eye for Ineos as United's brand dies".
And who fucking killed it?
This is simply chaotic and corruption-based chutzpah.
One of the primary reasons that Manchester United are in such a state is the nefarious influence of the Clown with his insider trading and transfer market inputs.
United have become this bad primarily because of the Clown!
Ruben Amorim becoming United manager is a nightmare for the Clown as it entirely demolishes his rapidly diminishing influence at Old Trafford.
The Clown is at (turf) war with Portuguese agency Gestifute and Amorim has associations with Jorge Mendes.
This war against Gestifute has been in existence for over a decade and forms a part of the stitch-up charges laid at Manchester City's door in the ongoing legal case with the EPL.
The Clown hates all things Gestifute.
He hates Ronaldo.
He can't abide Mourinho and did everything within his power to undermine the man in his recent forays into the Premier League (often via the inputs of a rogue match official).
Mourinho is apparently delighted about the Amorim appointment only partially due to the fact that he is the best man for the role.
Sources tell us that the Clown is "on one" and his fears are enhanced by Amorim being favourite for the post with Marco Silva (represented by Gestifute) as third favourite.
The Clown's desperate robbery entirely depends on delaying the Amorim announcement until after the League Cup tie between Manchester United and Leicester City which takes place this evening with van Nistelrooy in the dugout.
Intercepts show that he is orchestrating that template of delay.
The Clown has power over Leicester City (see numerous historical articles) and we will closely be monitoring the outputs of certain players as well as referee Andy Madley and 4th official Michael "Trust Me" Salisbury.
The Clown controls this event and leaks demonstrate that he is seeking a statement United win via an accommodating Leicester City.
Although, if Sporting insist on Amorim serving his 30-day notice period, Balthazar will have 6 games to prove his worth (and Michael "Trust Me" Salisbury is VAR official for Sunday's visit of Chelsea).
More importantly, it couldn't be an easier run of matches with 5 home matches (against Leicester - twice, PAOK, Bodo/Glimt & Chelsea) and a visit to Ipswich.
My Network and our broker are closely monitoring for insider trading on the United game this evening while our contact within Old Trafford is also on the case.
So are some Romanian security operators.
The Guardian intends to portray van Nistelrooy as The Saviour in the aftermath of this farce and the fan euphoria will be energised by the spectacular theatre being planned for Ruud's Pre-Coronation Performance at the Theatre of Dreams tonight (and potentially beyond).
Aside from the fact that Ruud once blacked up as Balthazar and decided to share the image on Twitter (deleted since Ten Hag's scarper to Schiphol) and the more pertinent fact that he hasn't even completed a full season of being a manager anywhere and was unemployed for 14 months after he walked out on PSV (until Ten Hag and the Clown came calling), he is vastly inexperienced for such a significant position.
We understand that the Clown acted as a catalyst to bring van Nistelrooy in as a "back up" when / if Ten Hag were to be sacked..
United don't need another managerial appointment where the Clown has any power.
The club don't need another Solskjaer.
Or another Rangnick or another Ten Hag...
But you have to give the Clown his due over persistence.
He is heavily promoting Wasserman-represented managerial inadequate Graham Potter as a fallback option should the Ruud project end up on the rocks.
Nobody believes in the Clown's universe but they largely bow low to his sociopathic power.
The Clown's only interest in the club is as an asset stripping operation.
He is in the process of converting the strength of the biggest brand in global football into a proprietary bank raid private equity style operation where a fair percentage of all that goodwill, all that brand status, all that history is transferred into his own offshore bank accounts.
Today, Ruud ripped off his turban to urge Manchester United to turn their season around "while we have time."
Translated from the Dutch, I think we can all understand who "we" are in this statement.
And it's not the club.
Ruud health is not the cure for the Clown-infected chronic illness at Manchester United.
Through creative disclosures over a strategised time continuum, via sousveillance alongside Romanian security consultants, with the incorporation of shrewd and an ever-evolving array of battle plans and a holistic strategy that dovetailed all military operations together, Football is Fixed have just undertaken a Toussaint L'Ouverture raid against a Ringmaster..
Menaces & Maletas were hidden behind the curtain allowing our carefully primed raid to prevent criminal acts coming into full fruition.
Britannia's huns with their long range guns
Five times on the ropes...
... and six times that he fell.
We had to delay continuing this Interview while military manoeuvres were implemented.
How fucking exciting.
This is the postmodern plight of being a whistleblower - much time is spent at war and the omnipresence of war is permanent.
On the board where we play our games, there is stalemate as neither side may make a legal move and neither side is in check.
There may be a stalemate but there can be no ceasefire without constructive moves to rid English football of corruption.
And until that beautiful dawn...
Football is Fixed Network will continue to hang out the flag of war until the occupying forces of systemic corruption are driven from our sport...
... either by direct action or by regulation or by both.
7. Corrupted Players & Referees Morphing Into Corrupted Media Post-Career
When we checked your archive of articles we couldn't help but notice that players and referees who you showed to be roguish have largely ended up as the talking heads in current mainstream media. The reasons are evident but would you like to share them anyway?
That's the deal on the table.
If you hand over your professionalism during your career to enable corruption to flourish then you are welcome at the post-career feast where your fake persona is utilised to enable the corruption continuum to flow into the future..
Corrupted players / referees gain during their career via illicit payments to facilitate crime coupled with proprietary insider trading. Furthermore, they remain at the peak of the sport as their handlers want the coerced entities to be on the field of play at the large betting turnover major events.
Corrupted players / referees gain post-career as instead of running a public house just outside Northwich, they are famous within the fake bubble of self-congratulatory blokey camaraderie and their fame is supported by media contracts and yet more insider trading.
Organised crime / bookmakers win in both windows.
It is noticeable how all of the referees that we have focused upon being problematical over the years have either had a promotion to the PGMOL after retiring or are the talking heads who provide disinformation (at worst) and squiggly doodle nonsenses (at best).
In what universe is a rogue like Mike Dean able to be on your fucking telly?
Bent players have more to lose as medals and trophies have to be sacrificed on the altar of systemic corruption.
When it comes down to it.
Would you rather have an FA Cup winners' medal for beating, oh I don't know, let's say Wigan Athletic at Wembley or a post-retirement gig for life (at considerable recompense) chatting shit on the BBC?
Football agents, being the root of all evil, orchestrate these constructs - the matchfixing, the promotion of coerced clients in the media, the post-career rewards...
There's one saving grace.
The disinformation put out by the captured former referees / players in the mainstream media can be modelled, inverted and traded.
How sweet is that?
Corruption wraps itself around the face of English football like a vampire squid.
To leave no stone unturned in their quest for watertight crime infrastructures, the underworld powers-that-be also target coercion of commentators and their cohorts.
Bookies' pal Matterface replaced the far superior Clive Tyldesley at ITV entirely because the latter refuses to liaise with bookmakers. Similar machinationss saw Henry Winter sacked from the Times without valid reason.
Control of commentary on live events is a marked input to bookies' profits on the event.
So when Lee "Arsenal have got no chance, Arsenal aren't in the game, Arsenal look tired, Arsenal lack cohesion, a great goal from Arsenal which has been coming since kick off" Dixon or the lying hun are on co-commentary, always pay close attention to the outputs from these former players who have enjoyed profitable associations with the bookies.
Another journey is the one that match recordings make from ground to editing room to Match of the Day programme.
At some point in this chain of creation exists corrupted oversight and it's blindly obvious where it is.
It is the divine suite where narratives are written and where Wasserman clients are highlighted and their match outputs exaggerated.
It's the suite where realities are doctored and explanations are composed to misinform viewers over the latest occasion where Anthony Taylor sees a goal scored and then elects to blow the whistle for a fake foul that allegedly occurred thirty minutes earlier..
It's the sweet suite.
And what goes around comes around as the captured talking heads in the studio confirm the fake edits (with adjusted post-match commentating) that is being broadcast to our disbelieving eyes.
Premier League football is fake.
Skallagrim: "... the more journeys you make, the more directions they take."
8. The Swiss System Utilised In UEFA Club Competitions This Season Is Deliberately Primed To Enhance Corruption & Matchfixinhg While Destroying Fair Play & Integrity
All sports (including football) are balanced in integrity by the structures of the competitions.
This started to be distorted when cup draws and the fixture list templates themselves became corrupted. Now Spain's La Liga is seriously considering playing matches in America - that delicate structure of home & away match integrity is threatened.
But no entity has moved as far as UEFA in its destruction of the sport in favour of presentation.
Is sport just a corrupted spectacle now?
From their rotten core, Britannia's huns with their long range guns are more than an occupying force, they are carcinogenic and infect football in other territories and in other administrations.
Organised crime from Britain has been corrupting UEFA for many years and this has been extended to numerous domestic European leagues over the last five years or so.
Certain agents have been exporting their corruption templates.
In Britain, this is what is known as a growth strategy.
Bizarrely, exactly the type of people who should have no power over the selection of referees for UEFA events are, entertainingly, exactly the sort of people who control referee appointments at European football's governing body.
As it's transnational organised crime that is required for European domination of corruption, appropriate liaisons are made for performativity.
But being battles over turf, these cartels (and similar constructs) splinter and fragment and many targets are missed due to psychopathic power plays.
And the work of anti-corruption whistleblowing entities.
The new Swiss System in the UEFA club competitions is the most modular corruption template yet invented by the criminal fraternity.
Firstly, there was no 'draw'.
The matches were privately arranged away from the glare of any publicity.
UEFA had originally explored this rogue structure before claiming in the media that it had been considered and then rejected.
But, away from media, it was reconsidered and the desire for spectacle and insider trading meant that the public face was privately turned..
This was exposed through appalling control of the crime scene when Ronaldo, who pressed the button that allegedly activated the automated draw, found that the Barcelona games had appeared on screen before the said button had been depressed.
If you are going to be corrupt.
At least try to be clever with your corruption.
We prefer a challenge in our work.
Beyond that the Swiss System allows many more matchfixing events as teams have very low thresholds to achieve for qualification for the next round.
There is a simple law in football competitions.
The more teams that are able to qualify from a group, the more matchfixing takes place.
One Two Three Four Five.
And here is the final part of our Interview with the Stella Maris Cell from Dundalk.
Our aim in this process is to provide an overview of the corrupting mechanisms impacting on English football.
We strongly believe that IREF's brief is too narrow and blinkered to have any real impact on the lack of integrity in the game.
We always sing, even when we're losing
9. Mafia Infiltration Of The State
When mafia and state coalesce then the outcome is entirely systemic. As Malta is the base for so many bookmakers, what is the impact on English football of the integration of state and mafia on the island?
On the eighteenth anniversary of the founding of the Football Is Fixed Network, the autocratic regime of Azerbaijan begins its hosting of the COP29 Climate Change Conference.
The Azerbaijani government has been run by the Aliyev family for over three decades, elections are fraudulent and Freedom House describe the nation as "authoritarian".
The 'west' very much likes Azeri oil and natural gas as, via the Southern Gas Corridor, it reduces dependence on Russia, another autocratic and authoritarian state.
Why a rampant oil producer is presenting a conference addressing man-made climate catastrophe issues is a twisted Orwellian construct beyond the scope of this Interview.
Within the last decade in Azerbaijan, Amnesty International have reported "Reprisals against independent journalists and activists" and that "... the persecution of political dissent continued."
Ilham Aliyev, the president of this petro-fascist state used to cosy up to the mafia state of Malta when Joseph Muscat was prime minister and Keith Schembri was his chief of staff. They liaised over numerous matters including corruption in football.
Through the Maltese mafia state, rogue security services, mafia businessmen (Yorgen Fenech, for example), a whole array of illicit scams were established - the Golden Passport scheme was created allowing criminals into the EU, football was systemically criminalised, bookmakers flocked to the island, as did football agents eager to profit from the slave trade in third party owned African players being trafficked into Europe.
Civil society was also undermined resulting in the assassination of anti-corruption whistleblower Daphne Caruana Galizia in 2017.
There are a lot of other countries where state terror, captured security services and organised crime penetrate one another in a Gombrowiczian style - Israel, the US, China, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Hungary, Turkey etc.
Even Mother England with the politicised detention of Julian Assange, the role of the state in allowing the Saudi takeover of Newcastle United, the 'anti-terror' police activities against investigative journalists who talk about I****l or g******e or w** c****s or the H******l D*******e or e****c c*******g and in the systemic corruption at the foundation of the Premier League.
It is truly astonishing how the same states are revealed to be involved in transnational organised crime and terror once one starts to dig into the cesspit of corruption.
A member of our Network was approached by a Maltese military intelligence operative in Mallorca several years back. That led to an entertaining interaction!
And Military Intelligence operators in the UK have listed countries that I should not travel to which is fine as I wouldn't fancy going to any of them anyway!
But the point remains that it is the collusion of state and organised crime and terror and libertarian security that enables these global kleptocratic and criminalised templates to emerge.
It is a pity that football is embroiled in all this nonsense.
If this is football then I don't want it
10. Global Betting Market Structure: Corruption Is Guaranteed When The Global Betting Markets Are So Liquid & Everybody Has A Price & There Is No Regulation - Insider Trading & Market Capture & Criminalised Bookmakers & Matchfixing To Order / Short-Selling Your Team For Profit Because You're A Mafia Man & You Can Do That Thing
With the betting patterns and insider trading evidences that you shared with us, it is difficult to comprehend how football stands any chance of legitimacy against the hostile liquidity of the global markets. Many games are of minimal consequence compared to the betting markets attached to the event while competitive matches are even more prized by mafia. What chance is there for English football?
By some distance, the largest infrastructural impact on integrity in football are the global betting markets, the entirely non-regulated global betting markets, that would be.
From the dark pools where institutional power entities trade against one another to the South East Asian underground markets to the private markets for insiders to the public markets, the entire edifice is rotten to the core.
Bookmakers actively seek out liaisons with individuals close to the action - football agents, match officials, captured players and managers while reciprocally football agents bring corruption and matchfixing to the sport and seek market access for their criminal behaviours by enticing market makers to complete the route to systemic corruption templates.
Prior to last season, the Clown approached a bookmaker offering full details of matchfixing under his supervision and established a win - win agreement with the bookie.
This semi-systemic corruption has evolved into something of far greater consequence this season, entirely demolishing the integrity of the Premier League.
██ EPL teams have created extensive routes to market to monetise their insider trading (some teams frequently short-sell themselves as they rip off their fanbases).
There are only █ teams in the league who don't trade on their own games.
The situation with the PGMOL is even more insidious and it simply isn't feasible that the upper echelons of this private body are unaware of the systemic corruptions taking place under their alleged oversight.
Consequently, the betting markets are corrupted and, as a result, are entirely inefficient (i.e. all of the information is not in the price as otherwise there would be many events with 1/100 favourites or the draw being 1/25).
The bodies that supposedly monitor for matchfixing are owned by the bookmakers who massively profit from matchfixing while very few bookmakers allow winning accounts (unless from insider trading sources).
English football morphed into horseracing and has now evolved into a captured and corrupted online poker platform.
And not only is this insider trading and matchfixing accommodated by bookmakers with no regulatory monitoring but bookies infiltrate parliament via shady MPs to prevent any deceleration in their future corruptions.
The Football Is Fixed Network have provided our primary broker with 47 pre-match advices out of the 100 Premier League games to date this season.
Not one single advice has been wrong (although a few positions were breakeven on the Asian Handicaps) and for some teams we have a 10/10 return.
Using our machine learning and quantum market analytics etc means we are perceptive in the market place but these levels of performance may only be achieved in totally corrupted structures like the EPL.
Let's take a closer look at Manchester United under the Clown & Ten Hag and one very high profile referee.
If this is football (and it is) then we don't want it.
It is imperative that IREF is given the powers to address insider trading and matchfixing in English football.
Better way to live
11. Wikileaks & The Struggle Against Predatory Capitalism - The Critical Nature Of Direct Action In Bringing About Change
Predatory capitalism is at the root of all corruption. We agree with you on the criticality of direct action. The Football Is Fixed Network have succeeded in lasting 18 years. How?
Despite all of our sousveillance, despite all of the global array of servers that eat up all of our 'profits', despite our cellular web structure, despite our utilisation of extensive real-time coding and letter drops and our refusal to incorporate the usual electronic security options into our Network, despite the development of the Iceberg Effect that guarantees mutually assured destruction if the mafia come too close, despite the ongoing creation of enclosure squeezes where our enemies slowly realise that any move they make in the mid-game leads to checkmate in the end-game, despite the mockery which belittles the psychopath's limited sense of self, despite the forensic psychology, despite some support from military intelligence sympathisers, despite historically working with the best White and Grey Hat hackers in Romania, despite unrequested current inputs from these very same hackers, despite our direct action strategies, despite the state-induced self-censorship, despite our privileged access to the deepest of global betting markets, despite living rent-free in the vacuum of the Clown's head for nearly two decades, despite our holographic overview of the corrupted reality via intercepts, messengers, creative security intrusions and other elaborate laterally thought routes into enemy systems, despite playing the long war, despite being regarded as the best sports analyst on Earth, despite choosing not to release certain information made available to us to protect our sources into perpetuity, despite having two of the best lawyers that money can buy who are both willing to work with us free of charge, despite our extensive strategic defence and proactive military campaigns, despite the 'anti-Bletchley Park-ing' of our coding systems, despite the support of other whistleblowing entities and NGOs like the Courage Foundation, despite the fact that many of us have existed in this state for the entirety of our adult lives meaning that David versus Goliath constructs are our life norm, despite twenty grands worth of security on both of my residences, despite an lucht siuil security and tinker-gene resilience, despite our liaisons with political entities that confront power, despite the repeated facing down of the omnipresence of organised crime operating to sociopathic agendas, there has to be an element of luck in campaigning longevity.
The attempt on my life in 2019 only failed due to speed of reaction to hit the brake before the targeting vehicle wrote off mine...
... and that speed of reaction mainly exists due to countless hours playing football as a child.
Football saved my life so it only seems reasonable to repay the compliment.
Ah, ha ha, ha ha...
We are currently engaged in a programme where we train up other bodies in the development of robust strategic defence composites to address the intrusions of corrupted operations.
Several of the inputs mentioned above (plus a whole number more that we are not willing to share in public) are on an elevated level of criticality when it comes to whistleblowing.
One of the primary discoveries during this programme has been how near identical predatory capitalism infrastructures are present wherever corruption raises its illicit plasticated head.
We work with whistleblowers in the NHS in the UK (sic) and they are witnessing the takeover of senior levels of the NHS by individuals who combine parallel employment in the private health sector with membership of some fucked up masonic lodge.
The private healthcare industry is starving the welfare body to death so that, in future, the entirely privatised healthcare system can make you the offer: "If you want us to treat your cancer then you are going to have to give us your home."
Andrew Feinstein's work exposing the corrupted practices between states and the arms industry, the role of mafia and state in the assassinations of Daphne Caruana Galizia and Jan Kuciak, the malicious projects orchestrated by the Royal Bank of Scotland to asset-strip small businesses, the Post Office Horizon scandal, the imprisoning of Julian Assange for the crime of exposing the psychopathic reality of state operations and the elite (sic) levels of the private sector, the destruction of the planet by fossil fuel companies with the accompaniment of governments, the poisoning of our world with forever plastics and nuclear waste (whose half-lives will outlive our lethal mutation of a species by millennia)...
All of these are predatory capitalism farces - a refusal to accept externalities into price, a refusal to accept the future in the present, an aversion to regulation and oversight and a sociopathic desire to destruct the world of our children in the name of extensive proprietary power and short-term profit.
Control of the mainstream media is essential to prevent public discussion of these predatory capitalism infrastructures so it is vital that a direct action-based alternative media exposes the holistics of corporate and state crimes.
Equally essential is the utilisation of available transnational bodies that can integrate truth into a captured narrative e.g. the manner in which Assange liaised with the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to prove that he was held as a "political prisoner" by the UK (sic) and USA.
As the world is so distorted and dysfunctional, there are always unintended consequences even in the most carefully planned strategic operations.
Assange made three 'errors'.
Firstly, by releasing troves of documents in vaults of output, he informed his enemies of the full array of evidences that WikiLeaks had in their possession.
There were no hidden surprises for the psychopaths further down the line.
Secondly, he trusted that bastion of a disguised predatory capitalism, the Guardian newspaper, who promptly shopped him to the state leading to over a decade of illicit incarceration by a pair of rogue states.
And, thirdly, he has unwittingly made things markedly worse via the reactions of elite (sic) psychopathy to his disclosures.
Once WikiLeaks revealed just how monstrous western (and other) states were (both collectively and individually), the Trumps and the Netanyahus and the Modis and the Orbans and the Putins and the Musks and the Johnsons of this world suddenly realised that, as their masks had been removed, there was no longer any value in invoking public relations into their outputs.
If a psychopath is stripped bare and the world witnesses the skeleton of sociopathy, then becoming a latter day Hitler is the course of choice.
The Mask of Psychopathy is replaced by the Jackboot of Psychopathy.
Football Is Fixed exist within the Occupied Territories of a Clown's Corruption in the same manner as Palestinians 'live' in the Apartheid Occupied Territories of Gaza and the Irish live in the Six Counties Occupied Territories of a Gracious Crown.
As the elite have decided to terminate our beautiful planet in return for a super yacht, several homes and a conveyor belt of high class call girls, we are "living in the end times" of our species [see Slavoj Zizek for the hyperreality].
We're all fucked but at least we know who is responsible for the fucking!
Whistleblowers of the World Unite and Mock the Murk and Deconstruct the NeoHyperreality!!
Death to predatory capitalism!!!
There has to be a better way to live in the time we have left.
God Bless England --- The Transparency Of Corruption
12. God Bless England - The Transparency Of Corruption
What powers would you like IREF to have?
The Transparency of Corruption is a problem for those perpetrating matchfixing in English football.
And having a considerable section of the game under the power of a malignant narcissist Clown is not a very good idea either - the Clown is not slick enough nor strategic enough to hold such a position and he makes certain the eventual collapse of this house of cards.
English football needs to sift the shit instead of encouraging it to rise to the top.
No criminal infrastructure has permanency.
A robust and meaningful IREF is critical to take English football into a brighter tomorrow.
For anti-corruption whistleblowers, matchfixing can never be hidden as the perpetrators must always monetise their corruption in the betting markets.
No matter where or how deep in the market the insider trading takes place, we will always detect it.
The Transparency of Corruption is like a Goldfish Bowl.
All the swimming, feeding, mating, living and sleeping must take place within the bowl.
It is not equivalent to financial markets (or to cosmology, for that matter).
It is a closed system not complicated by derivative or currency markets; not impacted upon by external physical processes.
English football has a clear choice - clean it up or become irrelevant.
There is a huge ongoing debate under way over who actually owns football.
IREF exists within that flux but the powers outlined below will reduce matchfixing, peripheralise insider trading, limit the power of organised crime and lead to a cleaner product (as the owners of our sport like to refer to it).
* Global betting markets must be robustly regulated to tame corruption. This isn't going to happen anytime soon as the power bases are an accommodation between rogue states and organised crime in order to maintain market advantage. But IREF can be a pacesetter and address insider trading surfacing at British or British-owned or British-located SE Asian operations or British Overseas Territories or members of the British Commonwealth. God Bless England! She loves to export her criminal templates far and wide. If bookmakers want to exist within the above diaspora of predatory capitalism locations then they must be bound by IREF oversight. Any club insiders trading on private information should be banned from the sport and the market. In something as manipulable as football, all insider trading should be banned. The bookmakers need to have their books open to scrutiny and underground mafia bookmakers from the Far East should not be able to plaster their logos on Premier League team shirts nor on the advertising promotions that shuffle around the stadium. Betting is killing integrity. IREF must have powers to address this.
* The regulator of the first resort on the field of play is the referee. One of the reasons that organised crime worked so hard to destabilise the introduction of VAR into the Premier League was the removal of this omnipotent power from one flawed individual. Once Stockley Park was properly integrated into the template, VAR was allowed to function to an extent. As we have already shared in numerous places, the PGMOL is not a body of integrity. There are a whole shed load of things that we are not sharing due to the Iceberg Effect that would be front page news if published. IREF must be in control of the refereeing body. The roster of referees must be markedly expanded. Rogue officials mustn't be imported from around the world. All referee appointments cannot be under the control of one very compromised individual. Fans should be able to hear the conversations between referee, 4th official & VAR. To address the subjectivity of decisions in football, a grouping of refereeing judges should replace VAR - other sports like gymnastics utilise a panel of judges to avoid bias and subjectivity and English football should do the same. Some of the matches that these feckers are fucking over have global betting market volumes of £10 billion. Underperforming referees should be sacked. Refererees favouring any team should be sacked. Referees owned by organised crime should be sacked and prosecuted. And referees trading (in person or via proxy) on matches which they are officiating should be sacked. The PGMOL is simply not fit for purpose.
* So that fans may be aware of potential cartelised conflicts of interest on the field of play, the team sheets should include the name of the players' and managers' agents. This is the case in horseracing where owner, trainer and jockey are named as well as the horse. For example, fans have a right to know that the managers of Arsenal, Newcastle United, Chelsea & West Ham United all have the same agent, Wasserman (Wasserman also represented the sacked Gary O'Neil at Wolverhampton Wanderers), Attempts at agent-led corruption and matchfixing must be in the public eye.
* Doping is out of control in the Premier League and UK Anti Doping (UKAD) is conspicuous by its absence and its lack of impact. The monitoring of doping should be brought under IREF auspices with random testing of players both in and out of game and season. Currently the pitiful efforts to detect doping suggest that UKAD is a captured entity that does not want to upset the apple cart of performance enhancing substances being used to gain competitive advantage.
* The foreign policy of the sitting government should have no impact on the decisions relating to club ownership (particularly by mafia entities and / or state terrorists). The manner in which Alan Fucking Shearer, organised crime networks, Johnson's government, Newcastle United FC, Amanda Staveley, the PIF, the Premier League and Fucking Ant & Fucking Dec conspired to allow the murderer of Jamal Khashoggi to own the Geordie club must not become the norm. Similarly, allowing an active bookmaker to own a Premier League team (Matthew Benham at Brentford, for instance) is never going to improve integrity. The bastard doesn't even allow winning accounts at his bookmaking operation and he's simply taking the piss as every single Brentford game is a boiler room scam.
* The entire absence of the fictitious concept known as trickle down economics applies to football just as it does to the wider continuum of predatory capitalism. There never has been any trickle down from capitalism's birth - colonialism, slavery, navvies, gig economy workers... IREF needs to take control of the English game's financial monitoring to ensure that the slow bleeding to death of a myriad of teams from across the country is terminated via an enforced sharing of the booty flowing into the EPL. English football should not solely belong to the Premier League and its captured agendas.
* There is also a role for IREF with the 'unionisation' of players that we discussed in Part 1 of this Interview. The PFA internally and FIFPRO externally can be advised as to how to avoid any of the issues around the transfer market - money laundering, trafficking and enslaving of African players, third party ownership, coercion of players by organised crime, managers charging players to be picked, agents bribing managers to pick their clients etc etc.
* Finally, IREF must fight tooth and nail to avoid their oversight of the game being influenced by the creation of loopholes to enable the shysters to continue being active as shysters into the future. Regulatory bodies frequently suffer from loophole dilution on the impact of addressing foul practices. The board of advisers and internal appointments at IREF should be for fixed terms of, say, four years to prevent regulatory capture. The interview processes in the English game are generally a private matter between a captured institution and organised crime. This must be changed.
God Bless England - The Transparency Of Corruption...
... but it does not have to be like this.
Football is a sport, not a mafia matrix.
May English football rest in peace.
Abhaile ar an sioruidheacht go raibh a anam.
The Irish Times: "Having a monarchy next door is a little like having a neighbour whose really into clowns and has daubed their house with clown murals, displays clown dolls in each window and has an insatiable desire to hear about and discuss clown-related news stories. More specifically for the Irish, it's like having a neighbour whose really into clowns and also, your grandfather was murdered by a clown"
Football Is Fixed: "Having systemic corruption in the Premier League in England is a little like having a sport that's really into a Clown and has daubed their league with Clown matchfixing, displays Clown clients in all media and has an insatiable desire to hear about and discuss Clown-related news stories. More specifically for Football Is Fixed, it's like having a sport that's really into a Clown and also, your Network has experienced threats, menaces and violence from a Clown"
The Coote Coup For Football Is Fixed's 18th Anniversary
In the 2022 / 2023 season David Coote became the first match official to be appointed to both domestic cup finals in the same season - both events involved Erik ten Hag's Manchester United
We have been reliably informed that the Clown was behind Coote's appointments
Here is what a former referee said at the time of Coote's appointment for the League Cup Final: "I shall now be very careful in what I write. My opinion is that Coote does not receive this appointment because of refereeing excellence. The powers-that-be clearly wish to reward him with appointments which... are beyond what his on field performances seem to merit. Why that should be is a matter of conjecture and speculation about which I have an opinion though I will keep it strictly to myself"
All you amateur analysts out there should create two databases of David Coote being VAR or referee for Liverpool matches - the first should address the events prior to (but including) his nonsense decision as VAR official not to call attention to the assault by Jordan Pickford on Virgil van Dijk in October 2020; the second are his matches involving Liverpool since that date
Miraculously, Coote seems to have experienced an epiphany after the Pickford farce and any 'biases' by the official suddenly inverted - Coote pre-Pickford is strongly negatively correlated with Coote post-Pickford
It must be magic
Good riddance anyway
One of the many totally excellent things about the mainstream media angles on the alleged targeting of Liverpool and the decline of David Coote is that it is Liverpool who, in reality, have the most to lose from Coote's demise (alongside Arsenal, Manchester United & Newcastle United)
And the Clown has lost a Web Setter - a costly error
In fact, he's recently lost three Web Setters, just like that
There's so much beauty to this particular hyperreality but a primary primordial glow exists around one issue - how the scripted spectacle of content dressed up as sport can be thrown entirely off piste by one dose of a real reality from a captured Fool
The Clown laments the Fool
The Clown (and associates), however, are desperate not to lose the Fool, so much so that Peter Walton has been telling media that referees "aren't corrupt" - unfortunately, Walton also has linkages with the Clown and had some 'issues' of his own regarding integrity when he was an active PGMOL referee (see Peter Walton Is A Red Bastard)
And now we have been told that Coote is a linesman too...
... might as well do a white line
Malcolm X: "The white man will try to satisfy us with symbolic victories rather than economic equity and real justice"
On the telly the other night they were pretending to be in Athens for the Greece versus England UEFA Nations League game
They weren't in Athens.
They were in the UK in a studio being prompted on their guided vocal output
This has two impacts
Firstly, the commentary team are distracted by the duality of monitoring the action on the field of play on a selection of screens whilst also monitoring the "action" in the studio - this led to Lee telling us that "Athens is a tough place to go" before being swiftly corrected as to his simulated geographical location while Sam mistook one Black man hitting the post for another, got the wrong goalscorer of one of the goals and failed to see Pickford's key stop at 1-0
There was also a conveyor belt of carefully filtered information regarding England's potential position in their group as the match progressed - Sam & Lee weren't actually lying...
... they were just being economical with the truth
Very economical
And, secondly, there is no true narrative flow, just bookmaker prompted / agent cartel prompted / insider trading disinformation prompted claptrap
Everyone is a winner
Apart from you
The fan
Scott Murray in the Guardian Minute-By-Minute (MBM) commentary from Athens wrote after 4 minutes: "England need to win this game if they're going to have a chance of finishing top the group. They need to match or better Greece's 2-1 scoreline also. With this in mind, on ITV, the commentating team of Sam Matterface and Lee Dixon have already mentioned the benched Harry Kane over 800 times"
England scored after seven minutes
And Scott Murray wasn't in Athens either
Furthermore, the MBM commentary is controlled by agents of the Clown to disguise under performance and enhance over performance by the Clown's clients
And the reasons for this corrupted templates?
To bolster bookmakers' profits, fleece punters and enhance the value of the Clown's clients
As we have already shared with Network members, the Clown is attempting to hide the routes that three captured PGMOL referees have their match manipulations and matchfixing monetised in the betting markets - we placed all intercepts on the new Bucuresti server earlier today if you missed them
Well, Mr Clown, that doesn't work as we have an operative in Cyprus
And another at ████████████ ██████████ ███ ███████████████ ███████
The Clown owns these three officials as he did David Coote before he was outed from the game at the onset of the International Break
Fortunately, the PGMOL Chief Refereeing Officer is a former policeman Howard Webb so we can safely relax knowing that he will be doing everything in his powers to detect and remove dodgy referees
However, if Webb is unable to police his officials then IREF must take over the PGMOL as it is the major locus of matchfixing in the Premier League as rogue match officials are, in effect, a corrupted 'regulator' of the last resort
Of course, the Clown has a history of referee manipulation - let's take a look at Jonathan Moss
Moss and the Clown played together at Sunderland in the early 90's
The Clown got Moss promoted to the PGMOL Select Group referees in 2010 / 2011 having previously boasted to Football Is Fixed Network that he "owned" the official
Moss had a particularly rogue professional refereeing career especially in his malicious officiating of Jose Mourinho as part of the Clown's targeting of Gestifute
The last match involving Moss as referee was the incredibly fixed Championship Play-Off Final in 2022 between Nottingham Forest and Huddersfield Town
Moss was then made a manager at the PGMOL before being forced out after rows with leading referees
The Clown then got Moss the role of Head of VAR at the Scottish FA where he lasted just 52 days - VAR intrusions in Scotland have been the most contrived of all major European leagues
Then Moss was made referee chief at Football Australia
Jobs for the boy
The Clown should be helping the police with their inquiries
The Clown should also be interviewed over serial sex offender Mohamed Al-Fayed as he was Fulham FC club agent at the time of the rapes and sexual assaults and was very very very frequently in very very very close contact with the Egyptian during his serial abuses of vulnerable women
The Clown should be helping the police with their inquiries
Interestingly, the insider trading corruption template at Manchester United didn't alter one iota in the changeover from Erik ten Hag to Ruud van Nistelrooy and all analysts will be very interested in how this template changes under Ruben Amorim
The Clown should be helping the police with their inquiries
When the Clown is rattled (which he undoubtedly is currently) he tends to hit out randomly while, in parallel, attempting to display his organised control over matchfixing and media
So, England versus Eire was a matchfixing event with Caoimhin Kelleher (represented by Wasserman) letting in the first five shots on target which fitted neatly with the insider trading and the excessive praise for Kelleher pre-match from ITV reprobates Roy Keane and Mark Pougatch coupled with mainstream media puff pieces in the aftermath
The Clown is a frustrated music mogul and constantly attempts to surround himself with manufactured artists who he leeches onto with his plasticity and shiny teeth
So he was present at the funeral of Liam Payne out of One Direction yesterday and was instrumental in getting Louis Tomlinson (of the same band) to appear for Glasgow Celtic in a charity match for Stiliyan Petrov
Being a dark empath, the Clown likes to be seen to be associated with good deeds while criminalising everything in his orbit - he is a latter day Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde bipolar dual reality psychopath who gains media sympathy for clients who he has driven to suicidal acts while hanging around Jimmy Savile wannabees and matchfixing our beautiful sport via the coercion of players and referees
The Clown should be helping the police with their inquiries
The Clown should be made famous for what it is that he is
John Clown is an International Thief Thief who exports his corruption templates to other major European leagues
Just Like That - How The PGMOL Achieves Magic
The future of English football depends on knowing the fake realities as matchfixing operations have murdered the soul of the sport producing a resultant dismal pretence of play.
The Premier League table produced below (prior to the weekend's games of December 7th - 9th 2024) shows the real table without the corrupted erroneous inputs of the PGMOL.
The average points differential from the allegedly legitimate table is 3 points per club for the nineteen members of the division aside from Liverpool.
By a conjuring magic, Liverpool have received an extra 15 points courtesy of PGMOL roguery mistakes.
1. Arsenal 14-31 (-3)
2. Chelsea 14-30 (-2)
3. Manchester City 14-29 (-3)
4. Nottingham Forest 14-24 (-2)
5. Bournemouth 14-23 (-2)
6. Fulham 14-23 (-1)
7. Aston Villa 14-23 (-1)
8. Tottenham Hotspur 14-21 (-1)
9. Liverpool 14-20 (+15)
10. Newcastle United 14-20 (0)
11. Brighton And Hove Albion 14-19 (+4)
12. Manchester United 14-19 (0)
13. Crystal Palace 14-18 (-6)
14. Wolverhampton Wanderers 14-16 (-7)
15. Brentford 14-13 (+7)
16. Everton 14-13 (+1)
17. West Ham United 14-12 (+3)
18. Ipswich Town 14-12 (-3)
19. Southampton 14-12 (-7)
20. Leicester City 14-9 (+4)
Of course, in the holistic, it helps that there are a number of PGMOL referees who cannot officiate on Liverpool matches due to either living in the city, supporting Liverpool or both.
That's fine.
This happens in all leagues - check out the number of Bundesliga referees who support FC Bayern, for example.
But, in the Premier League, this construct has become criminalised an issue.
When the match officials who are not allowed to be on Liverpool matches officiate on Manchester City or Arsenal, more tricks occur, more matchfixing operations manipulation of outcome.
Addendum - Check Liverpudlian referee Rob Jones and the red card (and the denial of a penalty) for Manchester City's Rico Lewis this weekend as an example of this distorting control of integrity.
Jones turned a City victory into a defeat, just like that.
One can argue that this decision, although erroneous, was just a subjective mistake.
But VAR should have got involved and given the penalty but the PGMOL are captured so we had a fix instead.
Plus, if it was just two incompetent refereeing 'errors', how does one explain that every single key underground bookmaker knew before the game that City would not win at Selhurst Park?
Fantastic stuff and nonsense.
And, on Matchfixing Match Of The Day, complete lies were propagated over the incident with the commentator (commentary added post-match) claiming that VAR couldn't review the red card as it was a second yellow which, frankly, is entirely fucking irrelevant - the penalty foul occurred prior to the yellow / red card and Jones should have gone to the monitor.
A good way of determining truth in the EPL is to listen to the corrupt racist Alan Shearer, invert whatever shite he is spouting and, voila, there's your reality!
Jones was also the referee who ludicrously red carded William Saliba in Arsenal's defeat at Bournemouth earlier in the season.
Will the lanky streak of scouse piss be given a title winning medal at the conclusion of the season?
He should be.
When Liverpool last stole won the EPL title in 2019 / 2020, they received 25 'extra' points over the season.
Statistician Ted Knutson stated: "It's entirely possible that Liverpool are gaining advantages that aren't being picked up by the xG model. At a certain point when... the expected goals doesn't reflect that [the Liverpool points tally], maybe you've got some stuff going on that is beyond the model."
Like systemic corruption magic?
Exactly the same overview could be given for the entirely criminalised unexpected title triumph of Leicester City four years earlier.
In the summer, the PGMOL Chief Refereeing Officer Howard Webb announced that he would disclose which teams the PGMOL referees support...
... then more magical inputs and smokes and mirrors meant that this statement morphed into a "misrepresentation".
What do the Premier League and PGMOL have to hide?
Surely, the team supported should have no influence on anything in a professional infrastructure?
Evidently the referees in England are, to a significant extent, problematical to the integrity of the sport with one crime boss currently doing everything within his powers to stop the world being able to analyse where three EPL referees are having their match decisions monetised in the betting markets.
More fucking magic.
But it ain't only the refs.
Desperate Van
Entities at Manchester United insider traded the team's matches to a greater degree than any other club on planet Earth under Ten Hag and Van Nistelrooy...
... and when this pair were sacked and their orchestrator sent on his way, by utter and complete magic, the insider trading ceased.
Just like that!
Is the Premier League involved in this corruption?
Does the Premier League turn a blind eye towards this corruption?
Or is the Premier League so inept that it would fail to recognise corruption even if it was present at all of their gatherings?
Who knows?
Who Knows?
God Bless England --- The Transparency Of Corruption
Uilleann pipes celebrating Carolan's life & English football's death via the Clown's corruption
Dallas - the story of how a former referee known for his sectarian bias, trained up two younger referees to continue his biases post-retirement, before becoming the only person to get an MBE for head-butting the queen and who now makes all of the refereeing appointments in the Premier League on behalf of an organised crime boss.
Ghirls and Bhoys, we give you the Premier League --- the most corrupt football league in the world.
HUGH DALLAS, a former heavily compromised Scottish football referee who now makes all refereeing appointments in the English Premier League on behalf of PGMOL
HOWARD WEBB, a former policeman who became a leading referee and who is now Chief Refereeing Officer at the PGMOL. To show that police people don't do nepotism, he appointed his wife Bibiana Steinhaus-Webb as the PGMOL's Women's Professional Game Director. Steinhaus-Webb is also a trained police officer and has reached the rank of Chief Inspector.
MARTIN ATKINSON, a former policeman who became an English football referee before being employed as a PGMOL coach on his retirement from on-field activities. Atkinson was then made responsible for all referee appointments in the Premier League until November 2024.
JONATHAN MOSS, A former PGMOL referee who, during his career, ignored integrity as he was under the control of the Clown. Moss is still under the control of the Clown. After retirement, Moss became a manager at the PGMOL before being sacked and being levered in as a refereeing boss in Scotland. Moss lasted less than two months before the Clown exported him to Australia where he is now Football Australia's refereeing maestro. We have a lot of stuff on Mr Moss.
NEIL SWARBRICK, a former PGMOL referee under the tiny little thumb of the Clown who, consequently, was made Head of VAR on retirement. There he oversaw the least professional and most corrupted roll out of VAR in any league before Webb sacked him for doing exactly that thing. Swarbrick is a cunt.
THE CLOWN, A matchfixing organised roguery criminal sort of character held together by botox, fake enamel and plastic. The Clown is destructing the integrity built up in English football and is stripping that value out for proprietary offshore ventures. The Clown believes that football should be a controlled-outcome spectacle linked to the betting markets where insiders can monetise their corruptions of the sport. Football Is Fixed believe that the Clown is an organised crime boss with a Napoleon Complex.
Doechii: "Put the motherfuckin' money in my motherfuckin' hands"
The Matchfixing Mantra
The Matchfixing Man --- John "Clown" Colquhoun
In this novella, we have described the business practices of the Clown particularly in relation to corruption and matchfixing in the EPL.
The Clown directly controls a number of referees and he now has enhanced options through coercion of the referee selection process.
It has always been an issue with regards to integrity in the English game that all EPL referee appointments are made by just one individual.
Webb took over this selection process just prior to the truly remarkable criminality that led to Leicester City stealing the Premier League title in 2015 / 16 - there is no other example worldwide of referee-based bias being so explicit in a systemic corruption.
Once the war between the Lizard and the Clown broke out openly in public, the necessity of "owning" match officials became even more relevant as the referees became actual operatives in a semi-systemic turf war caused by the bifurcation of the corruption underpinning English football.
As the PGMOL evidently believe that it is critical that police people are involved in the core of their mob, Atkinson took over the referee selection process in this window.
The dichotomous nature of the semi-systemic criminalised template provided a perfect platform for analysts and hackers and contacts to piece together the reality of the PGMOL.
Some referees are totally totally bent.
Some are owned and have become friends of the perpetrators.
Others have a price and put themselves out to tender in the marketplace.
With some officials, peculiar positive correlations exist between erroneous decisions on the pitch and remarkably prescient insider trading based on those very errors in the betting markets.
Some officials, to demonstrate their Teflon nature, also trade on their erroneous decisions via proxies.
In the first period of season 2024 / 25, Atkinson was still in control of referee selection in the EPL and there was a certain degree of stability in match officiating.
But once Moss fucked off to Oz, Atkinson was helicoptered in to replace him in Scotland.
This was part of the Clown's alleged masterstroke in his war with an operation of significantly greater integrity.
His second gambit was the appointment of retired Rangers Scottish referee Dallas as the new individual in sole charge of referee selection in the English Premier League.
Two things on Dallas.
There are very few things that Huns and Fenians agree on, but every single fecker in Glasgow knew that Ibrox owned Dallas.
The Clown once showed us evidence (inadvertently) that Dallas was training up two junior referees to replace him in his roguery on his retirement - two mini-Huns for future shenanigans.
Of course this latter prank failed when Rangers were liquidated before being reborn as Sevco, a tribute act.
Incidentally, the Clown mimicked Dallas's strategy by training up Moss and Swarbrick for his own nefarious purposes in the EPL.
Why would an entity under very close scrutiny appoint an individual with historical integrity issues to allegedly clean up their operation?
Okay so.
What has happened since Dallas took over from Atkinson at the PGMOL last November?
The Clown has had his desired appointees selected for key EPL games where the Clown cleans up on two levels.
He aids teams associated with his gang and heavily undermines teams linked to other camps.
The fecker has been stupid enough to orchestrate the corruption and insider trading on these captured matches in full public gaze - we have an operative at one of the bookmakers that has been in receipt of the illicit matchfixing trades and we have routes into other integral market making entities too.
Since we disclosed in this novel novella that this is what the Clown does for a living, the entire template of insider trading and corruption has evolved in the EPL.
It shouldn't surprise you to learn that our disclosures and Dallas's appointment were contemporaneous.
This produced an enhanced reaction from the Clown's troops which had the unintended consequence of providing us with waves of proofs of the semi-systemic infrastructure built by the Clown.
By targeting other clubs to the advantage of his own stable of content, the Clown is entirely distorting the Premier League to his own financial benefit.
The Clown hates integrity and has scored the most stupendous own goal in effectively aligning the strategic aims of all of his enemies into a collective that suits all associated parties.
One might think that the mainstream media might take an interest in the contortions that spin around the likes of Webb, Atkinson, Moss, Dallas, Swarbrick and the Clown but your projections would be incorrect.
Despite fans being in uproar over refereeing biases and the dreadful standard of officiating in England, the mainstream media seem to think that structural changes around this criminalised template is not for human consumption.
The mafia are destroying English football and the media have averted their gaze.
We're done.
All The Tired Horses In The Sun, How Am I Supposed To Get Any Riding Done? ____________________________________________________________________________
Artists & Repertoire
Doechii - NPR Tiny Desk Concert
Mary Wallopers - Wexford
Radie Peat - Dark Horse On The Wind
Dominic Behan et al - God Bless England
Fontaines D.C. - Starburster
Mary Delaney - What Will We Do When We Have No Money
Mary Wallopers - Building Up And Tearing England Down
Meryl Streek - Death To The Landlord
Sinead O'Connor - Irish Ways And Irish Laws
Kneecap - Amach Anocht
Koffee - Toast
Jim McCann - Grace
Ca7riel And Paco Amoroso - NPR Tiny Desk Concert
Lankum - Rocky Road To Dublin
Lisa O'Neill - Old Note
Sinead O'Connor - The Foggy Dew
Kneecap And Radie Peat - 3CAG
Lankum - Cold Old Fire
Meryl Streek - If This Is Life
Kneecap - Better Way To Live
Mary Wallopers - God Bless England
Ulaid Featuring Michael McGoldrick - Sunset Land
The Last Poets - White Man's Got A God Complex
Dominic Behan - Master McGrath
Fela Kuti - International Thief Thief
Clancy Brothers And Tommy Makem - God Bless England
Tommy Cooper - Black Rabbit, White Rabbit
Protoje - Who Knows
Padraig Keane - A Celebration Of Carolan's 350th Birthday
We are in a niche of one. We have no competitors. ____________________________________________________________________________
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